A History Lesson: History repeats iteself: President Bush

  • Our country was founded by true heroes. People like Patrick Henry, who saw America as a united country. People like Alexander Hamilton, who saw America as an Industrial empire and was argueably the smartest person alive at his time. People like the senseable Ben Franklin, Jefferson, John Adams, Washington, Sam Adams, and Daniell Morgan. These people risked their fortunes, their lives, their families, everything for a cause. They weren’t politicians, they were leaders.

    Our country has met great struggles. Whether it was the British invasion of 1812, the Civil War, the great depression, we’ve always come out on top and with our ideals intact. Almost to the present day, we remained an Idealistic nation and a symbol for good.

    This changed when the Cold War ended. America was at the very uncontested top of the food chain. This has never happened in History before. It caused some pretty bad reprecussions. And here is where History starts to repeat itself again.

    Every nation that has been the only superpower in the world has always resorted to the barbaric imperialism and ruthless terror that ensues. Be it Rome, England, the Muslims, The Aztecs and the Chineese. All were the absolute lords of their Domains.

    We are the Lords of our Domain now. No one comes close to our power. A United Front of the world against us is impossible. We rule like Kings over the Peasants. And its getting worse.

    President Bush. The Charismatic Moron from Texas. He attained political power through his father (argue what you want, if he hadn’t been Bush Sr.'s son, he wouldn’t of even gone to the Primaries). He was being called a poor leader before September 11th, and now he is an efficient, but evil, leader.

    President Bush is Hitler ver. 2.0. No he is not a gaser of Jews, that’s not what I am comparing him to. He is a person who took a great tradegy, in Hitler’s case the Great Depression, and used it to shape his power and to effect our nation. After the attacks, President Bush used mainly words, and little action, to bring the American people to his side. Yes, he’s put out some good plans and a few good ideas, mostly the ideas of his Aid’s.

    However, he’s done a lot more harm to our nation. Something out of Geoge Orwell’s 1984, the first thing he did was pass the “Patriot Act”. A huge bill practically giving the President free reign to legally execute and imprison who he wishes. He also now can legally violate our privacy. Why did Congress not vote this down? Because of the President’s huge approval rating. Because of the President’s words, and not his actions.

    He continues on, changing laws to fit his war. He first makes a legit attack, in Afganistan, to make Americans feel like he is doing something. In fact he is doing quite a bit, breaking the back of the people who performed 9/11, on live TV.

    Now it changes. He begins to ignore the true facts. The tanking economy, the huge companies cheating the people, real terrorist problems. President Bush doesn’t care about all this, he’s trying to find a way to get his approval rating back up. So, he targets Iraq. A small country of only 20 million, ravaged by our just war in 1991. President Bush looks at Iraq, and sees a few months of boosted Approval ratings.

    He’s using the same language I heard Hitler using. Things like “Defending the American people” and “Protecting the Homeland”. Hitler himself was incredibly popular during his time. And used his version of the Secret Military Tribunal to take out the opposition. Luckily for us, President Bush probably doesn’t plan to convert us to a Facism, or to Blitz Canada (though it would be amusing).

    No, President Bush is doing this to further his own ends. He wants to remain in political power for another 6 years, maybe longer. He is doing this for those who pay him to. Enron was the #1 Contributer to the Bush campaign. You might wonder why no Enron executives have been even charged with a crime. Bush is in camp with the oil companies, he used to be an oil baron himself. And theres lots of room in Iraq for oil companies with Saddam gone.

    Now, like I said, I’m not seeing President Bush going crazy on the scale of Hitler. He’s not smart enough for that. However, he is turning this country into a bully, a conservative empire, and is losing sight of the ideals we were founding on. Peace, Justice, and the American way. America has been a symbol of democracy, peace, and liberty for 226 years. If we’re going to stay that way for another 226 years, President Bush has to go.

  • Between God and Bush, you seem to enjoy demonizing “power” figures. I bet i could compare just about anyone to Hitler and make them look evil. Not that i believe Bush to be intelligent or good.

  • He’s making use of all those Executive Orders that former presidents signed(Clinton was a great producer/supporter of Executive Orders, and I quote,“I hope to be the last American president.”) - Xi
    Don’t forget spacewheel motherships, the Illuminati, species 8472, and Rush Limbaugh!

    Hold on a sec.
    Someone’s bangin’ on the door.
    Hey! What the G*damd he// are you *&@%ers doin’ breakin’ inta my home?
    OW! Ungh!
    . . . . . . . .

  • God does not exist, I was simply showing how people’s idealogy is flawed.

    However, President Bush does exist. President Bush I can compare to History, and show you all what is happening.

  • @Yanny:

    God does not exist.

    Can you prove that he doesn’t? Nope. Can I prove that he does? Nope. But I wouldn’t rule anything out…

  • Prove to me the Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist. In fact while your at it, prove to me Santa Claus doesn’t exist. God is just a myth.

  • God exist whether you like it or not - it is your interpretation of how you see him.

  • @TG:

    God exist whether you like it or not - it is your interpretation of how you see him.

    someone says something profound.

  • could you keep this in one of the multiple christianity chats?

  • And I expected an uproar from the neo-conservatives of this board )

  • @Y_:

    God does not exist(.)

    Yanny does not exist!
    I challenge anyone to prove to me that China exists.
    Oh, yeah! Drug me, put thoughts in my mind about
    the lousy plane trip(really fat dude takin’ up the seat
    next to me and half of mine, tasteless food, rude
    steward, delays with no comfort[the decadence],
    lost luggage :P ), the wonderful people of Hunan
    province, the pollution, the quaint beauty, the
    marvelous flight home(a pleasant rowmate, free
    drinks due to delays, the flirtatous flight attendant
    who couldn’t keep her hands off me whose phone

    I gallantly lost so my wife wouldn’t kill me :D ).

