History following a common theme?

  • Trying to cover up what the Nazis did and pretend it never happen isn’t going to help anything.

    That is just horrible, and you clearly don’t know what you are talking about. Every german know exactly what we have done, even our politicians argue if a german could say he’s proud to be german. We NEVER, NEVER try to deny what we have done, in school we learn of our error, because it is important so we won’t repeat the same thign over and over again. We don’t try to cover up anything, WE NEVER PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPEN, we just don’t tolerate Nazism in Germany !

  • FinsterniS, ya are being a little rough on yourself sir. You keep saying that “we” are aware of what “we” did. I can’t speak for everyone else but I hold no malice for your generation of Germans. The quarrel was with the WWII generation. And I to a point, could respect the average German infantryman.

  • @Jazz:

    FinsterniS, ya are being a little rough on yourself sir. You keep saying that “we” are aware of what “we” did. I can’t speak for everyone else but I hold no malice for your generation of Germans. The quarrel was with the WWII generation. And I to a point, could respect the average German infantryman.

    Yup, you are not part of that “we”.
    We hold special responsibility for never letting it happen again. That is one of the reasons, why you find an interesting situation in germany, wrt Israel: we know we have to be careful, because of our history, in critizing them, but we clearly see that there is a government fighting a bloody civil war against ppl that it does not consider full citizens.

    And to a point: i can’t respect german soldiers in WWII, not as a rule of thumb anyway, and not after i have talked to a handful of old ones ….
    the rather stupid cold war was the best that could happen to them!

  • Thats nice falk :)

  • @FinsterniS:

    Trying to cover up what the Nazis did and pretend it never happen isn’t going to help anything.

    That is just horrible, and you clearly don’t know what you are talking about. Every german know exactly what we have done, even our politicians argue if a german could say he’s proud to be german. We NEVER, NEVER try to deny what we have done, in school we learn of our error, because it is important so we won’t repeat the same thign over and over again. We don’t try to cover up anything, WE NEVER PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPEN, we just don’t tolerate Nazism in Germany !

    No one is trying to cover up anything in Germany, they are trying to sotp if from ever happening again. There are other countries that still deny their involvement in the Holocaust. The best example is Austria. During the Anschluss, the Austrians allowed the Germans to come in without firing a single shot and gladly fed the Germans candy and gave them cigars. They even volunteered for the army and gave their Jews away to Hitler, who was an Austrian himself.

    I heard a story once ofr a German who was against the Nazis and he owned a house in Austria, where he was vacationing when the Nazis came to power. He decided to stay in his Austiran home because he could not come back and because in Austria they speak German and are Germanic peoples so it was just like being at home. He talks about how the people there were extrmeely hippocritical there. He gives the example of a woman that was a storeowner. He would buy cigars from ehr store everyday and talk to her. The day before the Anschluss, she told him of how Austria was a separate country from Germany, and about how the Austrians would never be part of Germany and about how Austria was independent and would stay that way. The next day, when the Nazis came into Austria, he saw her waving a Swastika and giving out free chocolates and cigars to the soldiers. He managed to escpae to Switzerland and once he crossed the border he said that from then on, he promised to never set foot in Austria again. He said it was disgusting how a nation could do something so horrible.

    Austria, unlike Germany, never formally accepted responsibility for its actions during the Holocaust and paid very little reparations. My grandfather, who was from Vienna, Austria, had to work very hard to get a very meagre compensation from them and it took many years. He is one of the lucky ones.

    Interestingly enough, Elie Wiesenthol, a Jew who survived the Holocaust, is a man who has devoted his entire life to bringing every person who played a part in the Holocaust to justice, even if he was a solider who killed only one person. He has caught many of the Nazis, including the infamous Adolf Eichmann (also from Austria). His headquarters are at the centre of European anti-semitism, in Vienna, Austria. the Austrians are bigger Nazis than the actual Nazis.

    My point with all this is to show the difference between two neighbouring countries. Germany has chosen to accept what it did and is trying to prevent it again. Austria is not. If you want to read Mein Kampf, go to Austria. It’s not that long of a drive and they also use Euros, so dont worry about having to exchane your money so that you can afford it.

  • @FinsterniS:

    Trying to cover up what the Nazis did and pretend it never happen isn’t going to help anything.

    That is just horrible, and you clearly don’t know what you are talking about. Every german know exactly what we have done, even our politicians argue if a german could say he’s proud to be german. We NEVER, NEVER try to deny what we have done, in school we learn of our error, because it is important so we won’t repeat the same thign over and over again. We don’t try to cover up anything, WE NEVER PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPEN, we just don’t tolerate Nazism in Germany !

    Do you want a tissue?

  • @Anonymous:


    Trying to cover up what the Nazis did and pretend it never happen isn’t going to help anything.

    That is just horrible, and you clearly don’t know what you are talking about. Every german know exactly what we have done, even our politicians argue if a german could say he’s proud to be german. We NEVER, NEVER try to deny what we have done, in school we learn of our error, because it is important so we won’t repeat the same thign over and over again. We don’t try to cover up anything, WE NEVER PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPEN, we just don’t tolerate Nazism in Germany !

