Concealed Carry Law - My bet is most A&A players are for it.

  • Wow,
    it’s lucky you have that ak-47. I mean, what happens if you get broken into and you can’t find any of your other guns? Well, at least you have the ol’ AK-47 handy.
    Naturally all of those other guns will come in handy when the American Army invades . . . America?
    There’s something wrong with this picture. Shouldn’t Canadians be arming themselves in case the American army invades Canada?
    is it just me, or is this a little excessive and weird?

  • dezrtfish, where do youlive that you can walk around with a gun on your hip? I could do that here in Ohio, but I would get arrested for diturbing the peace or causing a panic in some communities.

  • '19 Moderator

    CC- I guess that may seem funny to you, But home invasion roberies are becoming more common here. There was an instance a couple years ago were a group of people broke in to some one’s house in the middle of the night wearing bullet proof vests and killed the two occupants of the house in a gunfight through their bedroom door. I began to keep my AK in my bedroom arter that.

    I originaly bought the AK because it is fun to shoot, and I still think so. It is one of the three guns that are not locked up in my house.

    As I said before my other guns have other purposes. I have an M1 garand and a K98 which are collectable’s

    I also Different types of birds which require differnet types of Shotguns. The same goes for big game hunting and rifles.

    I do have some guns that I don’t use but have sentamental value, for instance the shotgun my father bought for me when I was 10 years old.

    I carry a Colt Compact .45 ACP

  • Have any of you seen that video of that North Hollywood (I think) shootout, after a bank robbery? The one where there’s two guys in full body armor, with AK’s. That was pretty nuts. Do any of you own air guns? I’m 16, so I’ve owned plenty of those rather than real guns. The most I’ve had at once was 4 airguns…we used to have pellet gun wars all the time, but stopped after I shot my brother in the knuckle (we didnt wear any protective things, not even goggles…so I guess it was GOOD that my brother got shot in the knuckle before one of us got shot in the face)

    [ This Message was edited by: Chris on 2002-05-17 13:34 ]

  • The police are there “to serve and protect” society as a whole…not to serve and protect every individual citizen.
    Crime decrease is a documented fact in states that have a CCW (concealed carry weapon) law. Though in some big cities a short term spike in aholes killing one another may occur.
    Did you know that Washington, D.C. is the per capita murder capital (HA!) of the U.S. L.A. usually comes in second, but last year it was Cincinnati, OH.
    A SHORT ASIDE - You have no clue what kind of c
    p has gone on here (in Cincinnati) if all you know is what you get via the Liberal News Media.

  • '19 Moderator

    xi- I live in Phoenix, AZ and it is not at all uncommon to see someone walking down the street with a gun. Although since we got the concealed permit law you see less. :wink:

  • Why is crap censored? I am 17 and I don’t have any guns myself, although my father will let me use a gun anytime I want. I currently own a paintball gun. I go paintballing every once in a while because it is too damn expesive. It is like a mini war with bullets that give you wealts.

  • i’m curious - does anyone know the gun-legislation up here in Canada? i mean, there’s gotta’ be something, or is Xi right? 'cuz there are a lot fewer slayings with guns here on a per pop basis (i.e. compare Toronto or Winnipeg to cities of equal pops).
    at any rate dezrtfish, that’s crazy. home invasions with bulletproof jackets.
    mind you - my uncle was the ambassador to Columbia, and he went around with his own little army, so i can understand the need in some circumstances.

  • '19 Moderator

    Disclamer- I am going for paintball next month in Cordes Junction if you are interested send me an e-mail. What do you use? I have an old raptor, but I go with skill over equipment :wink: I also where a WWII german SS camo shmock (sp)

    anyway let me know if you need a few “fruit loops”

    “Always mystify confuse and confound the enemy” Gen. Thomas J Jackson
    D-Backs- 26W 15L


    [ This Message was edited by: dezrtfish on 2002-05-17 22:39 ]

  • I’m with dezrtfish on this one, but being a member of the NRA, who wouldn’t? :smile:

    “Weapons are considered to be the great equalizer, meaning that a small person with a gun is equal to a large person, but it is a great equalize in another way, too. It insures that you are in some ways equal to a criminal that also carries a weapon.

    Despite this, some people apparently think that criminals will be willing to give up their guns if carrying them is against the law. What naiveté! Our nation was build and civilized by men and women who used guns in self-defense and in pursuit of peace. One wonders indeed, if the rising crime rate, isn’t due as much as anything to the criminal’s instinctive knowledge that the average victim no longer has means of self protection.

    No one knows how many people have been left alone because the criminals knew that the person might be carrying a concealed gun and knew how to use it. Criminals are not dissuaded by soft words, soft judges or easy laws. They are dissuaded by fear of the unknown and they are prevented from repating their crimes by death or by incarceration.”