    You can’t fool me. I belong to Abductees of
    Government and Alien Inbreeding Normal Sentient


    Can you prove that he doesn’t? Nope.
    Can I prove that he does? Nope.
    But I wouldn’t rule anything out…

    Ah, Deviant! The problem in a peashell.


    God is just a myth.

    Don’t say that to loud! I hear thunder and
    there’s not a cloud in the sky. :o


    God exist(s) whether you like it or not - it is
    your interpretation of how you see him.

    “Perception is the door to reality.”

    • Some Famous Guy Said That.


    finally, someone says something profound.

    Profound? You want profound? :-? . . .
    Wait a minute. I’ll thinka sumptin :roll: . . .
    I’m getting a headache.
    Let me get back to you on that.


    could you keep this in one of the
    multiple christianity chats?

    Bondaries? You would set boundaries on the
    growth of intellect and development of wisdom?


    And I expected an uproar from the
    neo-conservatives of this board.

    NEO? Who ya callin’ neo
    ya buefqwstzhyvd ztve!

    “The more you study, the more you find
    out you don’t know.” - Cozy Cole
    Young men think old men are fools.
    Old men know young men are fools." -Some Unanimous Guy Said That. :P Really.

  • @Y_:

    God does not exist(.)

    Yanny does not exist!
    I challenge anyone to prove to me that China exists.
    Oh, yeah! Drug me, put thoughts in my mind about
    the lousy plane trip(really fat dude takin’ up the seat
    next to me and half of mine, tasteless food, rude
    steward, delays with no comfort[the decadence],
    lost luggage :P ), the wonderful people of Hunan
    province, the pollution, the quaint beauty, the
    marvelous flight home(a pleasant rowmate, free
    drinks due to delays, the flirtatous flight attendant
    who couldn’t keep her hands off me whose phone

    I gallantly lost so my wife wouldn’t kill me :D ).

    You can’t fool me. I belong to Abductees of
    Government and Alien Inbreeding Normal Sentient


    Can you prove that he doesn’t? Nope.
    Can I prove that he does? Nope.
    But I wouldn’t rule anything out…

    Ah, Deviant! The problem in a peashell.


    God is just a myth.

    Don’t say that to loud! I hear thunder and
    there’s not a cloud in the sky. :o


    God exist(s) whether you like it or not - it is
    your interpretation of how you see him.

    “Perception is the door to reality.”

    • Some Famous Guy Said That.


    finally, someone says something profound.

    Profound? You want profound? :-? . . .
    Wait a minute. I’ll thinka sumptin :roll: . . .
    I’m getting a headache.
    Let me get back to you on that.


    could you keep this in one of the
    multiple christianity chats?

    Bondaries? You would set boundaries on the
    growth of intellect and development of wisdom?


    And I expected an uproar from the
    neo-conservatives of this board.

    NEO? Who ya callin’ neo
    ya buefqwstzhyvd ztve!

    “The more you study, the more you find
    out you don’t know.” - Cozy Cole
    Young men think old men are fools.
    Old men know young men are fools." -Some Unanimous Guy Said That. :P Really.

  • That was me or couldn’t you tell by the STYLE?

    DAM this website! No problems anywhere else. I create the post, post it, see a change I’d like to make, scroll up to hit edit, and across from my nick (and avatar) on the page there is NO edit button! LFYE! It never showed. Then I tried clickin’ back and, of course, that didn’t work. When I got back to the page my nick and avatar were gone . . . replaced by a COLD CRUEL “Guest”. Kkkwdf!
    ZWKI! A masterpiece, I must say so myself,
    and NO CREDIT to my post count! - Xi

    I’m gonna create a Master Signature. No common quotes for me. - Xi

  • I challenge anyone to prove to me that China exists

    I saw it. Many people have – therefore it exists.


    Can you prove that he doesn’t? Nope.
    Can I prove that he does? Nope.
    But I wouldn’t rule anything out…


    Prove to me the Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist. In fact while your at it, prove to me Santa Claus doesn’t exist. God is just a myth.

    Gee-whiz that’s awfully original :roll:

    could you keep this in one of the multiple christianity chats?

    Nope, quess not.

    “Perception is the door to reality.”

    • Some Famous Guy Said That.

    Smart guy.


    finally, someone says something profound.

    Err… thanks :wink:


    Bondaries? You would set boundaries on the
    growth of intellect and development of wisdom?

    Been there, read that.


    And I expected an uproar from the
    neo-conservatives of this board.

    No new neo’s, we still preach the same old thing.

    DAM this website! No problems anywhere else. I create the post, post it, see a change I’d like to make, scroll up to hit edit, and across from my nick (and avatar) on the page there is NO edit button! LFYE! It never showed. Then I tried clickin’ back and, of course, that didn’t work. When I got back to the page my nick and avatar were gone . . . replaced by a COLD CRUEL “Guest”. Kkkwdf!

    Have a ham sandwich - I’m sure it’s much better than eternal happiness.

  • @TG:

    Have a ham sandwich - I’m sure it’s much better than eternal happiness.

    and so a thread is born . . . .

  • No one has even mentioned my big speech )

    President Bush = Evil person. I don’t know how we elected him. Well, his opposition WAS Gore.

  • No one has even mentioned my big speech )

    Note to self: humans lose interest easily.

  • Damned Humans. We Zobanach… nevermind.

  • @TG:

    No one has even mentioned my big speech )

    Note to self: humans lose interest easily.

    not in sandwiches we don’t!!!

  • Bush is GReat i Admire what he is Doing to this country to a certain extent.

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