• Would the UK obtain IPCs by occupying original french territories like Morocco or French Indochina?. Is there a difference if they were liberated from the axis or not?

  • If not liberated (with Paris fallen) you’re just walking over friendly soil.

  • If he capital it occupied and the territory has been enemy occupied, then when you take it you get the IPCs.  For example, if Paris has fallen and Japan takes French IndoChina, then USA takes FIC back, then FIC belongs to USA until Paris in Liberated.  USA gets the IPCs for it and can build a minor IC there (which is a good reason for japan to never take FIC).

  • This is off subject but has to do with the fact of the U.S. building a minor IC in korea. Can they move within striking distence of that when there not at war even though Japan can not end movement withing 2 zones of alaska or the western U.S.?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    This is off subject but has to do with the fact of the U.S. building a minor IC in korea. Can they move within striking distence of that when there not at war even though Japan can not end movement withing 2 zones of alaska or the western U.S.?

    Yes.  The United States is only prohibited from being next to Japanese soil in the Pacific.  If they want to leave their fleet next to SZ 6, but not in SZ 6, they may do so.

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