I feel like a Russia-Japan non aggression pact would make it too easy for Germany to be taken down. The real battle of the game is whether or not Japan gets to Russia before everyone else gets to Germany.
Russia in the East
how does egypt influence on the india factory.
For England the point is not about giving up a territory worth 3 IPC (india) in the sake of one worth 2 (egypt). At stake is how long the germans are going to have Africa (worth 10 ipc´s.)up against how fast the japanese is rolling over asia. And in the early game its England job to decide it.
Now the german gambit in egypt should be counter attacked with troops from India.
as stated earlyer
But then what ?if this is the use of the last english troops in the area the ipc argument about prefering india against egypt could be considered. But its not.
This is the rare case where african factorys are appropiate . The english is building a factory in south africa, and if the course of the game allows it later, another one in egypt.
with this gambit , The german take over of africa is proberly delayed (the sub could have taken the transport- germany might not have bought an transport- there might be in turn 2 a transport as a valid target , and he could have lost troops in egybt ) all over weaknesses there means that its limited how fast troops is sailing into africa.
the german then have some though considerations.
the german mediterainan fleet might be sunken early in the game if the english can land there planes in africa, ending the african adventure. And as usual every troop commited to Africa is missing against russia.if he goes all out after africa. He still needs a troop build up. And no matter what the english would have a very active role in the game, draving away troops from the east.(and this would give russia troops free ).
And if he loose or just give up africa
to england. The English can then stop the troop buid up there and focus elsewhere. Or gather trops in persia/ syria to make presure in asia (or on the east front.)now the german attack on egypt is a gambit, because the counter attack puts england in a more active posistion and shortend the german hold over africa. but without a south african and/or egyptian factory its not that much of a gambit.
summary: The germans should not do the egypt attack, but build up in libia.
And therefore the english can get troops to reinforce India. (Also a rusian fighter might land there and still participate in attack on cacasus or ukraine in round 2- but then if germans do egypt, russia will loose a fighter to japan if the english counter attack egypt is this worth it ?). and this means that a first round attack on india from Japan is very unlikely (and unvise).with regards