Build 2 to start, and attack SZs 106 and 109 with two subs each.
With luck, you should kill both the destroyers there, and have one or two subs near canada, that the UK cant kill on UK1.
Run them all around the globe.
Allow the two UK battleships to survive your G1 attacks, keep the bulk of your airforce in West Germany
If the UK player wants to keep that fleet, he will put it in 109 and build more ships….good for italy in africa
If the UK player fears an attack, well there is little they can do besides run “some” ships to gibraltar
In any event, the UK fleet becomes a liability. No UK player will crash it into you, and they cant run it all away, so if they try to save half, the other half will just die.
Also, subs near canada :-D, which are super annoying