Addition to "Happy Birthday America" Thread

  • I know what you mean Horten, we have like a 1,000 men defending Finland from the U.S.S.R.

  • “America is always wrong, everything we do provokes ill feelings? Stop the double standard against America or we will pull men out of Bosnia! (Well, if you don’y exclude American servicement from the International court!)”

    Sorry, this was too funny and all too true to resist. :P I always get all this anti-American rhetoric about America being this overseer (which is in some sense true) run by George Bush or as Saddam would call him, “The Great Satan.” So why don’t we just pull all our enlisted servicemen from Europe and ship them home? (Well except for France, where we keep our secret CIA operatives [j/k] :wink:)

  • We have like 50,000 troops in Germany defending the Fulda gap. We should pull them back and use them for the invasion of Cana- erm I mean Iraq.

  • @yourbuttocks:

    We have like 50,000 troops in Germany defending the Fulda gap. We should pull them back and use them for the invasion of Cana- erm I mean Iraq.

    The invasion of Canada . . . how amusing would that be? Do you honestly believe that we do not prepare for this daily? You prolly think that we are not conscripted into the “anti-American-Invasion-Counter-Measures-Forces” at 12.
    4 words:
    Bring on the noise!!!

    • lazy crypt.

  • Ha, Calfornia could probably take over Canada by itself! :wink:

    Nah, then we would have to go up against fierce killer Polar Bears (Run away, run away) and drunk Canadian Mounties. :P

  • @yourbuttocks:

    We have like 50,000 troops in Germany defending the Fulda gap. We should pull them back and use them for the invasion of Cana- erm I mean Iraq.

    You really have a thing against Canadians, don’t you.
    It wasn’t the Canadian hockey team handing the American team its ass at the Olympics, was it? :lol:

  • America spends 150 billion dollars a year at least on Europe and Korea. (possible 180, i know korea is 30, but i forget if the 150 is a combined statistic.) America gives money to “aid” countries when no one gets it and god knows we never meant for it to really help the “people” anyhow. America dropped 22 billion dollars like a hat to mexico, and gave billions to China, the power that will take us out in less than 50 years, thanks to the soft money donations to the democratic party. Give me a goddamn break, and people complain about 3 billion dollars to israel! Stop throwing all of our money away like that! America can care less about Russia invading Europe, and we know it isn’t going to happen. So why spend all the money for it??? Korea might be important for a future base of attack on China, god forbid there is a future war. Israel, Egypt, and other countries affecting the Suez canal are also important.

    I’m not sure what I am ranting about anymore…

  • “It wasn’t the Canadian hockey team handing the American team its ass at the Olympics, was it?”

    Well hockey isn’t exactly our sport. As for Canada, they are expected to win. Now if you beat us at our own game (baseball, football, basketball, ect), that WOULD be something.

  • I’m not so sure China would win a future war. They do have a larger army, but ours is more advanced. It would not be very hard for America to increase the size of our Army several fold, but it would take years for China to update it’s military.

    Besides, we are better positioned. We are close allies with South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. We have 100,000 to 150,000 troops deployed in South East Asia, in addition to naval assests. We are also starting to deploy anti-missile systems. The Chinese equivalent wiould be being allied with Canada and Mexscio, deploying 100,000 troops in Mexico, and porting one of it’s fleets at Vancouver.

    Like Horten, I hope war does not come, because millions would die, but I doubt the Chinese could win. How could they get their troops over here anyway? They may have a big navy, but we have carriers loaded with enough hornets to blow them out of the water. Plus all our subs. Some of which have a nuclear arsenal comparable to China’s.

    Which brings up the nuclear question. China currently has roughly 20 ICBMs, though it has at least 400 nukes. However, between the CIA, NSA, Anti-Ballistic missile defense, both deployed in Asia and in Space and in the United States, we ought to be able to keep them down.

    And to clear up one final point, in an anti-missile system, each missile would not be targteted once. Attempts to shoot each missile down would be made 3-8 times. Each layer has about a 50% success rate.

  • “I’m not so sure China would win a future war. They do have a larger army, but ours is more advanced. It would not be very hard for America to increase the size of our Army several fold, but it would take years for China to update it’s military.”

    For now the Chinese aren’t that much of a threat. They aren’t dumb. They know if they much as lay a finger on Taiwan, the results won’t be pretty. However, China has already begun modernizing it military (not just the army, but all of it) to prepare for the 21st Century. And if war should break out (even now), I’m thinking that both sides would be hopelessly stalemated. Remember how much difficulty we had against the North Vietnamese and in Cambodia. Try going up against 1.3 billion Chinese! And the Chinese will have find a way to defeat our dominant Navy in order to reach America, no easy task. (Not to mention having to fight their way against every real American with a gun to reach Washington DC)

  • @HortenFlyingWing:

    America is always wrong, everything we do provokes ill feelings? Stop the double standard against America or we will pull men out of Bosnia! (Well, if you don’y exclude American servicement from the International court!)

