• sz97 cleared wlo 2 destroyers

    sz96 cleared no battle destroyed tt

    DiceRolls: 3@2 2@3; Total Hits: 23@2: (1, 6, 4)2@3: (4, 3)
    DiceRolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 24@2: (1, 4, 4, 1)

  • sorry it was 3@1 not 3@2 for attack infantry still hit one with infantry.

    att continued
    DiceRolls: 1@1 2@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (4)2@3: (5, 2)
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 4)

  • Greece 3
    DiceRolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 02@3: (6, 5)
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)

  • greece 4
    DiceRolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (1)
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)

  • Greece twl = 3 inf, 1 tnk (sucked)

    DiceRolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 14@2: (5, 2, 6, 6)
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 3)

  • SWF continued
    DiceRolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 23@2: (5, 1, 1)
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)

  • SWF twl = 1 inf

    fgt from sz96 to Sita
    fgr & tac from sz97 to Sita
    1 inf from Iso to Eth

    I forgot a CM if it is ok
    2in and art from Eth to Sud
    if not ok move back on France turn and take away 1 ipc

    1 trans in sz97

    Italy Collects 13 + 3SAVE = 16
    16 ipcs - 3 convoy + 3 saved

  • France up here is the map

    1-7 Italy.AAM

  • revised map missed a NCM that I stated not shown on map.

    1-7 Italy.AAM

  • The CM is allright, its kindda expected anyway :)

  • France:

    inf from Mor to Alg
    Inf from Alg to Tun
    Inf fromFwa to Fca
    Inf from Syr to Trj
    Destroyer from z72 to z81

    Collects nothing, and passes the Turn to germany :)

    Here is Map.

    1-8 France.AAM

  • I noticed something while entering everything into a spreadsheet. You bought 5 inf and saved 1 for China. I show China starting off at 12 IPC’s? Take a look and if you agree we need to change the inf in Yun to 6 and your IPC’s for next round to 15.

  • Thy do only start with 12, i dont know what i was thinking about when i though 16, but just remove the one inf. from Yun and i will remember the only 15 for next round.

  • G2 (68)
    9 trans = 63 = 5
    SAVE 5
    Fix Battleship in sz112

    WFR (2 inf, 1 tnk)
    1 inf, 3 art, 4 mech & 5 tnks from Fra

    Z119 (DD, TT)
    Sub z111
    Sub z110
    Fgt, tac, Bomber from Wgr (fgt & tac will land on carrier)

    DiceRolls: 2@1 6@2 3@3; Total Hits: 32@1: (2, 6)6@2: (3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 2)3@3: (3, 4, 2)
    DiceRolls: 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 12@2: (3, 5)1@3: (2)

  • WFR twl = 1 inf

    DiceRolls: 2@2 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 42@2: (3, 2)1@3: (3)2@4: (2, 3)
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)

  • z119 cleared wol

  • NCM

    Sta from z119 to Wgr
    BB, Car, CC, 3 trans to z110
    Fgt & tac from z119 to z110
    3 inf, 3 art from WGR to Hol
    6 inf from fin to Nor
    3 tnks from Yugo to Wgr
    2 art & 6 inf  from Yugo to Sgr
    5 inf from Bul to Yogo
    3 from Hun to Ger

    Place 9 trans in z113

    Collect 41 IPC’s + 5 NO + 5 NO + 5 Saved = 56

    Russia is up, here is the map


  • Russia:

    Has 38 IPC and Buys:
    2 Tanks 12 IPC
    3 Arty. 12 IPC
    4 Inf. 12 IPC

    Saves 2 IPC

    No Combat Moves.

    Non Combat Moves:
    7 Inf from Sukr to Bes
    1 Arty from Sukr to Bes
    1 Inf and 1 Arty from Smo to Bel
    3 Inf from Vol to Ros
    2 Inf from Cau to Ros
    1 Fighter and 1 Tac from Rus to Nov
    1 Sub from z126 to z125

    2 Tanks and 1 inf in Vol
    2 Arty and 1 Inf in Nov
    1 Arty and 2 Inf in Sukr

    Russia Collects 37 + 2 saved Total of 39 IPC for turn 3.

    And the map.

    2-2 Russia.AAM

  • I was reading some rules last night and noticed that in the Pacific rules Japan can use destroyers to transport 1 inf. Does this rule still apply with global?

  • i have never heard of that rule? other than in Axis and Allies Guadalcanal and or maybe the old Axis and Allies Pacific. where in the rulebook did you read it?
    And Russia gets 2 inf. free in novo in europe game, each mobillize fase, but that doesn’t work in Global. But on the Destroyer as transport, i have no clue, we might need to ask in the Global Forum?

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