• Land
                    Atk  Def  move    cost
    Conscript infantry   1 1        1          2
    Conscript infantry get -1 attack or defence when fighting tanks on a 3:1 ratio of conscripts to tanks depending on the combat. IE if there attacking they lose 1 attack and when defending they lose 1 defence. You may only buy 8 conscripts per turn.

    Infantry      1        2        1        3
    Are supported by artillery on a 1:1 ratio

    Assault infantry    2      3         1         5
    Assault infantry get +1 Attack in the first cycle of combat
    Are supported by artillery on a 1:1 ratio

    Calvary 2      1           2          4
    Can blitz territories

    Artillery    3        3          1          5
    Can support all infantry units on a 1:1ratio,
    Supported units get +1 attack.

    Tank 4 2        2          6
    Tanks take to hits to kill. Requires tank tech.
    Tanks take away the attack/defence power of conscripts on a 3:1 ratio of conscripts to tanks.

    Atk  Def  move    cost                   
    Fighter      2        2          3          7
    Can provide artillery an opening fire bombardment of 1 on a 1:1 ratio of artillery to fighters

    Scout plane 1      2          4            8
    Can provide artillery opening fire at a 1 on a 2:1 ratio of artillery to scout planes

    Bombers 3 1 5 11
    Can do strategic bombing raids on industry or naval ports. Can provide artillery opening fire at a 1 on a 3:1 ratio of artillery to bombers

    Infrastructure Atk Def Move Cost
    Defensive forts  0      1or2*      0          8
    Defensive forts roll 1 die per ship passing through the sea zone hitting at a 1. During an amphibious assault they hit land units on a 2 and get an opening fire at landing craft landing troops. These are not killed only captured. They take 2 hits to become none operational.
    They cost 3 to get repaired.

    AA guns            0        1        1          N/A
    AA guns roll 1 die per attacking air plane hitting at a 1.

    Naval Ports 0 0 0 N/A
    Naval ports let you protect your ships from harm by letting you garrison your ships in them making them immune to naval attack, but it takes 1 move to go in and out of naval ports. You may build ships at naval ports, limited to 1 per turn.
    Industry 0 0   0 N/A
    Industry is where you deploy your men, you can deploy double the amount of infantry  of the territories income value but all other unit can only be deployed up to the territories income value I.E. Vichy France is worth 2 so you can place 4 infantry and 2 other units there(Not infantry or conscripts).

    Atk  Def  move    cost                   
    Transport  0        0          2          8
    Can carry 1 infantry and 1 other land unit or air unit. Air units do not participate in amphibious assaults or naval battles well on a transport must be the last casualty in combat.

    Destroyer  2        2          2          8
    Stops subs from submerging and negates there opening fire. Can bombard at a 1 on a 1:1 ratio of Land units to ships

    Carriers 0   1     2         16
    Carriers can Carrie 2 scout plane or 2 fighter plane or 1 of each. Carrier’s gets to roll 1 die hitting at a 1 per attacking aircraft prior to combat. Requires carrier tech to buy.

    Cruisers 3 3 2 12
    Can bombard on a 2 on a ratio of 1:1 of ships to land units

    Battleship 4        4          2          20
    Takes two hits to sink they cost 3 to repair and they have to be in a naval port.  Can bombard on a 3 on a 1:1 ratio of land units to ships

    Subs          2        2          2            8
    Subs get a opening fire before combat. If your defensive force is only subs and your opponent has a destroyer present you can elect 1 sub to stay and fight while the rest submerge prior to combat. Subs resurface next turn. Subs can move through hostile sea zones and stay in them as long as no destroyers are present.

  • rules:
    Straits & Canals
    The straits and canals in game are:
    Denmark strait - you or your allies must control Denmark at the start of your turn to pass through to pass through the strait.
    Dardelines strait - you or your allies must control Istanbul at the start of your turn and turkey to pass through the strait.
    Gibraltar strait - you or your allies must control Gibraltar at the start of your turn to pass through the strait.
    Suez Canal – you or your allies must control Sinai and upper Egypt at the start of your turn to pass through.
    When a countries neutral you may pass thru a strait or canal.
    Turn order
    Turn 1 Austria, Germany, Russia, Ottomans, France, Britain and Italy
    Turn 2+ Germany, Russia, Austria, Britain, Ottomans, Italy, France, US

    Air combat
    When both the attacker and the defender have air units air combat starts before the land battle.  It last until one player wins the air combat or the attacker or defender retreat. The winner gets opening fire with artillery at 1 on 1:1 ratio per fighter 2:1 for recon plane and 3:1 per bomber . The remaining aircraft can participate in the land combat.

