@The-Bismarck hallo, zijn jullie nog steeds op zoek naar spelers? Ik speel al een tiental jaar en ben ook op zoek naar speelgenoten. Ik kom uit regio Antwerpen maar wil me gerust verplaatsen.
Trying to find any San Diego A&A board game players!!!!
Ther has to be people out of 1 million + people who like to play A&A board game and wants to play
I live near San Diego State and can play sundays and mondays.
I live off the 94 and can play sundays just let me know when and we can figure out where
Think my sundays are open all day. I work Saturday night and morning
so more towards the afternoon. -
I live in Oceanside, and am free to play most Suday afternoons
Crazy Ivan :-o -
I live in Orange county and can play on weekends. Willing to drive somewhere in San Diego to play or host a game at my house.
Anyone up for a A&A50 or Pacific 40 game in So Cal or San Diego?