• @HortenFlyingWing:

    Take this story as a warning, already in the making.

    should i laugh or cry?

    it looks like you want to sell a serious point on a funny and ‘thoughtful’ way.
    Let me tell you, you failed in both. I have never read a worse piece of propaganda.
    You are so right, better Israel is allowed to go and kill whoever comes 500 miles close to its borders.

  • @F_k:

    You are so right, better Israel is allowed to go and kill whoever comes 500 miles close to its borders.[/irony]

    You just lost any credibility you had with that comment. No need for a response. I know you don’t give me any credibility as it is.
    Moderates are liberals who cannot make a commitment. - Xi

  • FROM THE FUTURE (2143)-

    “Peace at Last” was the number one pop single.

    The author neglected to mention that Barbara Streisand came out of retirement for what some called “The Resurrection Tour”. “Peace at Last” was the title cut for her biggest selling CD ever. It outsold the previous best selling CD of all time (“Redo/Please, Love Me”, Michael Jackson) by over 75.3%. In addition it was the #1 illegal download off the internet for 13 weeks(another new record).

    The EU approved a French proposal that the Galilee and Negev be transferred to Palestine in stages over 3 years.

    Three years was unacceptable. NOW, was a Palestinian demand. Moderates and conservatives accepted one year at the outside.

    A Galilee and Negev Liberation Organization was founded and immediately granted recognition by the UN General Assembly.

    A Galilee Organization and Negev Independence Liberation (GONIL) merged at that time, but the rest is correct. The author needs to correct his timeline.

    It established consulate facilities in 143 countries.

    They didn’t work, except for demolitions experts, who had a very short career, so they had no economy. They tried to improve their economy by terrorism. Saddam Hussein had offered, in August of 2002, to pay $25,000 to the family of any Freedom Fighter who died blowing himself up to kill Israelis. However, 10,000 dead Freedom Fighters and four years later no one had collected from Hussein(who killed his sons, ruled until death (2014), outlived both Bush41 and 43[assassinated], and left his country of 27 provinces[Kuwait merged] to his grandson, Saddam.)

    Six months later, the ‘victims of Jewish discrimination’ in the Galilee and Negev decided to escalate their protests.

    Again, the author erred. Later estimates stated that, by evidence unearthed in mass graves the killing had started within two months.

    CNN broadcast a series of specials…

    The series was done by ABCTW(American Broadcating & Children’s Television Workshop.) CNN had merged to become MSCNNBC.

    The first word came of a detention camp north of Nazareth in which Jews expelled from their Galilee homes were being concentrated, with a second camp opened in the Negev near Rahat.

    Another author err. The official death rate quoted was more like 12,000 a month. Beersheba “Warsaw” Ghetto was walled and guarded. Relocation unnecessary.
    And the final blow…
    Israel, knowing the end was near, unleased a nuclear attack. In Jordan, Amman became the first fireball. Al Aqabah was hit offshore causing a tidal wave, then flash fires, and a return tidal wave. Damascus, Syria was a mushroom cloud that could be seen from east of the Euphrates River. “Hims and Aleppo were hit with smaller bombs so as not to harm Turkey(from the diary of the head of the Israeli nuclear program).” In Lebanon, Beirut and Tripoli got a milder case of what became known as "the Al Aqabah effect."as for Saudi Arabia, Riyadh and Jiddah each took three missiles, while Mecca and Medina only received one. Meanwhile in Iraq, Baghdad had a dose, “Take 3 missiles once a day for two days” was the crass American joke for a time. Mosul and Al Basrah each had one ‘pill’ to take. The surprise was yet to come.

    Israel had secretly built an aircraft carrier that was disguised as an oil tanker. The ship, later called “Armageddon” by those who survived its attacks, sailed to the Persian Gulf and launched two groups of fighter-bombers. The first was launched just before dawn, from east of the Straight of Hormuz, and flew to east central Iran. From there they separated and flew to attack Mashhad, Kerman, Zahedan, and Bandar-e Abbas. All pilots were to destroy their planes. These manuevers were to confuse the search for the source of the attack.
    Then the “Armageddon” sailed through the Straight of Hormuz and, after dark the next night, launched the second attack. Every city in Iran larger than 250,000, save one, was a raging inferno before dawn the next. Rasht, in northern Iran, was saved “by the will of Allah.” The road between Qazvin(to the south) and Rasht(near the north coast) was being blasted through the Elhurz Mountains. A single plane sent there was flying low through the mountains and picked the wrong pass. NOT where the road was, of which the Israeli air command was aware, But two passes to the west where additional rock was being blasted to fill in where the road would go. “The jet flew into a falling wall of gravel, rocks, and boulders. Gravel chewed up the jet turbofans, as the rocks and boulders shattered the canopy and severed the wings from the fuselage”(from the UN Incident Report as told by Nariq Hassan, Blasting Engineer). The unarmed bombs did not explode.

