Now way. By spring of 1942 things were looking very grim for the allies. The Soviet Union appeared to be on the verge of collapse, Rommel was on the attack in Africa and the Japanese had taken the Dutch East Indies, Malaya, Singapore, Borneo Celebes and were preparing to sweep through the Solomons and New Guinea and were planning on tkaing Hawaii, the Aleutians, Midway and even Alaska.
Psk… the Soviet Union ony “appeared” on the verge of collapse to the Germans. In reality, Russia was significantly outproducing Germany by 1942. Rommel couldn’t have taken the Suez Canal. He was way too stretched out and would be stopped by the Brits at El Alemein (Monty was way too cautious - could’ve crushed the Afrika Korps there and then). The Japanese were on a spree, though it would’ve been better if they consolidated their gains and dug in.
Had the Japanese been fighting the Sovietso n anothet front, the Soviets would have had to divdie their forces which would have led to their collapse.
By 1942 over 40% of the Soviet Union was in German hands. Stalin tried to disillusion the people by making his first broadcast over the radio with his Foreign Affairs Minister, Molotov. HE claimed that German losses were at 3 million while the soviets had suffered less than 500,000 but the Germans controlled 40% of the Soviet Union and were continuing to advance. It was Hitler’s foolishness that led to the Soviet victories at Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad and eventually at Kursk.
The German High Command was stupid. Aldolf should’ve listened to Gneral Heinz Guderian and retreated from Russia, setting up a defensive line at the Polish Border - while they still had the chance. After the failed offensive at Russia in the Fall/Winter of 1941 - they had no chance of winning. SUD probably knows more about this than I do, but the Germans didn’t stand a chance to the Russians.
Had the Japanese been fighting the Sovietso n anothet front, the Soviets would have had to divdie their forces which would have led to their collapse.
You don’t know how the Russians fight. They would would let the Japanese come, then smash them wth artillery followed by huge armored assaults after Stalin felt they had advanced enough. Japanese tanks were no match for Russian T-34s