• Customizer

    Clyde, KNP and Others,

    Tigerman and I are planning our “Solomons” game with options, including using:
    A.  Only the OOB units.
    B.  The OOB units and SOME of the new units.
    C.  ALL of the new and proposed units.
       There will be a chart of units and their A/D/M/C factors along with any special capabilities they might have allowing the players to to customize their game to their specific likes.

    Many factors become obvious when using all of the new units.

    First is my overiding insistence of what we’re calling “SLF”.  Nothing is worth having in the game if it is not Simple, Logical, and Fast (in gameplay terms).  We have been remarkably successful thus far applying “SLF” to many new rules and a/d/m/c factors to allow a truly large amount of units while not being confusing or slowing the game in a major way.  A LOT of thought has gone into this aspect of the game.  Otherwise it could become “Monster” of a game few would enjoy or ever be able to finish.

    Second, we are going to a D-12 dice system to differentiate the various units.

    As far as the Land and Naval battles the new units will offer many tactical variations of unit factors and/or capabilities.  In SOME cases of simular units we’ve applied the “SLF” method and given them like factors.  Such as (sea)transport type units having the same defense factor.  There will be exceptions as necessary.

    Our game will also have a logistics consideration.  Just as in the real Solomons campaign the supplies will be a consideration for both sides to consider for attack and defense.  We believe that this logistics factor should make for a lot of interesting naval battles.

    Although I’ve just jotted down some quick answers as I didn’t have much time,… I’d envite anyone interested to “check-out” our own thread about this specific game.  It’s called EXPANDED A&A–-- THE NAVAL SERIES    Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign to get more detailed answers, ask questions, or suggest your own thoughts.  We’re currently doing a lot of work off-line but we check the thread for any questions or suggestions.  It seems a lot of people are following our progress.  Get involved and ask questions or suggest ideas, too.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    As far as Naval combat is concerned I’d agree that more Naval units wouldn’t in and of itself necessarily make it more interesting.  But the new CAPABILITIES or A/D factors that the new units bring with them should.  Such as Carriers basing One, Two, or Three a/c, Seaplane Tenders and PBY seaplanes providing Recon, Minesweepers adding(sea)Mine Warfare, PT Boats in offensive or defensive roles, DEs escorting convoys, and many new levels of surface or air A/D factors.

    As far as the players NOT attacking each others Naval forces that’s where our logistics consideration comes into play. By making the supply convoys important, they become TARGETS to be attacked and therefore must be adaquetely defended.

    Also, we believe that there will be the need for several varied naval forces performing different tasks.  And between all of the Air and Naval forces present it should offer many opportunities for diverse and interesting battles.  I invite you to offer your opinions, or even play “devils advocate” to our ideas as it could only help us all get the best in the end.  But let’s do this on the “Solomons” thread so as not hijack this one.

    “Tall Paul”

  • If you could provide a link I will gladly post there :-)

  • Customizer


    As I’m not sure how to make a “link” to the thread,…I’ll just describe how to reach it.

    After getting on the forum,…
    go to the top, left and click on “HOME”,…

    Then scroll down to the “AXIS & ALLIES” section,…

    Then scroll down to “OTHER AXIS & ALLIES VARIANTS” and click,…

    Then scroll down to the thread marked “EXPANDED A&A----THE NAVAL SERIES    Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign” and click,…

    And you’re there.


    Unless someone else would be kind enough to make a “link” or describe how it’s done, this will “get you there”.  It shouldn’t take but 5-10 seconds.  I realize that I’m not as familiar with this forum as I probably should be.

    “Tall Paul”

  • How about the Korean War?

  • @Tall:


    As I’m not sure how to make a “link” to the thread,…I’ll just describe how to reach it.

    After getting on the forum,…
    go to the top, left and click on “HOME”,…

    Then scroll down to the “AXIS & ALLIES” section,…

    Then scroll down to “OTHER AXIS & ALLIES VARIANTS” and click,…

    Then scroll down to the thread marked “EXPANDED A&A----THE NAVAL SERIES    Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign” and click,…

    And you’re there.


    Unless someone else would be kind enough to make a “link” or describe how it’s done, this will “get you there”.  It shouldn’t take but 5-10 seconds.  I realize that I’m not as familiar with this forum as I probably should be.

    “Tall Paul”

    There ya go.

  • @Vance:

    How about the Korean War?

    Thanks to IL, you can play that for free.


  • hey that’s pretty cool!

  • Thanks,

    It proves my point we have some nice people on here.

  • @Tall:


    As I’m not sure how to make a “link” to the thread,…I’ll just describe how to reach it.


    Unless someone else would be kind enough to make a “link” or describe how it’s done, this will “get you there”.  It shouldn’t take but 5-10 seconds.  I realize that I’m not as familiar with this forum as I probably should be.

    “Tall Paul”

    You have to copy the web adress or the URL, (the http:// thing) in to your post. For example, here is a link to your thread:

  • Axistiger13,

    Thanks for the info.  That will certainly be useful.

    “Tall Paul”

  • @Tall:


    Thanks for the info.  That will certainly be useful.

    “Tall Paul”  :

    You are welcome!

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