My opinion on the Japan set is this… Japan has been neglected for a long time in getting specialized units when they really deserve quite a few. While the set is still not yet finalized, we have discovered that there are more units we want to make than will fit into one mold. Therefore, we have to choose what goes in set 1 and what goes in set 2. Coach has assured me that they WILL be made as long as there is demand.
Keep in mind that the US Supplement set was really the 2nd US set. The Marines were first. I have a feeling that demand for Japanese pieces will determine the amount of time between Japan sets. You may not get paras in the firs set, but you will likely get paras.
To Tall Paul and others who have commented here: You have great ideas! You always have. Trust me when I tell you, we DO listen. Your opinion, as well as the opinion of others here, drives every decision we make. Without all of the requests and opinions we see here, we wouldn’t know what you want! But, we can’t always make everything happen. Remember, I wanted the US Naval set as bad as you did! But, it has to wait until there is enough interest in it. You did your part by helping to spread the word about the project every chance you got. I did my part by making more games to use those pieces. Fingers crossed buddy, we may get it yet!
Again, since this set is not final, we still want everyone to weigh in on what you need out of this first set. We want to keep it balanced so that it fits into a Global game role, not just air and naval heavy. But if you see something not on the current list you think we need, TELL US! If you like what’s on the list already, TELL US!