• I would like to see a combined arms rule for Mech. Inf. and Art. units that goes something like this. This rule is for use in Global 1940 games.

    Raise the cost of Mech. Inf. to 5 IPC’S
    Defense values/rules remain the same for both units.
    Mech and Art units when combined 1 for 1 attack as 2’s.
    Mech and Art units when combined 1 for 1 can move 2.
    A combined Mech and Art can only blitz with a Tank. 1 for 1 for 1.

    This rule will take up all the middle ground in the attack and defence abilities in this game. I suggest the increase in the cost of the Mech unit to offset the new power this combo represents. Artilery should most definately boost both Infantry types. If a Mech unit can move 2 spaces then an Artilery unit in tow should move 2 spaces right along with it. The high price of a Tank unit now comes more in line as it will now allow for both of these units to blitz with it.

    Picture if you will a truck loaded with a platoon of men with a Howitzer in tow.

  • Customizer


    This is a good thought patern but I’m afraid you’re not taking into consideration the time/effort of having to unlimber and survey-in the artillery(after moving them) in their new location. During WW2 this wasn’t an automatic function performed with electronic computers and/or GPS. This took time. My Dad was an enemy artillery spotter in WW2 and plays A&A with us regularly.

    I believe the movement factor for A&A artillery units is meant mostly for attacking capabilities, or limitations in this instance. Although I have a serious flu I hope I’ve explained myself well enough to be understood.

    “Tall Paul”

    “Tall Paul”

  • Tall Paul,

    I do understand what you are saying. However this game that we all love so much is full of generality. Each piece represents more than what the piece is. One round in the game is a long period of time. Each territory or sea zone is millions of square miles. I am not sure but I think one round/turn is equal to 3-4 months of time. With this suggested combo I believe artillery should be able to move 2 spaces.

  • Customizer

    I believe for the exact reasons you’ve just stated, like each territory being very large, only emphasizes the difference in S/P and Towed Artillery movement factors.

    Towed Artillery might not even be ABLE to advance to places that blitzing S/P Artillery can. There weren’t roads everywhere, especially in Russia, or cross-country most everywhere else.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Thats why this is called the house rules forum.

    Ultimately I agree with the OP and my wife and myself when we play our 1939 8’/4’ map use almost this exact rule for the Mech towing the Artillery.  Although our Art don’t effect mech’s attack rolls, the bonus is the movement and being able to keep up to the tanks.

  • This is a perfect example of what I am talking about. This is a 155 Howitzer. In a G40 round/turn that is 3-4 months of time this should most definately be able to travel as far as an armor piece.

    artilery photos.jpg

  • Customizer


    I truly understand what your saying. And by the way, my Dad also drove a duece-and-a-half whenever his outfit re-deployed itself.

    But there’s a big difference in a “Motorised”(towed) artillery columns’ capabilities and a
    S/P artillery column. Towed Artillery was road-bound for one thing, and I believe that is only one aspect that is reflected in the difference in movement factors.

    I’m OK with a movement factor of TWO for Artillery when paired with a Truck, but NOT in it’s having any “BLITZING” capability.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Tall Paul,

    That sounds reasonable. Do you agree the cost of the Mech. or the Arty. should go to 5 to offset the new power this combo represents?

  • Customizer


    I think that might bump their cost too close to a Tank unit.

    Just Remember,…we already have Light Tanks, Medium Tanks, Heavy Tanks, Tank Destroyers, and Medium S/P Artillery available.

    And HBG has already announced it’s plans to produce some Heavy S/P Artillery in future German and other sets.

    In the game I was helping design we were definately going to a 12-sided dice to accomodate all of the new units, now already being produced by HBG and FMG. I think it’s very important that if/when this is done that you don’t end up with soo many different A/D/M/C factors that it slows the game down. We had a pretty good handle on that. A 12-sided die is something you might care to consider if wanted to include the new units.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Are you really TALL, Paul?

  • Customizer


    I’m not REAL TALL,…in fact I’m the shortest guy in my family. I’m about 6’-4". My Dad, the WW2 veteran is about 5" taller than me. My brothers were 1" and 1/4" taller than me and my sister was 6’-0" and a model years ago.

    It seems that throughout my life whatever group I was in,…there were at least two Pauls’, and sometimes more. So I was “Tall Paul” and it just stuck. My co-workers call me that even though there aren’t any other Pauls’ around.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    OH MY GOD! It’s a whole family of GIANTS! RUN everybody, RUN!

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