• So it would seem that Tacs attack interceptors on @1 and can only bomb Airfields and Naval Bases.

  • You are correct I just reread the alpha 2 rules prior to your post.

  • I am going to assume that you can only scramble your planes?

    so 3 fgtrs fire
    DiceRolls: 3@1; Total Hits: 23@1: (1, 3, 1)

  • 2 hits kill 2 UK fighters with 1 remaining
    the tac and bomber fire at 1
    DiceRolls: 3@1; Total Hits: 03@1: (2, 5, 5)
    uk fighter def
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)

  • bomber dies and I continue on bombing run of airbase with tacs
    aa gun fires at tacs and fighters
    DiceRolls: 5@1; Total Hits: 05@1: (2, 6, 2, 4, 3)

  • no hits
    tacs bomb AB
    DiceRolls: 2@6; Total Hits: 22@6: (1, 4)

  • there were no hit, but its only the bombers that get shot at by the AA

  • for total of 5 damage out of 6, ab unoperational.
    with loss of bomber by germany.

    That is kinda crazy how this all works, not sure if I like the bombing or not it looks to be very risky.

    naval battle z110
    subs att
    DiceRolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 03@2: (4, 5, 4)

    I thought all the planes get shot at since the AB has it’s own anti air defense? and then the aa gun shots at fighters?

  • no hits by subs
    DiceRolls: 3@3 2@4; Total Hits: 33@3: (5, 4, 2)2@4: (2, 1)
    DiceRolls: 1@2 1@4; Total Hits: 21@2: (2)1@4: (2)

  • the AA only shots in battles on the ground, the Escorts leave before the bombing is done, and therefore its only the 2 Tacs that get attacked by the AB’s AA, as i understand it. Im not to fond of the stratbombing, as it is really risky, and can end in disaster pretty quickly.

  • z110 cleared wlo = 2 subs

    all but 1 fght and 1 tac planes land in fra
    1 fgt and 1 tac on car z92
    1 sub to z 109
    2 tnks 2 mech from wfr to wgr
    3 tnks from wgr to Hun
    2 mech from wft to fra
    1 inf & 3 art from Hol to Wgr
    8 inf from Nor to Fin
    6inf 2 art from Sgr to Hun
    5 inf from Yugo to Hun
    5 inf from Ger to Hun
    6 inf from Ger to Pol

    OK I think I moved every Germany unit.
    MJ Ind in Hun
    Stra in France
    3 inf in Wfr

    Germany = 52
    Ipcs = 42
    NO = 5+5


  • Russia:
    IPC: 39

    4 Arty. = 23 IPC
    2 Inf = 17 IPC
    2 Tanks = 5 IPC
    1 Mech = 1 IPC
    saves 1 IPC
    No Combat Moves

    Non Combat Moves:
    2 inf, 1 Arty, 3 Mech and 1 tank from Sukr to Bes
    5 Inf from Ros to Sukr
    2 Tanks from Vol to Sukr
    1 Inf from Vol to Ros
    2 tanks 1 mech from Nov to Bel
    17 Inf and AA from Bury to Amu

    2 Arty 1 Inf in Sukr
    2 arty 1 Inf in Nov
    2 Tanks 1 Mech in Vol

    Russia Collects 37 IPC saved 1 Total 38 IPC

    Map, and i am really looking forward to what the Great empire of Japan will do now? There are pros and cons for a J3 attack or a wait for a J4 attack. interresting decission right now.

    3-2 Russia.AAM

  • I know I was feeling pretty good about Japan and Germany prior to the Denmark Dilemma (sinking of 9 trans) which I have named it. I thought I try and take UK and then have Japan role with transports and navy. I have to think about this one. I will try to post before it gets to late.

    How has the pace been so far? I don’t feel to rushed. I get to post in the morning or during my lunch break for moves and then check it at night.

  • im fine with the pace. as i am in europe there is a time difference of about 6 hours or something. But its pretty smooth. i can plan moves and so forth in the evening and in the morning. and it seems we are in a really good rythme. As we are both only at around this time, an its 20.00 here in denmark right now.

  • Funny you called it The Denmark Dillema, as i am in fact from Denmark ;)

  • J3 (54)

    1 maj ind = 30 = 24
    1 ab = 15 = 9
    3 inf = 9 = 0
    This was not my original buy and CM’s.

    1 inf from kwe to she twol
    1 tnk from Kwa to Sze twol
    5 inf 2 art to Hop twol

    2 subs from z6 to z33
    1 sub from z6 to z36
    1 tran from z6 with 2 inf jap to z36 unload on Kwa
    2 art from Yun to Kwa
    1 inf from kwa to yun
    9 inf and mech from man to jeh
    Bomb from Cha to yun
    2 fgt from kwa to yun
    Aa from anh to ksu
    2 fgt from pau to kwa
    2 tac from kwa to yun

    Maj ind on Ksu
    Ab on Kwa
    3 inf on Jap

    Jap collects = 44
    Ipcs = 34
    NO = 10

    The Denmark comment was meant to have double meaning (I knew you were from Denmark)


  • USA
    IPC: 54

    1 tac = 43
    1 transport = 36
    3 Destroyer = 12
    2 Tanks = 0

    No Combat Moves
    No Non Combat Moves

    1 Transport, 2 Destroyers in z101
    2 tanks in Cus
    1 Tac in Eus
    1 Destroyer in z10

    USA Declare war on Japan, Germany and Italy at the start of Collect income fase in their Turn 3.

    52+25 for No’s
    total of: 77 IPC.

  • Forgot Map
    and on to China and UK.

    3-4 USA.AAM

  • China:
    IPC: 7
    2 Inf. = 1
    saves 1 IPC

    Cha with 1 inf from Sui twol

    She (1 inf)
    4 inf from Sui

    DiceRolls: 4@1; Total Hits: 04@1: (5, 2, 3, 4)

    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)

  • She Round 2
    DiceRolls: 4@1; Total Hits: 14@1: (3, 1, 6, 6)

    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)

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