AA50-42' mojo v U-505(x)
yea 1 buck
1 bom> egy
4 arm egy> per
4 inf lyb> egy
1 inf sud> egy
fleet except 6 subs 6> 12, 3 arm+ 1 aa uk> algerCOLLECT 50
Italy 14
purchase $9
3 inf
Non-combat moves
5 inf Fra to Ita
9 inf Ger to Pol
2 inf NWE to Ger
4 inf Bul to Ukr
3 inf EPol to Bst
1 arm Belo to CaucPlacement
3 inf ItaItaly collects $9
10 inf + 2 tran + 2 ddCOMBAT
2 inf phil> oki MT, 1 tarn 50> 601 inf new zea> carol MT, 1 tarn 42> 51
3 ac + 6 fig + 1 cr + 3 dd 50>60
1 bb 50>51
2 ac + 4 fig + 2 dd 53< 51
2 tran + 2 dd + 4 inf(w usa)> 56>51> carol
13 inf + 3 arm trj> per
1 aa trj> egy
2 inf lyb> egy
fleet 6>12MOBILIZE
2 inf phil
4 inf e usa
4 inf w usa
2 tran + 2 dd sz 56COLLECT 59
Japan 15
purchase $52
7 inf
1 arm
1 AA
2 figNon-combat moves
2 fig FIC to man
2 fig Ind to FIC
2 inf Rus to Cauc
42 inf, 2 art, 7 arm 1 AA Kaz to Cauc
1 inf Kaz to Novo
3 inf, 1 AA Bur to FIC
3 inf, 1 AA Ind to Bur
1 arm Ind to FIC
1 arm Hup to Man
5 SS sz35 to sz37Placement
1 inf Ind
2 inf Bur
2 inf FIC
1 inf, 1 AA, 1 arm man
1 inf, 2 fig JapanJapan collects $50
30 inf + 1 rtl + 10 arm per> indDICEY
10 arm
Rolls: 10@3 ; Total Hits: 510@3: (6, 3, 2, 1, 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, 6)
1 inf
Rolls: 1@2 ; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
Germany 15
purchase $60
repair 1 damage to Cauc IC
6 inf
4 art
5 armNon-combat moves
3 inf, 3 art, 13 arm Rus to Cauc
18 inf, 7 art EUkr to cauc
7 inf EPol to Ukr
1 arm Ger to EPol
8 inf, 1 art Ger to Pol
2 inf Kar to Fin
8 inf kar to BeloPlacement
2 inf, 2 art Cauc
4 inf, 2 art Rus
2 arm Kar
3 arm GerGermany collects $60
UK RD 15
50 buck, 6 inf + 3 arm + 1 sub + 1 fig, save 1COMBAT
4 arm per> ind
5 inf egy> tr jor
3 arm alger> egy
4 inf + 4 arm uk> algerMOBILIZE
3 inf ind
3 inf + 3 arm uk
1 fig uk
1 sub sz 6COLLECT 53 + 1 saved = 54
Italy 15
purchase $9
3 inf
Non-combat moves
4 inf Ukr to Cauc
1 arm cauc to EPol
3 inf Bst to Kar
3 inf Pol to Bst
6 inf Pol to Ger
2 inf Ger to Fra
2 fig Ita to GerPlacement
3 inf ItaItaly collects $9
59 buck, 8 inf + 2 tran + 2 figCOMBAT
1 tran 56 >52, 2 inf w usa> iwo MTNCM
4 ifn e can> alger
4 inf e usa> e can
2 inf + 1 aa egy> trjo
13 inf + 3 arm per> ind
1 ac + 2 fig 51>53
2 dd + 1 tran 56 + 2 inf w usa> 53> haw
rest of fleet + 5 inf (carol) 51>48 (1 inf) newg)> 49>born
fleet 60 + 2 inf(oki)> 49> born
1 ac + 2 fig 51>49
1 bom phil> bornMOBILIZE
4 inf e usa
4 inf w usa
2 tran sz 56
2 fig philCOLLECT 59 + 1 saved = 60
Japan 16
purchase $50
5 inf
1 fig
2 bmb
save $1Combat moves
Persia (1 AA)
44 inf, 2 art, 7 arm Cauc
1 inf Kaz
TakenNon-combat moves
2 fig Man to FIC
2 fig Japan to FIC
1 inf Novo to Chi
3 arm Man to Hup
5 inf, 1 AA Bur to FIC
5 SS sz37 to sz34Placement
2 inf FIC
3 inf Man
1 fig, 2 bmb JapanJapan collects $43+$1 saved=$44
Germany 16
purchase $60
20 inf
Combat moves
Norway (2 inf)
2 inf Fin
3 bmb Ger
2 fig KarTrans-Jordan (7 inf)
13 arm CaucNorway
2 inf, 2 fig, 3 bmb
Rolls: 2@1, 2@3, 3@4; Total Hits: 32@1,: (3, 2)2@3,: (1, 1)3@4: (1, 6, 5)
2 defending inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 22@2: (1, 2)
13 arm
Rolls: 13@3; Total Hits: 513@3: (2, 6, 1, 4, 1, 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 1, 2, 4)
7 defending inf
Rolls: 7@2; Total Hits: 47@2: (2, 6, 5, 2, 6, 1, 2)
9 arm
Rolls: 9@3; Total Hits: 49@3: (5, 2, 5, 2, 6, 3, 3, 5, 4)
2 defending inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (4, 4)
Combat results
taken w/loss of 4 arm
9 arm remainNorway
cleared w/loss of 2 inf
2 fig, 3 bmb remainNon-combat moves
5 fig Fra to Ita
5 fig Ger to Fra
2 fig Fin to Fra
2 fig, 3 bmb Nor to Ger
24 inf, 12 art Cauc to Per
4 inf, 2 art Rus to Cauc
7 inf Ukr to cauc
8 inf Belo to Rus
1 arm Kar to Fin
1 arm Kar to Rus
1 arm EPol to Cauc
2 arm ger to EPol
8 inf, 1 art Pol to GerPlacement
10 inf Ger
4 inf Cauc
6 inf RusGermany collects $61
UK RD 16
54 bucks, 8 inf + 4 arm + 1 figCOMBAT
2 arm + 1 bom egy> lyb
4 inf + 4 arm + 1 aa alger> lyb
1 fig uk> lyb
3 inf + 3 arm uk> algerMOBILIZE
4 inf + 4 arm uk
2 inf + 1 fig ind
2 inf burmCOLLECT 53
Italy 16
save $9
Non-combat moves
6 inf Ger to Fra
3 inf kar to Fin
3 inf Bst to Kar
1 arm Epol to kar
4 inf cauc to PerItaly collects $9+$9 saved=$18
60 buck, 7 inf + 1 arm + 2 tran + 2 figCOMBAT
4 inf alger> lyb
4 inf e can> alger
4 inf e usa> e can
7 inf (born) + 1 inf (sum)> ind, 4 tran 49>38>35
6 fig 49>ind
fleet 49>50
2 fig phil> 50
2 fig 53>50
1 bom born> phil
2 inf wake> phil, 1 tran 52>50
2 inf haw> phil, 1 tran 53>50
4 inf wusa> haw, 2 tran 56>53MOBILIZE
3 inf + 1 arm e usa
4 inf w usa
2 tran sz 56
2 fig sz 50COLLECT 59
forgot to move bom on map