    Assault Infantry
    Britain and Germany may purchase ultra elite units called Assault Infantry. They can only have 1 at a time for Britain and 6 for Germany. They can only be reproduced if the following territories under there command
    Germany needs any starting German territory and the UK needs Canada

    Victory conditions

    1. Capture 2 enemy capitols (Rome, Paris, London, Washington or Moscow for the central powers
      Istanbul Vienna Budapest or Berlin for the allies)

    Infantry can be deployed up to double the territories income value on territories with a factory but every other unit including elite infantry can only be placed up to the territories income value

    Russian Surrender rules
    Starting on turn 10 roll a 12 sided die every turn to check for Russian surrender 1-8 nothing happens, 9-10 cannot attack, 11-12 surrenders. For every original Russian Territory the central power controls add 1 to the die roll. For every original ottoman, Austrian or German Territory Russia controls subtract 1 form the die roll.

    French mutinies
    On the 10th-14th turns the French soldiers are considered in mutiny and cannot attack.

    Ship bombardments
    Ships may bombard in an amphibious assault in the opening fire phase but at -1 of there normal combat value and on a 1:1 ratio for ground units landing from transports attacking.

    When you attack an enemy Territory you may after 2 rounds of combat elect to coexist. Witch means combat stops and neither force may withdraw from the territory the defender also only gains half the income from the said territory.

    Attacking neutrals
    At anytime during the game you may attack a neutral country. When you attack a neutral you fight 4 infantry per ipc value IE if the territories worth 2 ipcs you fight 8 infantry units. If you don’t take the territory a power from the other can occupy the territory getting the income and any remaining troops the neutral had.

    Erie Rebellion
    Anytime there are less than 4 British troops in Erie at the end of the British turn or its turn 6 Erie revolts from England. For the battle that happens there’s 6 Erie infantry fight the British if the British lose the Germans get Erie and all remaining troops form the revolt.

    Czech Revolution
    If the Austrian empire loses 4 regions in 1 round or have less then 4 men in Czechoslovakia the Czechoslovakians revolt they get 6 infantry to fight the battle if they win Czechoslovakia becomes neutral.

    Far East Command
    The British may deploy units in the Mideast deployment zone up to three each turn. From there they can attack Iran and with ships Iraq via the Persian golf. The british player may deploy up to 4 infantry or conscripts and 1 other unit here per turn.

    Winter rules
    Winter rules every 4 turns in game its winter on the winter turn all mechanized units (planes, tanks) get - 1 movement.

    Political rules
    America joins the war on turn 10 and is represented by the UK pieces. There are ten markers on America and every turn take away one once there zero markers left America is in the war. All American ipcs are spent in America including convoys. America cant buy well not at war. Optional rule America can be played independently from Britain.
    The British Empire
    The British join the war on turn 4 UNLESS Belgium is attacked then it is considered at war with the central powers. Well not at war Britain only collects have there ipcsand cannot research technology.
    Ottoman Empire
    The ottomans join the war on turn 4. Until there at war any body may go through the Dardelines. When the Ottoman Empire is not at war with the allies no pieces from the central powers pieces may go in there territories.
    Italy joins the war on turn 4. When Italy is not at war no allied units may go in there territories.
    Optional rule: when Italy declares war it may declare war on ether side.
    Serbia is considered a pro Russian neutral. Witch means if a Russian land unit goes there Serbia joins Russia.
    Romania consists of Moldova and Wallachia. On turn 3 Romania is at war with the central powers and if Russia sends any units in there territories they gain control of them.
    Bulgaria is considered a pro central power neutral. Witch means if a central power land unit goes there it joins that power.
    Greece is considered a pro Allied neutral on turn 18. Witch means if an Allied land unit goes there it becomes part of that power. If it’s attacked before then its automatically pro allied

    Interrupter gear: all planes get +1 attack. Cost 10 ipcs.
    Gas shells: artillery bombard at a 2. Cost 9 ipcs.
    Tanks: you may buy tanks now. Cost 14 ipcs.
    Long ranged air craft: air units have +1 range. Cost 8 ipcs.
    Conscription: infantry units are now 1 ipc cheaper. Cost 12 ipcs
    Improved bombardment: all units get +1 attack when bombarding. Cost 10 ipcs.
    Carriers: you may now by carriers. Cost 14 ipcs.
    Bombers: You may now buy bombers: cost 12 ipcs.

