@Witt Yeah NA so far behind you
World Boardgaming Championship Rules
Hey Guys,
This is the Victory Territory Tournament rules, they use this at the World Board Gaming Champinships for Axis and Allies Revised. May interest a few, i find there is much more of a global war and strategies can be quite different, bids are only usually between 3 - 6.
Time Limit: 4:30 hrs Standard Bidding.
Adjudication System-
The determination of who wins a tournament game will be based upon the control of Victory Territories (VTs). The Victory City method of determining a winner will NOT be used. Each side controls 12 Victory Territories at the beginning of the game. The Victory Territories are listed below.AXIS POWERS
Western Europe
Southern Europe
Eastern Europe
Ukraine SSR
French Indochina
Philippine Islands
East Indies
United Kingdom
Eastern US
Western US
Hawaiian Islands
SinkiangIf a player holds 18 (or more) VTs for a full round of game play (From the end of a country’s turn to the beginning of that same country’s next turn.), then that player automatically wins the game.
In the event of a VT tie at the end of the game, whichever side increased its IPC total is the winner. If the game is still tied after reviewing the IPC totals, then the GM will make a determination of the winner based upon the game situation at the time the game ended.
If a player chooses to concede a game before it has reached the 18 VT automatic win threshold or the game time limit (4.5 hrs), a default score of 19 VTs and +30 IPCs will be awarded to the winner.
Come on peeps, surely out of the 24 reads, someone has a worthy comment or has played like this before, if so i’m interested in Strategies for this format.
I like the concept.
Ask to run a tourney?
I like the concept.
Ask to run a tourney?
I only play live at the moment, once i played this format i have never gone back. How can i run a tourny online? (im new to online play, i know about games table and triple a but not how to change win conditions and time limit etc.
Check your PM’s.