I finally saw it yesterday. It hurt. I loved the first 3/saw them in theaters (yes, i’m that old) - especially ROTJ. The Phantom Menace was a little bit painful, but i found that i was slapping myself upside my head to avoid the deeper pain of the movie. The “Romeo and Juliette” meets “Gladiator” motifs killed an otherwise amazing series for me. The “Lord of the Rings” (army making scenes), clone-war, Jedi-ruling-ass scenes, and some of the chase scenes were the few bright spots in a dreck-filled movie with bad, bland acting, worse dialogue, and an unnecessary love-story with a lot of whining by Anakin. oh yeah, and the movie’s other saving grace were it’s special effects, the cinematography (looked like a little “Blade Runner”, no?) and the Yoda-on-amphetamines (although i did like Portman’s outfits from time to time :smile: ).
Now the first 3 had it all. Star destroyers, storm-troopers marching all over the place, cowboys-on-pieces of junk (millenium falcons, as it were), and Alec Guinness. Oh yeah, and LEAH! Now there’s a WOMAN!!!
Also i agree that TESB is the greatest so far. Hoth, cloud city, star destroyers, a very demanding Vadar, strong acting all around with the possible exception of Mark Hamel who really grew into his character.
flame away.