    National Advantages

    The British Empire:
    #1TANK Project: the British player may buy tank Tech at 50% regular price I.E. at 7 bucks starting on turn 5 and there tanks are 1 dollar cheaper.
    #2Gurkas: the British player may deploy an extra Assault infantry unit if they control Iran.
    #3The Arabian Revolt:  on turn 4 the Arabian revolt happens in Jordan. For the battle the Arab forces get 5 cavalry unit’s vs what ever ottoman forces are there. If the Arabs win the territory goes to Great Britain. 
    #4Australian support: place 1 infantry per turn in the Middle East deployment zone (MEDZ)
    #5German Food blockade: every turn that the British have war ships in the Holland sea north sea and Norwegian sea the Germans lose 1 ipc to a max of 20 every turn at least one of those is unoccupied by British ships the Germans gain 1 ipc back to a max of 20
    #6British ship yards: British ships have discounts 1 for Tps or DDs 2 for CAs and 3 for BBs

    #1 Mustard Gas: the German player artillery gets +2 attack with gas shells tech.
    #2 Sturmtruppen: German Assault Infantry get to attack in the opening fire step at a 4
    #3The Schlieffen Plan:  if the Germans take Belgium in the first round of combat the may make a special attack they may take all there men in Belgium and then attack northern France
    #4Poision gas: the Germans get poison gas tech automatically at the end of turn 2
    #5German Sub Program: German submarines are 2 ipcs cheaper.
    #6Fokker Triplane: German fighters attack at -1 in the first cycle of combat but +1 for all consecutive rounds

    #1Cossack Calvary: the Russian players Calvary get +1 attack.
    #2Mass conscription: on turns 1 and 2 Russia may deploy normal or conscript infantry on any originally controlled Russian territory up to the ipc value of the territory.
    #3russian winter: during the winter turn all units in original Russian territories that are not Russian get -1 Atk and def
    #4Armenian Volunteers: starting turn 1 the Russians gain 1 infantry in the Caucuses Mountains till the ottoman declaration of war.
    #5Siberian reinforcements: every turn place 1 free infantry in Siberian Urals
    #6russian victories: if Russia holds 5 territories from the central powers on turn 10 they post pone the starting of the surrender roll till they lose 3 original Russian territories and have no troops in original central power territories.

    #1Mountain troops: the Italian player may buy up to 2 Assault infantry now. 
    #2Monte Grappa fortifications: on the Italian player may place 1 free defensive fort on any original Italian territory.
    #3surprise strike: the first round of every combat the Italians make once they declare war (invalid if Italy’s attacked before round 4) all there units fire pre-emptivly.

    Austro-Hungarian Empire:
    #1Joint Operations: twice per game on the Austria players turn he may skip his conduct combat and combat move phases so then on the German players turn he can use both Austrian and German units to attack.
    #2Dual monarchy: Austria-Hungary is now considered I to have 2 capitols Budapest and Vienna.
    #3Hungarian industry: you get a free industry in Budapest.
    #4German Leadership: When German and Austrian troops fight together each German infantry may support an Austrian 1 adding 1 attack and defence
    #5Hungarian Shock troops: Austria may now buy Assault infantry (Limit 2)
    #6Surprise Strike: on turn 1 all Austrian units in the first round of combat fire pre-emotively

    #1Conscript army: on turn 1 France gets 6 additional conscript infantry for free.
    #2The Voie Sacrée: once per game when Germany attacks Alsace Lorraine the French may make 1 special move, they may send as many troops form Paris as they want to reinforce the territory.
    #3Lafayette Escadrille: at the end of the first round you may place 1 free fighter in Paris.
    #4 American pilots: until turn 10 France may buy 1 fighter per turn costing 5 ipcs.
    #5colonial wealth: Frances convoys are worth 3ipcs more.
    #6 joint operations: twice per game on the French players turn he may skip his conduct combat and combat move phases so then on the British players turn he can use both French and British units to attack.

