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Alternative Setups
Has anyone come across or made any other setups for Global? In other words have you made a setup that starts in another year like 1942, 1941, 1939, or even Pre-War like early to mid 1930s. Please either post them or post where to find them here.
Has anyone come across or made any other setups for Global? In other words have you made a setup that starts in another year like 1942, 1941, 1939, or even Pre-War like early to mid 1930s. Please either post them or post where to find them here.
Larry Harris>> Alpha, Alpha+1, Alpha+2. Personally I’m hoping for the 3 hit “Yamato Class Battleships” when Alpha +4 is released……
First of all I mean different setups. Different years not edits to the rules. Also the last thing we need is more Alpha rules. This time Larry got it right and we don’t need any other Alphas. If you want those kinds of rules make up your own or look up National Advantages on this website.
I think it would be cool to make a setup that starts in Spring 1939 BEFORE the Germans have invaded Belgium/Holland and give France a turn.
Good find Fire Knight but I already found it a few days ago. I’m waiting now for a 1942 setup.