    Do you want a tissue?

    That was me.

  • First of all, remember that Taiwan has a standing army of 400,000, and they are better armed than the Chinese. The Chinese would have to build up for months, we sould see it coming.

    Even if we didn’t Taiwan could hold out for weeks. Plenty of time for U.S. air and Naval power to cut off Chinese supply lines and blow the hell out of their tanks and supply depots.

    And Yanny, it doesn’t matter if they can detect our stealth bombers we can use cruise missiles to level their SAMs and much of their air force before we start sending in waves of bombers.

    Even the planes they send up agaisnt us, they are worse planes and pilots with small amounts of flight time. We crush them like we crushed the North Korean and Vietnamese and Iraqi fighters.

    MOdern Warfare Yanny. We defeated the Taliban only by air. The northern alliance simply occupied areas abandoned by the Taliban.

    We bomb the hell out of their troops and then we send in our forces to kill/take prsioner any enemies the bombs missed.

  • i’m guessing the Americans would have fairly effective artillery as well, relative to the Chinese, particularly given GPS guidence systems . . . .

  • First of all, remember that Taiwan has a standing army of 400,000, and they are better armed than the Chinese. The Chinese would have to build up for months, we sould see it coming.

    Hmmmm… and yet we didn’t in the Korean “War?”

    i’m guessing the Americans would have fairly effective artillery as well, relative to the Chinese, particularly given GPS guidence systems . . . .

    I am guessing that the Americans have the best artillery in the world, though Russia could be if your can correct me that I am wrong.

    “History never repeats itself, humans always do.”

  • First off, China is rapidly growing in both it’s economy and it’s military. Their Air Force is the largest in the world in terms of aircraft, and not entirely in disrepair.

    If the Chineese were going to instigate war, the first thing they would do is find a way to knock out our few Pacific carriers. See book Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy.

    You beat China entirely by Air, without using Nuclear weapons, and I’ll crown you King.

    Tawain will be easily cut off from foreign help, its a small island. The Chineese Navy will promptly destroy the Tawainneese navy, though I don’t doubt there will be a large body count for the Chineese. Being a small island, it will be easy to bomb out all air force installations. Then its just a matter of attrition.

    We did not win in Afganistan entirely by Air. We won by the North and Eastern alliances doing a massive ground operation, assisted by our bombs.


    The man is smart, no argument there. It doesn’t every thing he writes will come true. If everything he writes does come true, i am going to ask him to add a character named “Jazz” who becomes a weathly in his next book.

  • @Jazz:


    The man is smart, no argument there. It doesn’t every thing he writes will come true. If everything he writes does come true, i am going to ask him to add a character named “Jazz” who becomes a weathly in his next book.

    I reference him as simply a person who puts an interesting spin on situations. There’s a book called “What if?” referring to historical scenarios written by historians. He writes the “What if?” from a (apparently accurate) military perspective. He also appears to research things well, and appears to fear the “call of bulls**t”. I would not take him seriously as a predictor of the future, however he seems to have an Asimov quality to his predictions - eerily possible - i think.

  • well Crypt you are right. The best fiction has some truth in it. But in all actuality i was yelling at Yanny and not you crypt :)

    Yanny Said

    the first thing they would do is find a way to knock out our few Pacific carriers

    Hate to ask but, how does one go about knocking out a few U.S. carriers. Secondly, it would seem that “knocking” out a few U.S. carriers would provide a short term tactical advantage, but what is to stop more carriers from arriving and Subs firing missles (non nuke of course).

  • Intriguing yes, though unlikely.

  • One knocks out Pacific carriers by taking advantage of their low alert status and firing a torpedo at it’s rudder.

    Tom Clancy’s books all could happen, they probably won’t, but its all realistic.

  • Yanny Said:

    One knocks out Pacific carriers by taking advantage of their low alert status and firing a torpedo at it’s rudder.

    So you think China will start a war with America by hitting it with a torpedo? Dont much much about politics, but I like to think that most of the world might be against them should they fire on a U.S. ship without being provoked.

  • Dont much much about politics, but I like to think that most of the world might be against them should they fire on a U.S. ship without being provoked.

    The Chinese aren’t that dumb. And I seriously doubt (if war between the countries is impending), that our carriers would be on such a low alert status or that it would take only one torpedo to knock out a modern, US carrier. If the Chinese want to beat us, then it will be through their economy.

  • Just what I was thinking Moses.

    Oh, and it was suppose to be “Dont know much” i never read before i post :)

  • @TG:

    The Chinese aren’t that dumb. And I seriously doubt (if war between the countries is impending), that our carriers would be on such a low alert status or that it would take only one torpedo to knock out a modern, US carrier. If the Chinese want to beat us, then it will be through their economy.

    You’re probably correct about the economy thing. But about the one-torpedo thing…does anyone remember the attack on the USS Cole? That was only a dingy.

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