    Shortly thereafter, the UN moved into Israel and, with never-before-seen cooperation the surviving Israelis were transported to the southern tip of
    Texas, just outside Corpus Christi. New Israel is a thriving nation of 6 million.

    However, No one suspected the automated nuclear missile attack that was launched 100 years later (2106) from the hidden facility in the Negev. It did explain why the Israelis used jets to deliver most of their first salvo one hundred years before. The delivery pattern was ingenious in that every previous target was bracketed rather than targeted. This attack killed every devout Muslim who wished to live and die near one of the two score holy places that they could not call home.

    “We are proceeding toward a time of no
    religion at all.” - Deitrich Bonhoeffer

    “Theology is anthropology.” - Ludwig Feurbach

  • @Xi:

    FROM THE FUTURE (2043)- …

    and you talk of losing credibilty?
    at least i marked my sentence as irony, whereas your “addition” to the text seems to be deep from your heart.

    you make me sick !

  • F_alk, i think you’re over-reacting. One might well say the same of Tom Clancy, or any other novellist or wanna’ be. Suggesting a scenario, including this one, does not too me suggest a “desired” scenario. Canadians long have predicted/considered “merging with America” scenarios that many of us never wish to see, however it makes often for interesting discussion material (or entertainment - not “oh there’s a clown” entertainment so much as “oohhhh a bunch of guys got killed in a particular offensive during such and such a war” entertaining).
    If this makes you sick, i’d suggest take 2 gravol and call me in the morning.

  • c_c_, thanks for understanding.

    …seems to be deep from your heart.

    F_k, you wound me! Please, note the first line of the STORY you read.

    It was in the year 2006.

    In addition, please, note the first line in the CORRECTIONS you read.

    FROM THE FUTURE (2043)

    It seems that you lack the ability to engage in what all fiction writers refer to as “the temporary suspension of disbelief(TSD).”

    Sorry, I cannot help you!!
    I must seek assistance
    to deal with my feelings.- Xi
    Errata : Due to the following statement…

    …attack that was launched 100 years later (2106)…

    …the following statement…

    FROM THE FUTURE (2043)…

    …must be considered author’s(b. 2089- d. 2207) error and amended to…

    FROM THE FUTURE (2143)…

    History of the Earth , Third Planet from Star #37,696. Ch. 13, p. 283. KzrN 78N4451q, Ed. (14,082 G.K.). Trans., Xi 2334 (643 N.E.). (TSD) :wink:

  • You invoked my TSD with the Barbara Striesand popularity impossibilities. Does anyone who listens to her actually have internet access?

  • Barbara Striesand? Who’s that? :)

  • @TG:

    Barbara Striesand? Who’s that? :)

    she’s the one who invented mircoeconomics :) ;)

    to Xi: you are right about your first line, but the rest sounded so much like the above…… i took it seriously, sorry.

  • she’s the one who invented mircoeconomics

    Smart woman. :wink:

  • So the jewish guy who wrote “Peace At Last” ripped it off from somewhere else? I’m confused.

    And F_alk you goddamn moron, there was no joke or pun inteneded from what I wrote. I take it as a warning, only because I already see pieces falling into place. End of story.

    “When German Justice Minister Herta Daubler-Gmelin accused Bush of using Iraq to “…distract attention from his domestic problems…” and that “Even Hitler did that”, she failed to notice the irony of what she was saying. Chancellor Gerhard Schroder’s anti-American rhetoric is used to cover up for his own domestic failures and Germany’s tanking economy. When did all of these European countries feel that they are some sort of moral superiors to the United States? It is all politics as usual in every country.”

  • Chancellor Gerhard Schroder’s anti-American rhetoric is used to cover up for his own domestic failures and Germany’s tanking economy.

    Where was Schroder’s promises of lowering Germany’s massive unemployment?

  • @Guest::

    And F_alk you goddamn moron, there was no joke or pun inteneded from what I wrote. I take it as a warning, only because I already see pieces falling into place. End of story.

    You take it as a warning, i take it as a cheap and blind excuse to go on and send soldiers against civilians.

