@koala My son & I would have the actual board set up & Skyped the dice rolls with other parts of the turn being communicated by phone &/or Skype if both parties had wifi. Just when the next turn player was ready to do their move then we would set up a time to go for it! Hope this helps & answers your question.
TripleA email game
Does anybody play TripleA email games? I just noticed it has a feature to do that.
I usually have a TripleA email game going on. You save the game and send it as an attachment. The email feature on TripleA is only to keep track of die rolls so your opponent doesn’t cheat. It produces a ton of emails though, if you can trust you opponent, it’s probably not worth all the emails.
Cool. Thanks for the info. If anybody wants to try it out sometime let me know. I play against the computer, but it would be fun to play against a human for a change.