Yeah, I’m thinking so of myself. However, this book does seem to be a little too biased.
“This did not escape Germany’s notice who in turn planned a preventive strike.”
I thought this was based on the thoughts of expanding the “Ayrian” and provide more supplies and materials for a long war against England. Wasn’t Operation Barbarossa not completely planned out until after the Battle of Britain was deemed a “failure?”
“Since the 1920s, Stalin planned the “World Revolution.””
I don’t know, wasn’t it Trotsky who wanted pursue a global revolution? I think Stalin was more content to consolidate his gains in Russia.
“Furthermore, this book reveals not only the atrocious treatment of German POWs by the Red Army, but explains also how Soviet soldiers were incited to unlimited hatred against everything German.”
And on the same scale, you could also say that the German treatment of Russian POWs was atrocious (Hitler hated the Russians) – or at least until the Germans realized that they needed them in the West (ie D-Day). However, the later statement is true.
“Finally, it gives the reader an unpleasant glimpse into the gigantic wave of looting, arson, rape, torture, and mass murder that befell East Germany at the end of the war.”
Again, this is true. However, I think the author also fails to mention the devastation Germany inflicted on Russia during the war.
“It was not before 1948 that the US government realized that it fought against the wrong enemy in Europe during WWII.”
Haha. Looks like Patton was right all along! Let’s arm those Nazis and get them to help us fight the Russians! :wink:
“The author, a former historian of the German government, is one of the world’s finest experts on the German-Soviet war.”
Hopefully, as a historian, he will clear up the questions I poise from above.
“Propagated by left-wingers that the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin was peace loving and had no intention of military operations on foreign soil.”
Sorry, but even I have to say these left-wingers were wrong if they think Josef Stalin was a peace loving guy.
“It also absolutely destroys the myths of the “Great Patriotic War,” “Mass Heroism,” and “Soviet Patriotism””
I don’t know about this. Most Russians did fight with uncommon valor in the face of the motherland being invaded. What were the consequences? Maybe, the extermination or enslavement of the Russians (Hitler had also planned this out along with the Jews) and having all there land become part of the “Aryan Breadbasket?” I do agree, that many Russians were forced to fight though.
“The author lays out all the propaganda used to incite extreme hatred of everything German, to criminalize the Wehrmacht, blame Soviet crimes on the Germans, and to dehumanize the Germans into vermin.”
All true.