    Ottoman Empire:
    #1Dardanelles forts: ottoman defensive forts now attack ships passing through their adjacent sea zone at a 2. 
    #2The Goben Affair: on turn three the Ottoman Empire receives 1 free cruiser in the agean sea.
    #3Russian blockade: every turn the Bosporus is closed to the allies the Russians lose 1 ipc to a max of 10 every turn its open the Russian gain 1 back.
    #4German Army officers: for every German infantry unit present in a territory with ottoman units it may boast the attack or defence of 1 conscript to a 2
    #5joint operations: twice per game on the Ottoman players turn he may skip his conduct combat and combat move phases so then on the German players turn he can use both Ottoman and German units to attack.
    #6Early Victories: if Germany and Austria can take 8 territories turn 1 then the ottomans my declare war that turn

  • okay i supose i can post my board so far. Map file 0.9
    NOTE:this map may include content for AA europe 1 you have been warned!

    half of ww 1 map.JPG
    other half of ww1 map.JPG

  • Okay first of all Denmark was a neutral nation during the war. Also I suggest making a mini map covering Western Germany, Belgium and Lorriane. A seperate map I mean so that way the western front isnt just building a crap ton of troops and waiting it out with each other. Also I suggest adding trenches and maybe an ability so you can coexist in a territory.

  • Also definately redo your board. I can see you used AA Europe. WWI is completely different so does the board.

  • Okay the resin I used AA Europe as my base is I only have paint to edit the map so im tring to make it different. And like i said I’m not done it yet.

    How would you suggest doing intrench ment every time I try it’s Over Powered though coexisting I’ll add.

  • kay guys this is my map finle 1.0

    half of ww 1 map.JPG
    other half of ww1 map.JPG

  • Iceland should be neutral (its under Dainish control) and I’d suggest recoloring those light Russian territories. Also fix Romania its got a really long strectch of land thats not historically accurate. I’ll get back to you on the trenches.

    Oh yeah Finland is completely under Russian control. Also get rid of Vyborg cause its useless other than another Russian territory.

  • Missed iceland fail. Finland was Russian! Well I’ll fix that. The light colored teritorys are there to show there not part of Russian winter. Well map file 1.1 will be release tomorrow.

  • '10

    Poland was Russian also.

    You will have to make Political rules also as not all Nations were involved in 1914.

  • Yah I will right now I’m focusing on the map but political rules should come with in a week or two.

  • '10

    Here is a starter for you.

  • map file Update 1.2 + Political rules

    Political rules
    America joins the war on turn 10 and is represented by the UK pieces. There are ten markers on America and every turn take away one once there zero markers left America is in the war. All American ipcs are spent in America including convoys. America cant buy well not at war.
    Optional rule America can be played independently from Britain.

    Ottoman Empire
    The ottomans join the war on turn 3. Until there at war any body may go through the Dardelines. When the ottoman empires not at war with the allies no pieces from the central powers pieces may go in there territories.

    British Empire
    the British join the war on turn 3 UNLESS belgium is attacked if it is the British join right then. well not at war they may not purchuse men

    Italy joins the war on turn 3. When Italy’s not at war no allied pieces may go in there territories.
    Optional rule: when Italy declares war it may declare war on ether side.

    Serbia is considered a pro Russian neutral. Witch means if a Russian land unit goes there Serbia joins Russia.

    Bulgaria is considered a pro central power neutral. Witch means if a central power land unit goes there it joins that power.

    Greece is considered a pro American neutral. Witch means if an American land unit goes there it becomes American.

    Minor setup changes
    Greece, Serbia, Bulgarria are considered pro side neutral so there not part of italy any more but they keep there Original setup. italy now makes 12 ipcs.

    half of ww 1 map.JPG
    other half of ww1 map.JPG

  • I like thee rules. I dont get Greece. It should become Pro-Allied on a certain turn. Also I LOVE the Italy rule. The central powers did want italy to join them but they didn’t. Instead amke it to where depending on whos doing better Italy will join them.

  • yah playing the game with the italy rule means it will likely never be the same game twice. central powers do good italy joins them they do bad italy joins the allies.
    greece neutrality rule has been changed so that on the 8 turn greece becomes pro allied.

  • Yes because otherwise the game would be stacked for the allies. WAAAAYYYY to powerful.

  • Well I’m doing my best to make the central powers stronger one way I’m doing that is give them better NAs. Just for an FYI you suppose to play with all the NAs. Do you got any ideas for more NAs I ran out.

  • final planed map update. map file 1.3.

    setup for East prussia and selisia is
    East Prussia: 4 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 Assault infantry
    Silesia: 2 infantry
    Germanys income is now 23

    Battleships now cost 20 but have a 3 cost to repair

    half of ww 1 map.JPG
    other half of ww1 map.JPG

  • '10

    Starting to look a lot better. Very interested to see the set-up charts.

    UK will have to have a factory in Egypt…  otherwise they will get walked over by the Ottomans.

  • I like it. Do you have middle east rules so ANZAC can send in troops?

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