    “Only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be.” - Aldolf Galland
    “The create? The create matters not. It is the man who pilots the create that truely counts” -

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-05-17 22:51 ]

  • “It’s no longer the 17th century. A few handguns isn’t going to stop the American Army.” - Yanny

    Again I would have to agree with dezrtfish’s response on this one again.

    “1st of all I was in the military and let me assure you that the majority of the US military would not turn on the population even though we swore to in the oath of enlistment.”

    Again this is true. Would you be fighting a war against the majority of the people in your own nation? And if you knew yourself your leader was a corrupt dictator?

    “And second, The American Population is better armed than the Army of North Vietnam was. I think that says enough.”

    I live in Los Angeles, so I can definitely agree with this. Heck, my local gun store sells RPGs and personal missile launchers!

    “It is amazing to me how so many people pay lip service to the Constitution, yet set out to twist and distort it when it stands in the way of things they think ought to be done or laws they believe ought to be passed. The Second Amendment is clear, ‘A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.’

    We may not have a well-regulated militia, but it does not necessarily follow that we should not be prepared to have one. The day could easily come when we need one. When dictators come to power, the first thing they do is take away the people’s weapons. It makes it so much easier for the secret police to operate; it makes it so much easier to force the will of the ruler upon the ruled. Imagine if a Jew had welcomed every Gestapo with a gun in his hand!

    Others say that weapons of mass destruction (biological, nuclear, ect.) have made the right to keep and bear arms irrelevant, since arms are of little use against weapons of such terrible destructive power. Many wars have been fought since World War II and no nuclear bomb has been dropped. We have no assurance that the next world war will be a nuclear war.”

    “Only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be.” - Aldolf Galland
    “The create? The create matters not. It is the man who pilots the create that truely counts” -

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-05-17 23:08 ]

  • '19 Moderator

    Amen HTF

    I was just watching the news and there was a local story I want to share.

    A man and his wife were leaving a Denny’s restaurant, a couple miles from my house, a few hours ago. When a man approached them in the parking lot and demanded that the first man hand over his keys. When the man refused to do so the “bad guy” produced a knife and stabbed him in the back.

    He then demanded that the woman start the car, as he could not get it started. She managed to convince him that the anti-theft device would not let the car start.

    So, "bad guy headed across the parking lot and stopped another woman in her car. He forced her out of the car, stabbed her and stole her car.

    Then he drove a few miles and decided to “jack” another car. This time the woman did not fight she gave up the car. "Bad guy then, in his haste ran into her and caused “multiple injuries” before crashing her car further down the street. The police then caught him and it was discovered that he had been released from Jail this morning.

    Now if a guy approached my gas hog SUV and demanded at knifepoint that I turn it over to him he would have two problems. They would be the 45 caliber smoking holes in his chest.

    You have all read my posts in other threads. I am not a violent man. I do not believe in killing except in one circumstance, and that is to protect my life or the life of another. Before someone asks, if I saw that guy stab a total stranger and I was close enough, in a position to do so and was sure of the situation, I would shoot him.

    And I hit where I aim, I spend enough time in the range to be as effective as I need to be. I also know well the limits of my ability with any of my guns. I don’t mean to come off like some kind of hardass, I just refuse to be a victim if I can help it.

  • It’s a damn shame, that one of these women weren’t properly trained and equipped with a canceled weapon. It’s interesting how much our American society has become a revolving door in which criminals learn better ways to commit crimes in jail, and then test out their applications after they’ve been released in the minimal amount of time.

    What kind of a low life would go out of his way to steal a woman’s car, left alone stab them? The same low life that would carry a concealed weapon even if it was against the law! I know if I was caught in similar circumstances knowing the reality of the situation, I would not hesitate to blow the person away with my Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter a la Clint Eastwood style. Does that in any ways make me a bloodthirsty killer? No, I pride myself on a law-abiding citizen that has never been arrested, but I also pride myself on being able to protect myself and the lives of others around me.

    “Where guns are outlawed, only outlaws carry guns.” – Famous Saying

  • Read what I read in my NRA magazine. The private citizens of Great Britian gave up their right to own any gun (even for hunting, I believe) a few years ago. The crime rate has soared since then. Now only criminals own guns there. The Parliament(sp?) has sought to(or by now done so) pass a law to get criminals to turn in there guns!

  • Ha this is almost as futile as Australia’s Buyback campaign that cost the country $550 million and resulted in higher crime rates!

  • There should be a “people’s gun” given to each citizen after they get their license. IMO it would lower crime…how much people are going to commit violent acts if everyone had a gun?

    I guess there should be restrictions on carrying the guns in bars and airports though.

  • I agree. In Switzerland, by law, every household must contain at least one fully automatic assault rifle. Guess what? Their homicide and violent crime rate is well below ours.


  • That’s funny since the majority of cases that involve self defense with a firearm is usually a handgun.

  • '19 Moderator

    That is the way I read it in my “1st Freedom” magazine.

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