Germans, I.C.s, AA-Guns Painted

  • Customizer


    Since you’re a representative of A&A.Org I’ll do that.

    OK, I ran across him through purchasing some of his painted A&A sets on Ebay where he told me his name was Brandon Scott, and his Ebay name was “” and the mailing address I sent my “stuff” to was:

    Brandon Castle
    HHC 20th ASG
    P.O. Box 300
    APO,AP 96218

    He had mentioned to me that this was a U.S. base in Korea where he was serving.

    You’ll notice the two different last names of Scott and Castle. I suppose it’s possible his middle name is Scott and last name is Castle.

    His ID on A&A.Org is “McLovin1985

    He was always nice and easy to deal with until he had “some personal problems” with his girlfreind and other things and then he just refused to honor his obligations to me or even answer my e-mails, although he had previously taken payment of a few hundred dollars and has several hundred dollars worth of my “stuff”.

    I have received NOTHING from him ever!

    I have about a hundred or so e-mails of our comunications. I spelled out everything and kept copies mainly to reduce any confusion or delays.

    I’m not necessarily interested in “GOING LEGAL” on him, although I’m certain I could.
    I simply want my property returned to me, and an appology would certainly be appreciated.

    I only hope everyone else might be able to avoid another “situation” with this person for whom I can think of several legal terms to describe.

    “Tall Paul”

  • This is most unfortunate Paul, bummer you’ve had to put up with this kinda junk.

  • Customizer

    Thanks Vira. This “Brandon” guy has acted really bad. I hope he “gets his act together” and returns my property before legal means are necessary. It’s been over a year now.


    On a completely different line of thinking, I’m TOTALLY HAPPY with the service, production, and quality work that I have received from my current painter “allworkandnoclay”. He is the consumate proffessional and proves it every time we comunicate or when I receive some of his work. An AWESOME painter!

    “Tall Paul”

  • Im kind of confused, so there is 1 guy whi is good and the other guy is not so good? Right? :?

  • Customizer


    The “Brandon” guy is the BAD guy


    Yes, Chad Coffman, a.k.a. “Allworkandnoclay” is my NEW PAINTER and is a near legend because of his awesome paint jobs. He is definately a good guy! I’ll give you an example below. Notice the red striping on the edges of the 3-color shoulder epaulets. And the Russian national insignia on the bases.

    “Tall Paul”


  • Hey Tall Paul,

    I think I found Brandon on Facebook, just search for Brandon Scott Castle and you will find him. Maybe he will answer you there.

  • Customizer


    Thanks for the info. I’m not on Facebook, nor do I care to be. If he won’t answer my e-mails I doubt he’d answer my Facebook inquiries.

    Gargantua, do you have suggestions? Can A&A.Org contact him or do anything?

    “Tall Paul”

  • @Tall:


    The “Brandon” guy is the BAD guy


    Yes, Chad Coffman, a.k.a. “Allworkandnoclay” is my NEW PAINTER and is a near legend because of his awesome paint jobs. He is definately a good guy! I’ll give you an example below. Notice the red striping on the edges of the 3-color shoulder epaulets. And the Russian national insignia on the bases.

    “Tall Paul”

    Oh my gosh, how much did that cost? I think i will be buying some soon….

  • I don’t have any suggestions at the moment.

    And I am not some kind of rep though I would love to be! lol.

    I sent you a few PM’s, this guy was active just a few days ago on EBAY, buying a ladies watch, so he’s still around.

    HONESTLY - our best bet is to find an American serving at the same base in Korea.

    That will sort things out - VERY QUICKLY and effectively.  Anyone tried KaufischChris (or whatever it is) from Harris Game Design?  He’s always overseas…

    I’ll ask Djensen to pull Mclovin’s IP address or any other pertinent information he has, but chances are the dude isn’t going to respond to any emails or anything :S.

    EBAY itself will be interested in helping you aswell, especially since the account is active, and EVEN IF the transaction was outside of Ebay.

    So does anyone know any Americans Serving in Korea atm?

  • allworkandnoclay, I wont to know how much his pieces are……

  • According to his prices posted on this site, his pieces range anywhere from $5.00-8.50 a piece, with infantry being the most expensive, understandably.

  • Customizer


    That pricing was before his recent 25% increase due to his paint supplies getting more expensive.

    He has his own thread which includes a out-of-date price list with lots of pics of his paint jobs in the “A&A-Global” area. It’s several pages deep, titled “Accurate Painting” by Allworkandnoclay.

    His paint jobs are AWESOME,…but they aren’t inexpensive by any means. I already have a “comma” and I’ve only got 2/3 of the Infantry units done plus some “custom” units done, also.

