An interesting variation on the point; but nothing got paired multiple times at once. Good call.
I refer to both TAC+FIG and ART+MAN as a “combat pair” (or if confusing, “air pair”) when I roll–but that pairing concept 1:1 is the key I think.
if a submarines “first shot” (attacking at 2 or defending at 1) kills and enemy unit, that unit cannot fire back. correct?
they can either do this or submerge if there are no destroyers each round.
so…… what is a round? attackers attack, defender chooses casualties and fires back, remove casualties on both sides??
if thats a round, that means subs can do a “first shot” again??
also if they submerge, they are taken out of combat and cannot return. pretty much just placed back on the board.
for AAA, do they fire at the beginning of each round and the casualties cannot attack? or just once?
ive always played with subs and AAA doing theyre special attack before the first round and thats it. every other round, the AAA dont shoot and the subs no longer fire a “first shot”. i just thought of this and if ive been playing wrong and AAA fire each round and subs first shot each round if theyres no destroyers…i will finally figure out why i always thought AAA felt SUPER UNDERPOWERED. i feel really dumb right now cuz i think ive been playing wrong
You were :-o
But that’s cool we all make mistakes
They get a first strike n times where n = the number of times they roll an attack roll without Destroyer’s present.
same for AAA?
AAA guns fire only at the very beginning of a battle. Then they just do nothing for the rest of the battle, aside from possibly being taken as a casualty.
ok thx guys!
if a submarines “first shot” (attacking at 2 or defending at 1) kills and enemy unit, that unit cannot fire back. correct?
Usually, but if the casualty is a sub the also gets a Surprise Strike, it will fire back, as fire is simultaneous.