@superbattleshipyamato Agreed, I knew of his damaged arm. I didn’t know he lost a kidney.
Another Political thread.. Design your own goverment!
On 2002-05-02 17:06, Mr Ghoul wrote:
Frist, i would increase military spending. I would give the armed forces pay raises and increase training. Give them modern equipment instead of using sh*t from the 1950s’.I suggest you visit the department of defense’s website http://www.dnd.ca/eng/index.html and see how well equiped our military is. The equipment is quite modern and the military is in the process of improving it even more with the recent stability of budgets. We hardly have a dilema with outdated materiel.
Those lucky bastards who don’t have to work; they make 3d billboards and big 20 ft smurfs.
~The Presidents of the United States[ This Message was edited by: bossk on 2002-05-02 18:22 ]
yea horten would have to be correct on that one….it doesn’t save money to kill people, it saves money to leave them in prison their whole lives…why don’t we try rehabilitating them?
you can’t though.
isn’t ironic that there is life impressement? (spelling!) If they are in there for life, then why are we rehabilitating them?
Bring back the chain gangs!
On 2002-05-02 18:20, bossk wrote:
On 2002-05-02 17:06, Mr Ghoul wrote:
Frist, i would increase military spending. I would give the armed forces pay raises and increase training. Give them modern equipment instead of using sh*t from the 1950s’.I suggest you visit the department of defense’s website http://www.dnd.ca/eng/index.html and see how well equiped our military is. The equipment is quite modern and the military is in the process of improving it even more with the recent stability of budgets. We hardly have a dilema with outdated materiel.
Those lucky bastards who don’t have to work; they make 3d billboards and big 20 ft smurfs.
~The Presidents of the United States[ This Message was edited by: bossk on 2002-05-02 18:22 ]
Bossk, do you read the paper? The Canadian mititary is,as of today, grossly underfunded and poorly equipped.
Do you see the uniforms their wearing in Afghanistan. That right there tells you the Canadian Army is seriously neglected by our ridiculous federal government.
[ This Message was edited by: Mr Ghoul on 2002-05-03 17:03 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Mr Ghoul on 2002-05-03 17:04 ]
interesting Horton
of all the points i made in my earlier post the only one you could argue was the distrobution of wealth.
interesting indeed.
hehe horton drinking age 18, 2 provencis allready have it at 18 and the rest is 19. even then it’s only a sugestion.
I will not kill myself for that Bohemion Cpl.
- Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (speeking of Hitler the day before his serender of the 6th army at Stallingrad)
“Ware my horse trots no grass gorws”
-Atila the Hun[ This Message was edited by: mini_phreek on 2002-05-03 18:24 ]
Mr. Goul, are you suggesting that the department of national defence is attempting to misguide me? Perhaps I trust the military too much, but why would they attempt that?
i think are miliatary is just small.
yes were a little porly equiped and we don’t hava as many nice toys as the us does.
but i’d prefer our small well trianed army over the over budgited armarican one.how about this analagy (amaricans don’t take this the wrong way)
whould you rather have an army of weeklings or a band of superheros? -
I heard B.C. is changing age to 21 from 19….that way none of my friends and I can go get plastered next year :sad: :sad: :sad:
On 2002-05-03 18:16, mini_phreek wrote:
interesting Horton
of all the points i made in my earlier post the only one you could argue was the distrobution of wealth.
interesting indeed.
hehe horton drinking age 18, 2 provencis allready have it at 18 and the rest is 19. even then it’s only a sugestion.
I will not kill myself for that Bohemion Cpl.
- Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (speeking of Hitler the day before his serender of the 6th army at Stallingrad)
“Ware my horse trots no grass gorws”
-Atila the Hun[ This Message was edited by: mini_phreek on 2002-05-03 18:24 ]
what argument, your inflation thing? Your 1% statistic? I shown you proof of my point of view, now you find some evidence or shut up.
"it’s my understanding as one that watches both canadian and amarican news that almost all amarican news, media, school curiculim and public information is distorted in one way or anouther to show amaricans as supperior. "
This made me chuckle a bit. A lot of americans are very stupid and short sided. They don’t care for world events, and they only find time to know about them watching the 6 o’clock news. And Americans can never make up their mind. One second they support israe;, then palestine…the media plays around with their heads, first under-reporting the details of the peace agreement Barak was trying to make, than over-playing the involvement of Sharron’s visit to the temple mount, and totally neglecting that the second intifada had already begun.
I feel poor for Yanny, but where I learn, the teachers are afraid of giving their opinion on anything (unless it happens to be very liberal.) Teachers are forced to say “African American”, and be very PC.
Canada and Europe’s media are just as if not more distorted than America’s. I always sense an air of superiority from what some think is additional knowledge that others haven’t [got], and all they have to say is baseless propaganda.
I’m opposed to all slants. I hate it when people don’t see their own.
On 2002-05-03 23:13, bossk wrote:
Mr. Goul, are you suggesting that the department of national defence is attempting to misguide me? Perhaps I trust the military too much, but why would they attempt that?I wonder who regulates that web site…maybe the federal government.
And you are trying to say the federal government is trying to mislead poor, guilible smucks like me.
w.r.t. original post . . . this is just for fun, right?
I’d shoot for “benevolent dictator” with a capitalistic market, low/no income taxes, with nationalized banking, energy, and communications to bring in gov’t income. Health care would be a more rational 2-tiered health system the that one currently in Canada (don’t fool yourselves - we already have a 2-tiered health care system, it just doesn’t work as well as it might). As far as other social programs go, NPO’s would receive some public funding, with “encouraged” volunteerism in order to look after the truly destitute. Welfare would become workfare, and we would stop paying people to make babies. Enough people want to come here - why pay for people to stay at home to make the little germ-vehicles? Child molesters, rapists and killers would be shot (at dawn), marijuana would be decriminalized and it and smoking would be fined. Gov’t itself would be more streamlined, smaller, and more reliant on already established provincial and civic legislatures. The military would receive increased funding drawn from oil-revenues and hiring out of our superiour JTF-2’s and other personal. Certain parts of Quebec would be asked to leave the country in order to provide more stability for the rest of the country, and native treaties would be reconcilled for once and for all with all discussions finallized for the last time.