    Here’s a couple of links to some units he painted for me.   (U.S. Marines)   (U.S.Paratroopers)   (Italian Infantry)

    I believe there are some pics of my U.S. Marine Raiders, “Chutes” and Industrial Complexes included in the above links.

    Here’s a pic of the U.K.-Pacific(Calcutta-based) Infantry that I call “Jacks” because of their Union Jack flags painted on their bases. I hope you enjoy. I also have a close-up if you wanted to see it. It shows the backside also.

    “Tall Paul”


  • @Spitfire38:

    According to his prices posted on this site, his pieces range anywhere from $5.00-8.50 a piece, with infantry being the most expensive, understandably.

    Can I have a link to his site?

  • His actual website doesn’t discuss pieces. I said on “this site” which is his thread in the Global board called Accurate Custom Painted Miniatures or something. Just search allworkandnoclay in the search box and you will find it. All the info you ever need including pics, some technique, prices, etc are there

  • Guys,

    The pricing info “on this site” (A&A.Org) is out-of-date. Prices of everything were going up about a year ago and so did his.

    His A&A artwork site is as follows:

    “Tall Paul”

  • @Tall:


    The pricing info “on this site” (A&A.Org) is out-of-date. Prices of everything were going up about a year ago and so did his.

    His A&A artwork site is as follows:

    “Tall Paul”

    Wow…… Those pieces put mine to shame! :-o

  • Customizer


    That’s because he is a professional artist. He was born with his talent and has honed it to a high degree.

    Comparisons aren’t usefull,…your paint jobs are good on their own merit. Keep the faith and Enjoy this great game of Axis & Allies.

    “Tall Paul”

  • @Tall:

    Enjoy this great game of Axis & Allies.

    “Tall Paul”

    :-D :-D :-D

  • Hey Tall Paul,
    Just curious about something regarding your excellent looking painted pieces. Now, the infantry will be easy enough to tell apart since they have the national emblem on their bases. I was wondering about some of the other pieces – artillery, tanks, planes and ships – particularly the warships. I know that some will be easily identified, like nobody would mistake a P-38 for a Spitfire or Me109. I’m sure even with a camoflauge scheme, it will still be easy enough to distinguish Panthers from T-34s, Shermans from Matildas, etc.
    What about when more than one country shares the same unit class? All the ANZAC and UK units are basically the same thing in different colors. All of the Allies use the same artillery piece and submarine. All three Axis use the same Mech Infantry piece (SdKfz 251). Also, if you are using OOB Italians, they have all German stuff except for the Infantry.
    USA, UK and ANZAC still share the same Destroyer class. It seems to me like those could become very hard to tell apart from one another once they are all out there on the board.
    While I’m sure you have a solution to this, I’m just curious as to what it is. This is one reason I decided NOT to paint any of my pieces and just go with the basic plastic color. Also, I have too many pieces and I’m too lazy to do it.

    One other thing, how many of your pieces are you planning to get painted? I assume you are going for all types of units for all the countries, but how many of each (infantry, artillery, tanks, etc.)
    In my gaming sets, for each country I have 120 infantry, 60 each of artillery, mechs, tanks, fighters, subs, transports and destroyers, and 30 each of tacs, bombers, cruisers, battleships and carriers. That’s for OOB pieces. The FMG set has slightly different numbers since they have 2 infantry sculpts and 2 armor sculpts, plus they also include commanders, trucks and transport planes. So you see, painting all of that would be one heck of an undertaking.
    I figure that you wouldn’t be getting that many pieces done because it would be hugely expensive, but how many are you planning to get done?

  • KNP,

    Different paint schemes and national insignias will distinguish any common units. For example, I’ve bought about a hundred of the HBG U.S. Marine Sherman Flame-Tanks. I’ll have them converted to normal Shermans and paint them for U.S. Army, U.S. Marines, U.K.-Europe, U.K.-Pacific, and Anzac. All of these countries will also have a “desert” scheme and EVERY scheme will be different.

    Units other than Infantry will be identified by a square flag(Naval) or round national ensign using either an I-49 decal or hand-painting. The Anzac ensignia is just one of the hand-painted jobs(See below).

    Some of the units I’m doing were “Custom” paint jobs, like the U.S. Marine Raiders, ParaMarines, and Marine "grunts.

    My plan is to have 2(two) distinct paint schemes for each nation. The “Special Forces” would add to that.

    I obviously plan on using all of the new HBG and FMG units as they become available. If you would simply look at the “links” above you’ll SEE several of these and totals, too. And look at “Allwork’s” Flickr site for some of the multiple schemes for every nation.

    “Tall Paul”


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