Thanks, I’ll check it out.
Japan strategy please
America comes in the war in the third round so I believe that Japan should hit in the second round stay powerful in the Caroline islands move to anzac like your going to land there, also hit China hard use your air force to eliminate units ,also hit Russia and think about getting a major factory take N.O.from USA and try to take as many Islands as possible Germany and Japan Need to work together to take out Russia. The group I game with dont play the victory cities.
While their at it, why not land in Egypt or even Brazil.
Japan begins alfa+2 with 21 aircraft total. Not sure how your strategy would work if the Brits and china don’t stack in one territory that can be reached. As for bombing Russia you would need to pay the soviets $12 when declaring war, plus lose another $12 for the bomber you will lose to interceptors and you have spent $24 trying to give Moscow an average 4 damage to it’s IC. I wouldn’t do it.
Japan doesn’t pay Russia 12, Russia just collects an additional 12. It’s like any other NO. Maybe that’s what you meant, but it’s not what you said?
Really? Well we have been playing that one wrong. Is it still a one time payment or is it payed every time Russia collects income after being attacked?
One time collection.
Thanks for the response. Twice I was Japan, the first game I tried Pearl Harbor in 41 (second round) it didnt work for me. I had some real bad rolls. The second game I had better rolls and the USA made some poor purchases.When USA came out to sink my fleet the dice were in my favor and I still had my fleet it kept USA at bay. I added to my fleet, then I built a factoy. I was also blessed with a powerful German ally who went all out push on Russia once France fell.In the 8 games of Alpha +2 Japan was able to hold their own in 3 of those games
I am seriously considering attacking all the reachable US ships on J1. If I don’t, I feel I will be giving the US time (to build up) money (NOs) and position (consolidated fleet).
Japan by J2 can get a major swing in economy……Ill lay it all out
J1 purchace 3 transports
Japan makes the standard China moves
all navy save a Carrier from seazone 6 to carolines including transport and one inf
transport from SZ 19 inf and art from manchuria to SZ 36 (kwangsi) with remander of navy
transport from SZ20 moves to sz19 picks 2 inf from manchuria back to sz20 unloads Kangsinow your set up for J2
make a navel purchaceIf USA stayed in Hawaii you can smack them hard from Carolines or you can smack Anzac if USA retreated, the transport can take solomans, transport in SZ20 can grab the inf from Okinawa place in guam(5 or 7 NO), transport in SZ36 takes Borneo, Inf from Kangsi and some planes take HongKong. Inf in Siam take FIC, Navy in SZ 36 moves to Phi with 3 transports. You should still have enough ground and air around to kill china and close the burma road. You should have enough ground and transports to take the DEI or most of it next turn. So…
In the least Japan has made gains on China, stopped 4 allied NOs gained one themselfs, destroyed at least one navy and is set up for DEI. And really hampered Anzac and UK Economy all with at least 2 turns before USA can get anywhere. Japan should be making close to 50IPC a turn.
Excelent work Peck. This is the kind of stuff I was looking for when I started this thread. I will be starring at my board for hours now thinking about your strategy. Very helpful. Check back here after the weekend and I will tell you how it went.
I am seriously considering attacking all the reachable US ships on J1. If I don’t, I feel I will be giving the US time (to build up) money (NOs) and position (consolidated fleet).
Be careful attacking America too early in the Global game. Granted, the earlier that Japan attacks the greater the advantage that they have against the Pacific allies; however, an early attack not only bring America into the war against Japan, but against Germany/ Italy as well.
A J1 attack would allow America to start invading Africa on US2, and start pushing into the med on US3 and 4… this would be devastating for the Axis in Europe. Germany and especially Italy need as much time as possible to make early gains against Russia/ Africa respectively. If the US is allowed to enter that early, Russia should have no trouble holding back the Germans and it will be a quick game for the Axis.
In my group’s Global games, the best thing that the Japanese can do is force the US to devote its resources into the Pacific theater rather than the European. If Japan can put pressure on the US and force it to take its eye of Europe, this will give Germany and Italy the time they need to topple Russia. For that reason, I suggest attacking on J3 (at the earliest) or J4 to give your allies time to do their thing. If you are playing a straight Pacific 1940, I see no reason not to attack on J1 or J2.
I have considered a J1 attack seeing that USA can’t do much in Europe with a cruiser you’d have to go heavy. I prefer the J2 that way you can punch Anzac and Calcutta in the face and still try to stiffarm USA.
J2 attack is considered the “best” since you prevent the UK Pacific and ANZAC from grabbing the ENTIRE DEI FIRST from the get-go. If you let these powers take the DEI first, there’s now defensive infantry there you need to shoot through, necessary amphibious assaults and more infantry/art needed for transports, carriers needed for air support; it becomes a huge mess very quickly. While you do have the big fleet units and are better equipped to fight for the islands, if you can take the DEI first without needing their extra support the ships and air can used offensively elsewhere and not necessarily relegated to guard duty for your transports. The UK and ANZAC also start with pathetic navy units in the area and generally can’t get to most of your transports or put up much of a fight in the first place (they’re really only there as blockers and to help drop off land units); another reason to beat them to the DEI first so you don’t have to fight landed troops already there.
However, if Germany is attempting Sealion, it might be a good idea to wait it out for another turn. Just that you know you’ll be headed into the long slog for the Pacific theater with UK Pac at 30 and ANZAC at 20 with their NOs… So possibly take it a bit slower. (Though, with the new rule for the US being able to declare war on the Axis if London falls, there’s really not that much point of waiting till J3, the US will be coming after you anyway.)
Sarge, do you realize the UK and ANZ have to be at war with Japan to get their NO’s in Alpha 2?