Tell me how this is linked to the Muslim religion. The Christian Roman Empire’s population was almost 20% slaves. The United States endorsed slavery until 1860.
Sudan has no Government. Slavery is not law. There is no law. Unfortunately, the anarchy that has developed has caused some horrible things. Slavery, ethnic wars, religious wars, and just plain death.
I’ve been saying for months that we need to go into Sudan. But not as a military force. We need to go in and help the people who need help. Because there is no Government, there is also no real organized resistance, we won’t need to fight large scale battles, or kill large numbers of people with aerial bombing.
Hell, we need to help out that entire area of East Africa. Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan are 3 reasons why terrorism exists. Dictators, Terrorists, and Drug Dealers all prosper in poverty. And this region has enough poverty to go around.
But thats the problem. When you mix extreme poverty with any moving force, in this case religion, people take their hate out on others. In this case it just happens to be Muslims killing Christians. However, any racial, ethnic, or economic group can experience the same thing. We saw during the French Revolution, during Hitler’s rise and fall and during countless other periods of history.
During the French Revolution, the third estate was entrenched in serfdome, lack of food, and an oppressive upper class. When they overthrew that upper class, they took out their hate on them. Thousands of upper classmen died, mostly to mob violence.
Nazism is the perfect example of what poverty can do. Hitler rose during the deepest trench of the Great Depression. The German people were 10x worse off than Americans were, as were most Europeans. Hitler took advantage of this, and was able to seize power. He was able to use the Jews as scapegoats, successfully controlling the hate of the German people.
Terrorism is created in the same way. When people are oppressed, poor, and starving, they eventually crack. When they crack, extremists, radicals, and people who you normally would not let in your house come to power. They are charismatic and intelligent enough to take advantage of a person’s emotions, and manipulate them.
We cannot combat terrorism with guns. We have to destroy it’s source, extreme poverty. Thats what I am trying to do here. If we blame the Islaamic religion, we are never going to solve this problem. We have to focus on the solution, or the bloodshed will continue. We have the power, and the responsiblity, as the #1 nation in the world, to help other nations survive and prosper.
This thread was ment by me to tie together my beliefs about why we should not be going to war with Iraq, and also why Israel is wrong in it’s actions.