• Or move that lone US transport to SZ 18 (almost the Gulf)….where a tremendous amount of shipping was lost during the early stages of the war.

    If Germany goes full bore, it can kill every allied vessel between the Panama Canal and the Suez canal on G1.
    1 SS attacks SZ 11
    1 SS attacks SZ 10
    Fighters and subs attack SZ 7
    Fighters attack the cruiser in SZ 14
    Battleship attacks the destroyer in SZ 17

  • I don’t know why any of this US fleet issues is new stuff…it virtually the same, except it was a CA in 42.1, not a DD protecting the US fleet.  Still, even if it is sunk G1, a placement of 4DD with the CA NCM up there will make them run like hell…in 42.1, the sub that killed the US fleet was dead US1…it’s just a delay of one turn.

  • Oz, Splitting the US tpts could work. Germany could still attack them both, w/1 sub killing lone tpt, and 1 sub vs 1 dd & tpt isn’t a sure thing. Its about 40% win, 40% lose and 20% mutual destruction (tpt survives). So its really 60% stacked against Germany, so on second thought I’m not sure I like that solution.

    I think they wanted the US to be set back to give Germany some time in the Med, and to get UK on its heels. I don’t think they wanted a US tpt to survive G1 on the Atlantic side. I think its silly to give them 2 tpts to begin with though just to get sunk, but if one survives it could throw things off.

    Mallery29, that’s all fine and dandy, but spending everything in the Atlantic will cause problems w/Japan in the Pacific. I guess you can pull everything back and just let Japan run wild for a couple turns. Maybe you can slow them down after you get stuff going in Europe (to early for me to tell).

  • That’s where the India complex has to be THE factor…put a hole in the Japanese fleet and build build build build in India…make it so tough for the Japanese to come through…and this only needs to be one buy for US in Atl to offset the German threat…once US1 has turned the sub threat back home, the US can position itself in different ways…I’d like to see how it plays out, but now that the US fleet isn’t destined to die turn 1, it does slow Japan down…I just hate trying to split money in 42 play…42.1 was all in to a side…I realize with the Russian front changed up and the SZ change, The gringos have more precedence to put money into the Atlantic more at least on turn 1 to keep the German planes off Russian lines more…I still would have 10 after my 4DD, so a DD or sub could go on the other side, but, I could see another transport as well in the Atl…

  • @Rad_King:

    I played the first turn of the second edition 1942, and noticed some opening German moves that seem overly strong to me. Anyone see the downside to any of these?

    Also remember this is a game of time…the axis are supposed to be strong…quick victories favor the axis…long games favor the allies. I’m not saying go prevent Defense for the allies (cause we all know that never works in football anyways), but the allies have to be VERY careful in what battles they choose in the beginning…Russians and India need to make use of the art units to make their small battles count for a lot…until the dirty americans can get involved.

  • @Mallery29:


    I played the first turn of the second edition 1942, and noticed some opening German moves that seem overly strong to me. Anyone see the downside to any of these?

    Also remember this is a game of time…the axis are supposed to be strong…quick victories favor the axis…long games favor the allies. I’m not saying go prevent Defense for the allies (cause we all know that never works in football anyways), but the allies have to be VERY careful in what battles they choose in the beginning…Russians and India need to make use of the art units to make their small battles count for a lot…until the dirty americans can get involved.

    it has always been survive and get built up for the allies. the axis better make gains early. A&A has always been exactly as you said.

  • In my first game Japan was going for Hawaii for the win, and forces exchanged on the island, leaving the US in control.
    US fleet built up, then retook the sea zone with only a battleship remaining and put some men on the island to hold off the next invasion.

    However, this victory seems like it will be short lived.
    The US has only 1 transport and 2 INF in Canada, and the UK only has 1 transport and needs to start trading Paris. back and forth.
    Japan already has India.
    And Germany is about to gain the upper hand and take West Russia now that the infantry stacks have arrived, thus sealing in Moscow.

    its a really tight game, but the Germany has almost all of Africa, and is an economic juggernaut.
    All the allies can do is hope to stave off defeat, the chance to win looks really far out there.

  • Kind of curious to see how much longer the Allies can really hold out….Unless the US can make a strike for the Phillipines, victory seems all but inevitable for the Axis…I have warmed up to this Honolulu VC…while I won’t play VCs, it makes the Pacific more interesting than the predecessor.

  • The US can’t do anything but trade boats with Japan.
    And they can’t send more than a trickle to Europe, to help the beleaguered UK.

    Germany only lost one sub (in SZ 7) on G1, and UK attacked the Japanese fleet near java and only killed the carrier.
    Very bad game for the allies.

