I seriiously feel like I am talking to multiple brick walls - but I will calmly try one last time to lay this out…and sorry for causing anyone to go blind reading this…
In a FTF tournament, you cannot have games that go on for an undefined period of time. So, a time limit needs to be established (this, of course is NOT in the rule book, so that means it is willy nilly and is completely illegal).
Given that you must have a time limit and given that there are 18 VC in the game - you could, in fact, have a TIE at the end of the game time period. So - you must have a tie-breaker - which was decided to be total IPC count on the board. (this, of course is NOT in the rule book, so that means it is willy nilly and is completely illegal).
In the rules - since that is what everybody is barking about - it says “Assign a power or powers to each player” Hence the bid system - which allows for the game to determine sides and also has the bonus of acting as a (perceived or otherwise) balancing aspect of the game. We could assign sides by rolling dice, flipping a coin or by whoever was closest to guessing the mass of atomic element 47. The ‘rules’ do not stipulate HOW to assign teams. They must be willy nilly.
In the rules - since that is what everbody is barking about, it says “Research & Development. Note: This is an optional rule”. Our option - not to use it. Why? Given that tech in the past has proven to be overpowered in some cases AND the fact we wanted to make the game as accessible as possible - it was discussed and decided that Tech was out. It would have been willy nilly had we added the ‘super-bendy-thumbs’ tech, but we, at the last moment, decided against it.
In the rules - since that is what everbody is barking about, it says “National Objective & Bonus Income. Note: This is an optional rule”. Our option - not to use it. Why? This optional rule was added to inject more cash into the game and to give people additional ‘goals’ as they played that, over the course of a full game might give them some advantage. Since we have a limited amount of time in a FTF tournament game and since the NOs do not directly correlate to the victory conditions of the game and since we wanted to make the game as accessible as possible - it was discussed and decided that NO was out. There has, however, been a lot of discussion over the last year or two and feedback from people who actually PLAY in the FTF tournaments that NOs may be added. As much as some would like to believe - the rules used are not set in stone forever.
The tournament uses the ‘official’ LHTR updates. While not in the original rule book, I guess this makes them just willy (but not nilly)
I couldn’t find in the rules how to choose 1941 or 1942 set up, though I assume that it would usually be in agreement from the players. Since I have seen firsthand how well players ‘agree’ during tournaments, a decision had to be made for everyone - and that was the 1942 set-up. After play-testing both set-ups using the format we knew we had to use (timed games = finite rounds), the 1942 setup seemed a) more balanced and b) provided more variation in how the game might flow. While not talked about much by the players, if there were some logical arguments made, I am sure it would be a consideration to move to the 1941 setup - but I think most people who play DO like the 1942 better in the format we have.
Lastly, most ALL of the items above were also discussed with Larry - he helped to develop the format for the FTF tournaments for both Revised (1942) and AA50. Larry is a pretty good guy, so I am not sure I would label him willy NOR nilly.
So - there you have it - all of the MANY, MANY changes that were made to the game out of the box. We wanted to change the attack values of tanks and allow ships to move three sea zones a turn, but figured that might be a bit too much.
1. True a must- though I personally have vouched for more time. No argument here though.
2. True again- must do this. I don’t agree with the Bonus System completely- just have a problem with LA being 0. This illiminates any West Coast threat and reduces the games arsenal of strategies. I’ve seen serious strategies formed where there is a threat to LA. Do you know of the z42 progression from Revised??? All bouns cities should be worth SOMETHING, thats why they are victory cities. I would tweek this a bit.
3. Bid system is fine. We do a version of it online here also. Playing in Greg’s tournys and online with it, I see no difference. I don’t see the complaint here.
4./5. Optional rules are optional rules. From play online, in AA50 the 41 WITH NatObj is popular, open-ended strategy game and very balanced. Proved over 100s of games. However, the 42 w/o NatObj. is also balanced from what I have experienced. Greg made the call to go with the latter b/c he did not want optional rules for simplicity- OK I understand that.
He also said that the 41 “turns into the 42 setup anyway”- which is NOT true. That is a very grossly false assessment. If that were true, then for example, Japan in the 41 would reach out into the Pacific and pick up all those islands that the 42 starts with- completely different strategy routes from what I have seen.
Regardless, b/c Greg has decided not to use optional rules which is his choice, that leave the 41 w/NOs out of the picture. That is his right to do that. Its a shame and I never agreed to it but it is his right to make that call- its his tourny, not ours.
6. LHTR- man you guys still got those- that’s old. I predict that AA50 will slowly fade away as there are fewer and fewer copies available and AA41, AA42 2nd ed and G40 will be the flagship games of the tourny. That being said, there are no NatObj in 41 and 42 so it won’t matter and in G40 Larry made the NatObj part of the regular rules (not optional- thank God!!!). So the complaints I had with the AA50 tourny, I don’t care about anymore b/c I believe that version will slowly fade away.
7. Most people at the tournaments or your playtesting group liked 42, but online, 41 w/NatObj was king. Again, irrelavant now that 42 2nd ed will probably take AA50s place.
8. Mike and Greg- have you considered my proposal for online qualifier and automatic bids??? BTW I have a new email so anything you sent after June 15th I didn’t receive. PM me and I’ll give you my new one if you want.