• what i want to know is how fascists like that get so populur in the first place.

    did no one learn from world war 2 what fasctism leeds too? especilly from a some what influentel country.

  • People follow alot of different causes and different people they wouldn’t normally follow because words can work wonders. It is easy to believe, especially when the people that live in the country might not care about history. Most of us at this site like history, especially WWII; but believe it or not there are people out there who don’t care about anything but themselves. Don’t take this as applying to everyone in France, but that is the only explination in my mind.

    Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We dont allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?–Joseph Stalin

    How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think–Adolf Hitler

    [ This Message was edited by: Disclaimer on 2002-05-10 18:56 ]

    [ This Message was edited by: Disclaimer on 2002-05-10 18:56 ]

  • I know nothing of french politics…just that le pen was “a nazi” according to the media.

  • no, you would do nothing, as long as France stays in the EU and in the Nato. You have done nothing about Berlusconi, Haider or whatever the nationalist party in denmark is called.

  • But what has the nationalist party in denmark done?

  • what has LePen done? The Danish Peoples Party supports the Government, even though they are not part of it, they are the votes who make make majority in the parliament. Denmark is a pretty liberal country, but still i wouldn’t like to be a “non-westerner” there. (i would say the situation is similar to what may hapen in the Netherlands, even after the murder of Pim Fortuyn: they will have a strong right “very right” wing party in a liberal society).

  • Le Pen hasn’t done anything because he has not been elected to term. Other than that, you lost while attempting to explain Denmark’s views to me.

  • The nationalsit party there won 12% of the votes from a quite “dirty” electorial campaign, playing with the fears the ppl have against muslims (esp. after Sept. last year).

  • Aha, so what are you trying to say with this?

  • well, you asked what they have done…

  • Haha, thanks. Sorry.

  • What were this Le Pen guys veiws, i heard almost nothing about him.

  • He wanted to return France to its past state. I can’t remember the details at the moment without screwing them up, but one was he wanted to deport all people not French.

  • history shows that always works…

  • I agree that it always works…in provoking a revolt.

  • that’s true.

  • French are not idiots, they do not elect lawyer to be predident…

    Look at Chirac, he’s right-wing, but hes not an extremist. I always vote for the left, but Chirac is’nt so bad, when you look at his speech you see some1 with at least a minimum philosophical value. Look at most french candidat, they are, exept Le Pen, brilliant peaple with ideas.

    “L’affaire Le Pen”, like our (in germany) french neibourg says, is not as dramatic as peaple want it to look like. He was just in at the good place at the goos time; when insecurity was strong.

    Everywhere in the world, there’s idiots that make politic;
    Bush is a complete idiot, with its “Axis of Evil” he make the US look like ignorant manichean.

    British have problems with rigth-wing extremist.
    US have problems with right-wing extremist.
    France have no problems anymore with right-wign extremist.

    You can trust the french peaple.
    They are of the most beautiful peaple in world, they’re not ignorant, in fact no peaple are reading as much as the french.

    I trust them, france will have no long term problems with extremist.

  • I don’t have anything against the French people or France itself. I just wanted to know what people thought would happen in Le Pen, the fascist, was elected president. As far as French people being the most beautiful people in the world, that sounds a little bias to me. As far as Bush being a complete idiot, he really isn’t. I believe that he is a nazi; the only terrorists are of middle eastern descent. Everyone has problems, but they need to work through them and achieve a new sense of life. By the way, the axis of evil thing is the media, so don’t slam Bush for someone else’s ideas.

  • Its not his idea but he use the formula

  • Not really, the media uses the formula. Bush doesn’t walk around saying “lets go get the axis of evil.”

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