    “When German Justice Minister Herta Daubler-Gmelin accused Bush of using Iraq to “…distract attention from his domestic problems…” and that “Even Hitler did that”, she failed to notice the irony of what she was saying. Chancellor Gerhard Schroder’s anti-American rhetoric is used to cover up for his own domestic failures and Germany’s tanking economy. When did all of these European countries feel that they are some sort of moral superiors to the United States? It is all politics as usual in every country.”

    Well, at least we use rethoric to cover our domestic failures and don’t start wars that kill people to do that. I prefer the first way i must admit.
    Anyway: the comment of Herta Däubler-Gmelin is not excusable, and she stepped back before she could get fired (which would have happened effectively, as in her not being announced as “new minister of justice”).

    Btw, are your last sentences quotes or your own opinion (the last quotation mark confuses me)?
    I guess we started to feel superior the moment that you started to think that you are always right.

  • “And F_alk you goddamn moron, there was no joke or pun inteneded from what I wrote. I take it as a warning, only because I already see pieces falling into place. End of story.”

    Strong language, sorry about me saying that. I was in a bad mood.

    "You take it as a warning, i take it as a cheap and blind excuse to go on and send soldiers against civilians….-it looks like you want to sell a serious point on a funny and ‘thoughtful’ way.
    Let me tell you, you failed in both. I have never read a worse piece of propaganda. "

    How is it funny or thoughtful? That response is close to psychotic with its random accusations. I don’t want a war in Iraq. NONE. Bush blew it. But now, the UN security council is working on denouncing Israel and the “palestinians” again…woop-ee-doo. All those countries damn well know trying to protect Saddam’s “soveirgnty” and talking that out is yet another stalling tactic. Either no questions asked weapons inspections (what i want), or war. If the UN cannot comply, Bahrain, Qutar, Turkey, GHreat Britain, and the US can.

    Your stalling tactic will cost lives. Make a stand and demand that iraq be subjected to toal weapons inspection.

    “Well, at least we use rethoric to cover our domestic failures and don’t start wars that kill people to do that. I prefer the first way i must admit.
    Anyway: the comment of Herta Däubler-Gmelin is not excusable, and she stepped back before she could get fired (which would have happened effectively, as in her not being announced as “new minister of justice”).”

    She resigned, because she said such a stupid thing. And we did not yet fight iraq. That is up to the security council to get its ass in gear and accept the british resolution. Destroying the taliban decentralized al-qaeda, and that helped save many lives…especially the fact that there were planned terrorist attacks in Germany too.

    “Btw, are your last sentences quotes or your own opinion (the last quotation mark confuses me)?
    I guess we started to feel superior the moment that you started to think that you are always right.”

    We’re not always right, but by hell you are not. “Politics as usual.” I meant every country uses these political tactics with war and such (and the explotion of it.) That does nothing with the fact if a war is necessary or not. Do you catch my drift?

  • @HortenFlyingWing:

    Strong language, sorry about me saying that. I was in a bad mood.

    No worries, i know myself good enough not to blame anyone for such a thing.

    I don’t want a war in Iraq. NONE. Bush blew it. But now, the UN security council is working on denouncing Israel and the “palestinians” again…woop-ee-doo. All those countries damn well know trying to protect Saddam’s “soveirgnty” and talking that out is yet another stalling tactic. Either no questions asked weapons inspections (what i want), or war. If the UN cannot comply, Bahrain, Qutar, Turkey, GHreat Britain, and the US can.

    To make my stand:
    I don’t want in Iraq. I don’t want a war in Palestine and Israel. THe problem and difference between these two is:
    The resolutions against the Iraq cover “domestic” issues (as long as he doesn’t invade other countries or uses his weapons abroad), while the resolutions against Israel (which are being defied much longer than the Iraq defies its resolutions) cover “international” affairs, as they cover issues in and about the occupied areas.
    So, there is a difference. What you make out of that is totally your own business.

    “I guess we started to feel superior the moment that you started to think that you are always right.”

    We’re not always right, but by hell you are not. “Politics as usual.” I meant every country uses these political tactics with war and such (and the explotion of it.) That does nothing with the fact if a war is necessary or not. Do you catch my drift?

    Sure we are not alwys right. Noone is. But we don’t claim that we are always right, and we don’t condemn people who say their different opinion loudly without a single thought over that opinion.
    Your “politics as usual” covers not such a lot of countries. “War” as a political instrument lost much (if not all) of its importance after WWII in europe and parts of asia. It may be deployed still by the US and Russia and a few others (mostly countries looking for local hegemony), but i would never call war a political instrument. War is murder on a greater scale, in very rare cases it might be unavoidable: but then i wouldn’t call it a “political tactic”, not even a “political means”, but the “failure of politics”.

