@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
R01 - DD (Axis) vs LL (Allies + 12)
Well, LL, we finally get a match together after discussing it for about 6 months.
Good luck!
Allies place
inf egypt, inf E Ukr, sub z35 -
Good luck to you as well.
Let’s see if I can avoid being Unlucky Dutchy, going to roll the dice on an aggressive open. This could be a record short game if it doesn’t work out.
1 AC
4 inf
1 arm
Save $0Combat Moves
2 inf Fin
1 inf NWE, 1 art Germany via tnp
ftr NWE
ftr Pol
bom, ftr Germany
cru bombardsBst
3 inf, 1 art, 1 arm PolEpl
1 inf, 1 art, Bulg
1 inf, 1 arm PolUkraine
2 inf, 2 arm Bulg
2 arm Czech
1 inf, 1 arm Francez6
1 sub z5z2
2 subs z7
ftr Nor -
Ukraine taken wol.
NonCombat Moves
bomber lands Germany
2 inf Nor > Fin
inf Alg > Lib
ftr z2 > Nor
3 inf, aa gun Germany > FranceMobilziation
AC z5
4 inf, 1 arm GermanyCollect $52
Has $52Not so great, but we’ll see how it plays…
KAR taken with infantry, tank
Noncombat Moves
infantry from EVE to NOV
infantry from YAK to EVE
2 infantry from FAR to BRY
2 infantry from STC to BRY
submarine from Z4 to Z6
infantry from BEL to EUK
infantry from ARC to RUS
2 infantry from EUK to CAU
3 infantry, artillery from RUS to CAU
2 infantry from KAZ to CAU
2 infantry from NOV to RUSMobilize
infantry in RUS
3 tanks, bomber in CAUIncome
26 + 5 NO = 31
map with the bomber in CAU
Jap 1
2 tnps
save 3Combat Moves
4 ftrs z57z50
1 BB z61
1 dd z51Sui
3 inf ManchHup
3 inf KiangsuYunnan
2 inf FIC
ftr Formosa
ftr ManchBurma
2 inf z61
1 inf FIC
cru bombardsPhil
arm Japan, inf Okinawa
1 inf, 1 art z61Sum
1 inf CaroKwang
2 inf Caro
1 ftr Japanz35
2 ftrs z61 -
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