    America is very good at this provoking IMHO. And please, feel free to pull back your troops, and pay your debts to the U.N., and stop blackmailing the U.N./ international community.

    I hate having the worlds strongest power break into tears and cry for revenge at any opportunity……

  • @yourbuttocks:

    I know what you mean Horten, we have like a 1,000 men defending Finland from the U.S.S.R.


    you what “news” in “newspaper” means?

  • @yourbuttocks:

    I’m not so sure China would win a future war.

    When do you think is “future”? tomorrow? in 10 years?
    And of course, do you implicitly mean “USA will win” when you say “China does not win” ?
    Just interested….

  • @F_alk:


    America is always wrong, everything we do provokes ill feelings? Stop the double standard against America or we will pull men out of Bosnia! (Well, if you don’y exclude American servicement from the International court!)

    America is very good at this provoking IMHO. And please, feel free to pull back your troops, and pay your debts to the U.N., and stop blackmailing the U.N./ international community.

    I hate having the worlds strongest power break into tears and cry for revenge at any opportunity……

    I think that the mere presence of America, it’s power etc. seems to provoke certain communitees.
    With regards to “breaking into tears” etc. those “opportunities” far too often represent the loss of American lives, or an indirect cause of loss of American lives. You would prefer what to breaking into tears? The kind of ruthless bombing that Clinton conducted (4 countries in 6 months once)?

  • “I hate having the worlds strongest power break into tears and cry for revenge at any opportunity……”

    I’m not sure what you mean by this. But breaking out into tears? Sorry, but that is untrue to our character and the American way. I’m just disappointed that Americans did not to something sooner (if you are refering to our current actions).

  • I can see why Falk is mad at the U.S., if it wasn’t for us the U.S.S.R. would have conquered France and Germany and Italy and Europe would be Communist right now. (except for the U.K.)

    What does IMHO mean?

  • @F_alk:


    America is always wrong, everything we do provokes ill feelings? Stop the double standard against America or we will pull men out of Bosnia! (Well, if you don’y exclude American servicement from the International court!)

    America is very good at this provoking IMHO. And please, feel free to pull back your troops, and pay your debts to the U.N., and stop blackmailing the U.N./ international community.

    I hate having the worlds strongest power break into tears and cry for revenge at any opportunity……

    Now America should pay back the billions, did I say we shouldn’t? But how about everyone acts like Finland and pays us back from WW2 all the way to Y2K? Its a two way street. Europeans proke bad feelings more so, but because America is the world’s leading power it is only natural they would be scrutinized more heavily. Does it make it right? No. And still, stop justifying your bigotry.

    "I’m not so sure China would win a future war. They do have a larger army, but ours is more advanced. It would not be very hard for America to increase the size of our Army several fold, but it would take years for China to update it’s military.

    Besides, we are better positioned. We are close allies with South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. We have 100,000 to 150,000 troops deployed in South East Asia, in addition to naval assests. We are also starting to deploy anti-missile systems. The Chinese equivalent wiould be being allied with Canada and Mexscio, deploying 100,000 troops in Mexico, and porting one of it’s fleets at Vancouver. "

    China has nuclear weapons, and they could take ouit Taiwan to spite us, and I doubt America would want to fight a prolonged war. I do hope that future wars with superpowers are convential, because the fear of the destructiveness of nuclear weapons…but all we need is one suicidal nut to change that.

  • “Now America should pay back the billions, did I say we shouldn’t? But how about everyone acts like Finland and pays us back from WW2 all the way to Y2K? Its a two way street. Europeans proke bad feelings more so, but because America is the world’s leading power it is only natural they would be scrutinized more heavily. Does it make it right? No. And still, stop justifying your bigotry.”

    It’s funny how even though, America borrows a lot, we also give a lot away to other countries. Should we call back in all our loans to pay back all the loans we own?

    “China has nuclear weapons, and they could take ouit Taiwan to spite us, and I doubt America would want to fight a prolonged war.”

    True, but China’s navy isn’t exactly first rate (though steadily improving). Also, China has a lot to lose (not just military) if they do invade Taiwan, like trade embargos and other sanctions by the US

  • trade sanctions on china? We could barely “persuade” to continue them on iraq!

    Should everyone pay everyone back? I wonder who america owes the trillions of dollars?

  • @yourbuttocks:

    I can see why Falk is mad at the U.S., if it wasn’t for us the U.S.S.R. would have conquered France and Germany and Italy and Europe would be Communist right now. (except for the U.K.)

    What does IMHO mean?

    IMHO = in my humble opinion
    (funny a non-native english speaker teaches acronyms :) )

    If it wasn’t for you, then the WWI may have ended diferently, the WWII may have ended diefferently etc. etc. You are just looking at the last part of that chain. And: why would the russian have stopped on mainland europe? i really can’t follow you there.

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