@CaptainNapalm In the editor box hit “upload pictures” - marked yellow in the screenshot - and select what you want to upload.
I just noticed that a post i made that went on the string did not list immediately to the Masterlist. WASSUP wif dat?
It was my 300th post.
Hey Xi, this has been bugigng me for a while. How do you pronounce your nickname?
Hey Xi, this has been bugigng me for a while. How do you pronounce your nickname?
i’m guessing “she”
:lol: :lol: ,
Har de har!
It’s Chi . . . as in China.
Thanx fer axin, E_G_,
'Smatter, c_c_,
Upset at me about suma my posts the last few days? :D
My blood for you. - Xi
:lol: :lol: ,
Har de har!It’s Chi . . . as in China.
Thanx fer axin, E_G_,
'Smatter, c_c_,
Upset at me about suma my posts the last few days? :D
My blood for you. - Xi
upset? Not at all. A little surprised, however not upset in the least.
I guessed “she” as i know a few Chinese guys and that seemed a familiar syllable.
I thought it was pronoced KSI