  • war is most deinantly political. How about britain and the fokland islands? How about germans, europeans, and americans liberating Kuwait from Iraq? Obviously it was a wise political mood.

    “To make my stand:
    I don’t want in Iraq. I don’t want a war in Palestine and Israel. THe problem and difference between these two is:
    The resolutions against the Iraq cover “domestic” issues (as long as he doesn’t invade other countries or uses his weapons abroad)”

    Not to buy chinese radar systems and what not…

    “, while the resolutions against Israel (which are being defied much longer than the Iraq defies its resolutions)”

    Right there, stop the lie. STOP! That is opinion not fact, and a bad opinion
    because it is an outright lie. Iraq tortures far more than the Israelis, and they (Qussai’s secret police) torture to keep saddam in power, and the rare instances of torture from the IDF deal with captured killers…and that is extremely rare. You condemn israelis executions of people they cannot arrests. One cannot count or remember those killed by Saddam in Iraq.

  • @Horten:

    war is most deinantly political. How about britain and the fokland islands? How about germans, europeans, and americans liberating Kuwait from Iraq? Obviously it was a wise political mood.

    Well, if you are attacked by a country (and therefore forced into war) i would say that politics has failed beforehand. Then of course you should fight. If you receive a call for help by a country who is invaded/conquered, you have do decide wether to go into war or not. THe two examples you brought to not disagree with my position.

    “To make my stand:
    I don’t want in Iraq. I don’t want a war in Palestine and Israel. THe problem and difference between these two is:
    The resolutions against the Iraq cover “domestic” issues (as long as he doesn’t invade other countries or uses his weapons abroad)”

    Not to buy chinese radar systems and what not…

    i should have said “would cover” then. The “old resolution” of course was set up after an “international” affair (Quwait), but actually i don’t mind them buying radar systems more than i mind the US doing research on forbidden aggressive chemical weapons.

    “, while the resolutions against Israel (which are being defied much longer than the Iraq defies its resolutions)”

    Right there, stop the lie. STOP! That is opinion not fact, and a bad opinion
    because it is an outright lie. Iraq tortures far more than the Israelis, and they (Qussai’s secret police) torture to keep saddam in power, and the rare instances of torture from the IDF deal with captured killers…and that is extremely rare. You condemn israelis executions of people they cannot arrests. One cannot count or remember those killed by Saddam in Iraq.

    I didn’t lie. You interpreted too much into my lines, but you got my point.
    Israel is not torturing its citizens, but the citizens of its occupied areas. Iraq tortures its people. That’s what i meant with the difference between “international” and “domestic”.

    How is your stand on nations sovereignity and right to handle their internal affairs “undisturbed” (i know it sounds sarcasric in this context, but i’d like to know that from you regardless of these two examples). When does the international community have a right to step in and tell a government that they have to stop what they are doing to their own people / to foreign people that happen to be under their rule (tourists, in occupied areas,etc)?

  • Israel torturing the Palestinians? If you are referring to their horrible economic situation, that is Arafat’s doing. He got control over 97% of them in the Oslo Accords.

  • Guess who came out of retirement?

    Barbara Streisand came out of retirement for what some called ‘The Resurrection Tour.’ “Peace at Last” was the title cut for her biggest selling CD ever.

    YES, I called it less than seven days before she did it! We’ll keep the nickname or the tour and title cut since she did it to save the Democrat Party. :roll:
    “Litigation on the copyright and earnings from this song, though some have called Ms. Streisand’s version ‘butchery’, continues this day. The earnings, with interest, now total more than the GNP of the US for the year 1997(Year 11 O.E.), the last good year of the Reagan Boom.”
    History of the Earth , Third Planet from Star #37,696. Ch. 4, p. 138.
    KzrN 78N4451q, Ed. (14,082 G.K.). Trans., Xi 2334 (643 N.E.). (TSD)

  • @EmuGod:

    Israel torturing the Palestinians? If you are referring to their horrible economic situation, that is Arafat’s doing. He got control over 97% of them in the Oslo Accords.

    Xi might call that a “more subtle” way of torturing.

    Iwas looking for the actual body count of both sides in the net. I couldn’t find it, instead i found the following:

    Seems like it is from a source that most americans would call “communist”, but still, the author of the article has done quite some research with an extensive list of literature and it seems to be written by a jew. I therefore put more trust in that than in many things posted here without proof. So, i now have to wait for others, arguing pro-israel, to bring up evidence like that.

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