  • @oztea:

    The US can’t do anything but trade boats with Japan.
    And they can’t send more than a trickle to Europe, to help the beleaguered UK.

    Germany only lost one sub (in SZ 7) on G1, and UK attacked the Japanese fleet near java and only killed the carrier.
    Very bad game for the allies.

    Yeah that UK1 attack on the Japanese fleet can go really bad. I think it may be better for the UK to pull back and weather the storm to conserve her power for later. It looks real enticing though. Think you said it best when you called it a trap  :-o

    We have played a couple games of Anniversary over the last week and I would point out that in the 42 set-up the German subs are split so only one can hit the US mini fleet off the coast of E US (they can’t even hit it in the 41 version of AA50 for good reason). I know its comparing apples to oranges, but thought I’d throw it out there. I don’t own the original Spring 42 version, so not having played it I don’t know if both German subs could hit the E US mini fleet.

  • Wild Bill, in 1942 1st ed. I believe Germany only has 1 sub in the atlantic instead of two so it’s a more riskier attack.

  • Ok then 2 subs in 1942SE going after the Americans is lame then. So spiting the subs (keeping one in sz9, and the other goes to sz8), and removing one US tpt would be one solution.

  • @oztea:

    The US can’t do anything but trade boats with Japan.
    And they can’t send more than a trickle to Europe, to help the beleaguered UK.

    Germany only lost one sub (in SZ 7) on G1, and UK attacked the Japanese fleet near java and only killed the carrier.
    Very bad game for the allies.

    I’ve played twice as Allies with the US going full Pacific and won. First one the UK attacked SZ17 instead of 37 and sunk the German Med fleet, second one the UK attacked SZ37 and won. On both scenarios Japan just runs into a lot of problems trying to conquer the Indian IC and to stop the US in check. On Europe Germany went naval on both and the UK merely bought fighters (and ground units for India) and forced it into a naval race which helped the Soviets in preventing Germany deploying enough ground forces to control Karelia.

  • @IKE:

    Wild Bill, in 1942 1st ed. I believe Germany only has 1 sub in the atlantic instead of two so it’s a more riskier attack.

    Not riskier…either you hit the cruiser or you don’t…it’s 50/50…good enough odds to stymie the allies.

  • Hobbes, played first 42 as the Axis…I think the only thing Japan should/can do is take the China and Russian back yard (the 3IPCs), and just stalemate the Indian complex…from there on out, continue to defend against India and build naval to offset the American builds…any offensive attack against India would weaken Japans defense against India…as long as UK and Japan are trading IPC at this standoff, that means less IPCs being used against Germany’s West Front.  I am kind of curious what you are using for the first 3 Japan turns.  I couldn’t put myself in a position to take anything besides the Russian/Chinese territories and left Germany to do the work.  J1 was 2Trans/CV (saved 2), then I started pouring troops in (3inf/2art/tank)…I kind of got owned going after the American plane in China (he rolled the 2(2s), and the 1(4) taking both my inf and a FTR…I though that would cost me the Pacific, but I overcame the American Naval (wasn’t full blown KJF, but was a significant force).

  • May have to refine my buys on G1…little bitter about the UK Bomber/DD destroying my BB…knew this would happen.  had 3inf/2art/tank/bomber/SS…I guess this is where Ukraine is going to come into play…I anticiapted Russia going for Ukraine, didn’t, so I had my plane…now if I keep that plane, I can afford to possibly sack one against the Brit CA in the Med and say f-it and go for Egypt anyways.  Even if I escape with just the Bomber, I’m going to consider that a victory.  I thought about still doing G2 Egypt by adding a DD to prevent the DD fighting my BB, but I don’t want the UK fleet in the med either (while this would GREATLY help my Jap strat, I can’t handle uncontested entry…) at least if they wanted to go after the BB, they risk losing 1-2 units to gain entry into the Med, and I can sack that… Will have to play a few more times, but was very happy about controlling the Atlantic (America got greedy trying to go after all my subs with its 4DD…NEVER leave your wingman…DDs got wiped out and Atlantic stayed mine for a long time).  Time for nap!

  • @WILD:

    Ok then 2 subs in 1942SE going after the Americans is lame then. So spiting the subs (keeping one in sz9, and the other goes to sz8), and removing one US tpt would be one solution.

    What was lame was the way the USA let Germany trash our shipping right after we entered the war. I think letting 2 German subs come over and sink 1 US DD and 2 US APs for 0-1 sub is historically about right on.

    Reference: www . uboat . net / ops / drumbeat . htm
    Sorry, I’m not allowed to post links.

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