• Seeing as FMG is already doing both Tigers, and Coach is already doing Panzer 38 (t), Panzer III, Panzer IV (early), Panzer IV (late), & StuG III, I avoided voting for those on this one.

  • coach are your mech infantry going to be oob scale or fmg scale?

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    coach are your mech infantry going to be oob scale or fmg scale?

    I have asked FMG for his scaling and he told me that he is using OOB for scaling, so I will too.

  • +1000 for a Panzer II - that is my most desired piece from A&A.

    Coach, keep the costs down by just matching the OOB detail - honestly, the new 1940 pieces are great and just matching them would be perfect.

  • Customizer

    Here was my votes:
    Panzer I & Panzer II == These would really be cool for more “early war” scenarios.
    Fw190 -=  It would be cool to have a new German fighter.
    Elephant =  Excellent tank destroyer IMO.
    Maus (Super Heavy tank) == I just think this would be a cool piece to include.  Maybe use as a tech upgrade after King Tigers.

  • Coach,

    One bit of advice is to include a “tracked artillery” piece for every set you do (except US Marines of course).

    Germany: Hummel/Wespe
    Russia: Katyusha
    US: M7 Priest
    UK: Sexton
    Japan:Type 4 Ho-Ro (used only in Okinawa/Phillipines, but at least it was used!)
    Italy: Semovente 90/53

    I can find a French one as well if you wish. What this does is expand the variety of units available for all powers, and I don’t think that many people will want to turn down the option of buying a Russian Katyusha, or any of the other options!

  • Mark 4 and Mark 5 and jagdpanther is what I went with. Don’t really need them but I would buy them.

  • @reloader-1:


    One bit of advice is to include a “tracked artillery” piece for every set you do (except US Marines of course).

    Germany: Hummel/Wespe
    Russia: Katyusha
    US: M7 Priest
    UK: Sexton
    Japan:Type 4 Ho-Ro (used only in Okinawa/Phillipines, but at least it was used!)
    Italy: Semovente 90/53

    I can find a French one as well if you wish. What this does is expand the variety of units available for all powers, and I don’t think that many people will want to turn down the option of buying a Russian Katyusha, or any of the other options!

    Great idea reloader.  I’ve always wanted to add an SP Art piece for Axis and Allies.

  • Germany: Hummel/Wespe
    Russia: Katyusha
    US: M7 Priest
    UK: Sexton
    Japan:Type 4 Ho-Ro (used only in Okinawa/Phillipines, but at least it was used!)
    Italy: Semovente 90/53

    For a Soviet SP artillery, there are quite a few gun-armed ones that would be a better fit with the others in the list than the Katyusha… SU-122, for instance.

    The closest French equivalent would be the SAu-40, though I don’t think many were made.

    Closest Japanese equivalent would probably be the Ho-Ni, though, again, I don’t think it was widely used.  The US, UK, USSR, and Germany all made plenty though… what would distinguish them rule-wise, from a TD though?

  • Well what are rules for a TD?  I think the SP Art would be what Mech Inf is to Infantry, ie just artillery with extra movement.  Whereas a TD could be a tank-like unit weak on either defense or offense with a bonus when combined with a tank.

  • I’ll have to find the rules that were posted a while back, but it was basically 2 att / 2 def, boosts 1 inf (reg or mech) to attack 2.

    Can blitz w/ tanks.

    Instead of tracked artillery, self-propelled artillery is a better term. I chose the Katyusha because it was the iconic russian artillery piece in WWII.

  • Customizer

    I think a tank destroyer would be weaker on offense and stronger on defense in line with their primary role of waiting in ambush of tanks.

    By the way, I don’t think the Katyusha was a tracked vehicle.  They were trucks with rocket launchers mounted in the beds.

  • The Katyusha was definitely not tracked - that was a mistype.

    I think a better term for the unit is self-propelled artillery.

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    Well what are rules for a TD?  I think the SP Art would be what Mech Inf is to Infantry, ie just artillery with extra movement.   Whereas a TD could be a tank-like unit weak on either defense or offense with a bonus when combined with a tank.

    Have a Tank Destroyer if a hit, can target other Tanks or mechs, etc. Great against the Russian who use Infantry as their losses. (Not any more!)

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    coach are your mech infantry going to be oob scale or fmg scale?

    I will scale to OOB. The Sherman/Panther is about as close to 1/285 as you can get, so why not scale to them?
    I chose a 232 armored car and it is a good size for the game, a 222 will be too small, so either I scale it up so it is useable or do not use it at all, there are plenty of choices. I want my Tiger II to over power the other tanks on the board. It comes down to the look on the board, one should not have to pick up a piece to find out what it is. I want to be able to look across the board and tell automatically what type of unit it is. i am being very careful in picking units for you. When I do a German Airborne unit, it will probably have a FG-42 machine gun, there will be no trouble picking that out! I work a full-time job and every waking hour when i am not filling orders, taking photos, restocking my webstore, etc I am working out what I feel are the perfect size, color and sculpt so that all (OOB) and FMG customers are happy. Thanks for the Polling results! I will use them!

  • Coach,

    Excellent! Every single thing I have hoped for you are going to do:

    1. Match OOB colors
    2. Match OOB sizes
    3. Match OOB detail
    4. Add additional units

    When Jack from Table Tactics was thinking about doing a French set (high priority item btw- it would be a good seller), I measured every single A&A tank and gave him some suggestions for sizes (from what I recall, current tanks vary from 17 to 22mm in length). Would you like me to dig that up for you and post it?

  • German winter gear infantry would be nice also Coach. Tack the same on for USA infantry as well.Thanks

  • I’d love to see the Scharnhorst for a BB alternate but that’s hardly necessary.

    But in addition to an FW190 for the fighter, I think it would be lovely to see the bf110 as an alternate tac bomber.

    I’m more of a naval/air buff, I’ll let you armour heads hammer out preferences on tanks.

  • i would love to see another BB, was it an early war type?

  • Customizer

    The Scharnhorst was actually a battlecruiser rather than a battleship – just a little lighter on armor and armament.  The Germans had the Scharnhorst at the beginning of the war, in fact I think it went out before the war actually started in preparation for war, and caused the British merchant ships a lot of headaches.  I think the British finally managed to sink her in Dec. 1943.  So I guess you could call it an early-mid war ship.

    Love your idea of the Bf110 for an alternate tac bomber.

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