(but that’s not all necessary . . . ) -
Horten, American’s are the Ancient Romans in the modern day. Being an “American Citizen” is in a way supierior. The problem comes when stupid people start to think they are better than people of other countries. Eventually, that leads to an imperialist feeling. This is where most of America’s problems come from.
American Media is overwhelmingly Pro-American. You see MSNBC running themselves as “America’s News Channel” and changing their symbol to an American Flag.
Horten, learn the term “Propoganda”, it’s how our Government keep’s a republic like us in check. They want you to think we tell the truth and Europe tells the lies intentionally, we’re better then them anyway right?
Sure, saying words like “African American” is now forced upon teachers, but our society is still incredibly racist. Ever been to a High School? Making fun of Gays, Hispanics, Muslims, ect is all normal. In the 60s it was verse Blacks, today it is just verse the above.
On 2002-05-04 06:47, mini_phreek wrote:
how about this analagy (amaricans don’t take this the wrong way)
whould you rather have an army of weeklings or a band of superheros?An anology much more apt:
Canadians: a few local poliecman
Americans: Several SWAT teams
“American Media is overwhelmingly Pro-American. You see MSNBC running themselves as “America’s News Channel” and changing their symbol to an American Flag.”
Evidently they want something called “ratings” and so they want to appeal to the faux neopatriotism like Fox News. The station is in America, so what is wrong with the flag?
"Horten, learn the term “Propoganda”, it’s how our Government keep’s a republic like us in check. They want you to think we tell the truth and Europe tells the lies intentionally, we’re better then them anyway right? "
You don’t get it do you Yanny? Your Euronews was propaganda…no massacre happened in Jenin. The government has no control over the media, or we would of won in 'Nam (though we didn’t deserve to.) European media doesn’t tell lies intentionally…only to the point to get people to read, wtahc, or listen to their news so they can make more money.
“Sure, saying words like “African American” is now forced upon teachers, but our society is still incredibly racist. Ever been to a High School? Making fun of Gays, Hispanics, Muslims, ect is all normal. In the 60s it was verse Blacks, today it is just verse the above.”
Yeah, life sucks.
ya every country has propaganda. my country has it your country has it. thats how the goverment controls thought. in the hopes that you don’t become a bad citazin and form your own opinion.
and Horton thats something that unfortinitly you have not been able to do. so far all i’ve seen you do is regugatate goverment cencus data (that is curupt by definition) and suport a system thats far more a dictatorship then they would have you think.
at least here we don’t take anything the goverment says vary seriosly.
thats why i became a marxist becase i wanted a system that would actuly let me make my own disions and not require me to roll over when i’m told too!oh one more thing horton it’s my first quote i was talking about the one that i listed some of the things wrong with your system.
how ridiculous you sound!
This is horten, all hail president Bush, he does no wrong! Ahhh!~ The Soma is kicking in! Time for me live in my ol’ glass house and watch the telescreen!
“ya every country has propaganda. my country has it your country has it. thats how the goverment controls thought. in the hopes that you don’t become a bad citazin and form your own opinion.”
To what extent my friend? The extent of the USSR? Nazi Germany? Saudia Arabia? Iraq? I don’t think so. There’s a free press out west, and when governments lie, they are not supported from the press, rather reported. I have my own opinion! If i didn’t, I wouldn’t disagree with many things the US did (and does.)
“and Horton thats something that unfortinitly you have not been able to do. so far all i’ve seen you do is regugatate goverment cencus data (that is curupt by definition) and suport a system thats far more a dictatorship then they would have you think.”
Regergetate data? You can’t provide any! The census is a pretty good source of data…better than heresay and hypothesis. Furthermore, if you read the data, it openly admits some things that some people would not like to believe (like the decrease in the share income in the middle class, but remember they have been making more money.) I support a dictatorship? No, i don’t live in Iraq, thank you very much. You know what? Learn to spell! I mispell out of carelessness, you seem to do so out of ignorance! For one, “Horton”? That’s a dr. seuss elephant. I’m "Horten"FlyingWing, after Walter and Reimar Horten.
"at least here we don’t take anything the goverment says vary seriosly. "
I don’t pay taxes, because the government says they exist, so they just can’t! Good logic.
"thats why i became a marxist becase i wanted a system that would actuly let me make my own disions and not require me to roll over when i’m told too! "
Marxism, democracy, dictatorship could all have those things…doesn’t mean they will…so pretty much you’re telling me you have no good reason to be a “marxist” besides for freedom? No bueracracy will give you total freedom.
"oh one more thing horton it’s my first quote i was talking about the one that i listed some of the things wrong with your system. "
Your first reply? I’ll check it out. Maybe i skipped it…be back soon.
Oh, your government w/no greed? If you get it to work, I’ll be your first citizen!
Being that I’m currently working for the government, I’d have to say that no matter what government you have, the important thing is the ability to say the government is wrong without fear of reprisal. I would say sucks, but that might be going too far. :D Anyway, it seems to me that you should think your country is the best, and if you don’t, what do you have any right to complain about that for anyway? Finally, if you have some complaints, exercise that freedom of speech! I haven’t heard about any people being shot for protesting the war around here lately, but I am in Kuwait. The bottom line is, just enjoy wherever you’re at and don’t complain about feeling superior. Go USA!!! 8)