SZ 106 2SS
SZ 111 SS, 2 Bombers, BB, FTR, Tac (can divert 1 Bomber to 109 to help prevent scramble)
SZ 109 2SS, 2FTR, 2TAC
Normandy: Art/Inf/Tac
Yugo: S. Germany units and Romania FTR (so it can go to S. Italy)
NCM same
All available mechs/tanks, and remaining inf at France with Tac/FTR
Why risk S. France with 3 tanks? Save S. France for IT.
Yugo is an overkill. Why 9inf in needed for support (where are the other 3 coming from, and why isn’t 6 from S. Germany enough)?
I was taught that it’s better to eliminate the DDs to help choke off UK with your SS(hence why I left 110 open). Yes, I know the 110 ships run like hell…
70IPCs is plenty of cash for 10art,7mech.
While I know risking a plane to France’s AA is a risk, I like a quick battle so maybe I don’t have to dig into arts when I lose all my inf (trying to avoid a 2nd RD resistance)
I’m by no means an expert an global, it’s just something I used/learn.