TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :8
Purchase Units - Carthage
Carthage buy 8 biremes, 4 cavalrys, 1 city, 2 spearmen and 1 trireme; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat Move - Carthage
1 cavalry moved from Narbo to Nemausus
Carthage take Nemausus from RomanRepublic
1 cavalry moved from Nemausus to Massilia
11 cavalrys, 3 swordmen and 1 warelephant moved from Narbo to Massilia
2 swordmen moved from Barcino to SZ 18
2 biremes and 2 swordmen moved from SZ 18 to SZ 19
2 swordmen moved from SZ 19 to Massilia
1 cavalry moved from Capua to Arretium
Carthage take Salapia from RomanRepublic
Carthage take Arretium from RomanRepublic
1 cavalry moved from Capua to Ariminum
Carthage take Ariminum from RomanRepublic
1 warelephant moved from Capua to Tarentum
1 warelephant moved from Capua to Croton
1 hoplite, 6 spearmen, 1 swordman and 3 warelephants moved from Capua to Roma
1 spearman moved from Capua to Croton
1 spearman moved from Capua to Tarentum
2 spearmen moved from Capua to Roma
2 cavalrys moved from Berenice to Siwa
Combat - Carthage
Battle in Tarentum
Carthage attack with 1 spearman and 1 warelephant
RomanRepublic defend with 1 legionaire and 1 velites
Carthage roll dice for 1 spearman and 1 warelephant in Tarentum, round 1 : 1/2 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 1 legionaire and 1 velites in Tarentum, round 1 : 0/2 hits
1 velites owned by the RomanRepublic lost in Tarentum
Carthage roll dice for 1 spearman and 1 warelephant in Tarentum, round 2 : 0/2 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 1 legionaire in Tarentum, round 2 : 1/1 hits
Units damaged: 1 warelephant owned by the Carthage
Carthage roll dice for 1 spearman and 1 warelephant in Tarentum, round 3 : 1/2 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 1 legionaire in Tarentum, round 3 : 0/1 hits
1 legionaire owned by the RomanRepublic lost in Tarentum
Carthage win, taking Tarentum from RomanRepublic with 1 spearman and 1 warelephant remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 legionaire and 1 velites
Battle in Croton
Carthage attack with 1 spearman and 1 warelephant
RomanRepublic defend with 1 legionaire and 1 velites
Carthage roll dice for 1 spearman and 1 warelephant in Croton, round 1 : 1/2 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 1 legionaire and 1 velites in Croton, round 1 : 0/2 hits
1 velites owned by the RomanRepublic lost in Croton
Carthage roll dice for 1 spearman and 1 warelephant in Croton, round 2 : 1/2 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 1 legionaire in Croton, round 2 : 0/1 hits
1 legionaire owned by the RomanRepublic lost in Croton
Carthage win, taking Croton from RomanRepublic with 1 spearman and 1 warelephant remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 legionaire and 1 velites
Battle in Massilia
Carthage attack with 12 cavalrys, 5 swordmen and 1 warelephant
RomanRepublic defend with 8 cavalrys, 9 legionaires and 1 velites
Carthage roll dice for 12 cavalrys, 5 swordmen and 1 warelephant in Massilia, round 1 : 9/18 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 8 cavalrys, 9 legionaires and 1 velites in Massilia, round 1 : 5/18 hits
Units damaged: 1 warelephant owned by the Carthage
4 cavalrys owned by the Carthage , 8 cavalrys owned by the RomanRepublic and 1 velites owned by the RomanRepublic lost in Massilia
Carthage roll dice for 8 cavalrys, 5 swordmen and 1 warelephant in Massilia, round 2 : 5/14 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 9 legionaires in Massilia, round 2 : 2/9 hits
2 cavalrys owned by the Carthage and 5 legionaires owned by the RomanRepublic lost in Massilia
Carthage roll dice for 6 cavalrys, 5 swordmen and 1 warelephant in Massilia, round 3 : 2/12 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 4 legionaires in Massilia, round 3 : 1/4 hits
1 cavalry owned by the Carthage and 2 legionaires owned by the RomanRepublic lost in Massilia
Carthage roll dice for 5 cavalrys, 5 swordmen and 1 warelephant in Massilia, round 4 : 4/11 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 2 legionaires in Massilia, round 4 : 0/2 hits
2 legionaires owned by the RomanRepublic lost in Massilia
Carthage win, taking Massilia from RomanRepublic with 5 cavalrys, 5 swordmen and 1 warelephant remaining. Battle score for attacker is 43
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 8 cavalrys, 9 legionaires and 1 velites
Casualties for Carthage: 7 cavalrys
Battle in Roma
Carthage attack with 1 hoplite, 8 spearmen, 1 swordman and 3 warelephants
RomanRepublic defend with 1 cavalry, 1 city, 3 forts and 5 velitess
Carthage roll dice for 1 hoplite, 8 spearmen, 1 swordman and 3 warelephants in Roma, round 1 : 5/13 hits
Units damaged: 3 forts owned by the RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic roll dice for 1 cavalry, 3 forts and 5 velitess in Roma, round 1 : 3/9 hits
Units damaged: 3 warelephants owned by the Carthage
1 cavalry owned by the RomanRepublic and 1 velites owned by the RomanRepublic lost in Roma
Carthage roll dice for 1 hoplite, 8 spearmen, 1 swordman and 3 warelephants in Roma, round 2 : 4/13 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 3 forts and 4 velitess in Roma, round 2 : 3/7 hits
4 velitess owned by the RomanRepublic and 3 spearmen owned by the Carthage lost in Roma
Carthage roll dice for 1 hoplite, 5 spearmen, 1 swordman and 3 warelephants in Roma, round 3 : 5/10 hits
RomanRepublic roll dice for 3 forts in Roma, round 3 : 2/3 hits
3 forts owned by the RomanRepublic and 2 spearmen owned by the Carthage lost in Roma
Carthage captures 60PUs while taking RomanRepublic capital
Carthage win, taking Roma from RomanRepublic with 1 hoplite, 3 spearmen, 1 swordman and 3 warelephants remaining. Battle score for attacker is 22
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 cavalry, 3 forts and 5 velitess
Casualties for Carthage: 5 spearmen
Non Combat Move - Carthage
4 warelephants moved from Barcino to Narbo
1 swordman moved from Barcino to Narbo
4 cavalrys moved from Tarraco to Narbo
4 cavalrys moved from Carthago Nova to Tarraco
5 spearmen moved from Thenae to Thapsus
4 spearmen moved from Lilybaeum to SZ 33
1 bireme and 1 spearman moved from SZ 33 to SZ 32
3 spearmen and 1 trireme moved from SZ 33 to SZ 32
1 swordman moved from Carthago to SZ 32
3 spearmen moved from Carthago to SZ 32
1 swordman moved from SZ 32 to Caralis
7 spearmen moved from SZ 32 to Caralis
4 spearmen moved from Messana to Lilybaeum
Place Units - Carthage
1 city placed in Capua
4 cavalrys placed in Barcino
8 biremes and 1 trireme placed in SZ 32
1 spearman placed in Carthago
1 spearman placed in Thapsus
Turn Complete - Carthage
Carthage collect 144 PUs; end with 204 PUs total
5 units repaired.