• @cystic:

    So am i the only one who thinks “under Jesus, the saviour of the World” might be substituted?
    and can we add that to the poll?

    what i just found, and what is ridicously funny …



  • “The phrase ‘under God’ clearly violates the First Amendment’s separation of church and state,” said McDonald’s CEO Jack Greenberg. “However, there is nothing in the Constitution that separates chicken and state, which is why we’re proposing, ‘One nation, six chicken McNuggets and a medium Coke, all for $1.99.’”

    Mighty intresting… :P
    Freedom speech can buy you anything nowadays.

  • it’s satire of course….

  • :-? Why wouldn’t if be?

  • my friend and I emailed each other about this…maybe you care to read it!

    A short rant of mine:
    "In the pledge, I believe in California, it is unconstitutional to say “under
    god.” Now I believe to much of America’s politics and society is dictated by
    the will of the “God of Israel, Abraham…whatever” At the G-8 conference,
    Bush made a stupid reference about that our politicians should all believe in
    God, and of course he is alluding to the God of the Jews, Christians, and
    Muslims. Now I know the “under god” in the pledge, made in 1944, probably
    ment the christian god, but isn’t it open to interpretation? I’m sure an
    agnostic god wouldn’t be so offending (a god that can be anything as simple
    as a plain “governing force of the universe”, like the laws of physics.)

    The guy who brought the case up also brought up the case to take “In God We
    Trust” of money. God can be interpretted in many fashions, because it
    doesn’t say “in a christian god…” I would have to say “under god” should

    and what my friend said:

    "… I believe that “under god” in the pledge is a load of garbage. I think the judge ruled correctly, and I think that he’s a crap judge who went back on his decision once a few “god loving” people got a touch upset. I think that is… “fair-weather” judgeship. If you make a decision, you should be able to stand behind it 100%, and not care who is against your interpretation of the constitution.

    Please, I wouldn’t want MY kids saying “under god”, until they are of age to decide if religion is for them. If it is, I won’t complain, but if they think that the big invisible man in the sky who “loves” us so much to send us to hell is a load of garbage, I’ll stand with them there too. My kids are MY kids, and no government agency will tell them to SAY “under god”. Being patriotic does not mean being religious, and those two words are not synonymous with “AMERICA RULES!” Just because I don’t want to say it doesn’t mean that I am anti-america, and I’ll go burn a flag (which I am all for, along with killin those damn babies. Heh.) My spiritual beliefs should not be tested in school, and neither should little kids be bullied into saying “under god” in class. My little sister was FORCED to say the pledge up to THIS YEAR, in 8th grade. I don’t think that’s right. She would’ve been singled out and ostracized by the teacher if she didn’t say it. Personally, I haven’t said the pledge since the 6th grade, singly for the “under god” clause in it. I love america, america fuckin rules, but I do not think that me not saying the pledge makes me love america any less, just differently, less spiritually and religiously. Also… separation of church and state much?

    When they were in school, my parents had to say all that communist bullshit. They were forced to sing their songs, say their slogans, and hail their flag. Forcing kids into saying “under god” is not QUITE that extreme, but it’s bad enough. "

  • And what was your response?

  • At the G-8 conference, Bush made a stupid reference about that our politicians should all believe in God, and of course he is alluding to the God of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

    haha, Bush is not a big model of intelligence and culture :), he should start the Christian Integrist Party.

    His axis of evil was pretty dumm too

  • Well, even Bush admits to his stupidity (ex. Yep, I know I didn’t deserve to go to Yale). However, he is smart in the way that he fills his cabinet with competent leaders that know how to do their job, like a few other presidents… AKA Ulysses S Grant. I did like Barbara Bush though, she should’ve ran for presidency!

  • Bush is smart that he calls his father daily and asks for advice :)

  • Well Bush Sr. was a good president. The reason why he didn’t get elected was because of the economy (“Read my lips, no new taxes!” As you can see, stupid remarks run in the family). And the reason for this could be traced back to the era of Regan.

  • @TG:

    Well, even Bush admits to his stupidity (ex. Yep, I know I didn’t deserve to go to Yale). However, he is smart in the way that he fills his cabinet with competent leaders that know how to do their job, like a few other presidents… AKA Ulysses S Grant. I did like Barbara Bush though, she should’ve ran for presidency!

    Hey, he was a good pitcher!

  • @TG:

    Well Bush Sr. was a good president. The reason why he didn’t get elected was because of the economy (“Read my lips, no new taxes!” As you can see, stupid remarks run in the family). And the reason for this could be traced back to the era of Regan.

    good president? He stinked like Regan (except regan won us the cold war.) Was Bush better than Clinton? At least he did a little more than just fire some rockets…

  • @TG:

    And what was your response?

    I respect some people’s opinions ;)

    I can’t remember to tell the truth.

  • Good answer :wink: (though reply is in no means disrespecting)

  • sure :)…

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