• The turn sequence I’m advocating is:
    Collect income
    Place Units
    Combat move
    Non-combat move
    Purchase units
    (secretly)… potentially very unnerving in a 4 or 5 player game

    I expect this would alter the game drastically.  Conquest would become, essentially, a negative act: the US takes Southern Europe (knowing it can’t be held) to make Germany poor, not to make itself rich; seesaw territories like West Russia benefit no one rather than everyone; capturing a capital would only net the conqueror those IPC’s that the defender failed to spend.  Also a player would be forced to look down the road and decide what he’ll need without knowing all the facts (a reality of warfare).
    My concern is that game balance might suffer.  The designers did a great job evening the game out.  Do you think this change would tend to favor one side, or power, over the other(s)?

  • It would have a negative effect on the game, for me. Discouraging conquest would make the game unplayable, and favor the Allies due to their economical advantage. In the game, the Axis has a chance because it has a lot of units it can put to work (conquer). Slowing this would only favor Allies.

    Also, the game would be less fun… :)

  • well it doesn’t discourage conquest per se, it just changes the benefit from extra money to the conquerer into less income for the conquered.  which, i imagine, would depress the whole game economy.  but, since most of the ‘swing’ territories are germany’s, i think this would hurt them most, with russia a close second.  neither of these powers need a nerf, IMO.  i think it would totally screw the axis overall.  also, with the depressed economy, each unit represents a bigger proportional investment, so the dice will dictate the outcome of the game to a greater degree.

    i think the purchasing/placing adjustment is at least interesting to think about though, do you think that change would work but still keep income collection last?

  • 1.  There is a house rules forum.
    2.  Why do you feel your proposed changes should be made?

  • @Nomarclegs:

    The turn sequence I’m advocating is:
    Collect income
    Place Units
    Combat move
    Non-combat move
    Purchase units
    (secretly)… potentially very unnerving in a 4 or 5 player game

    this order would screw the axis severly.  and if your purchasing secretly whats to stop someone from changing there purchase and placing on there next turn.  and this order would change the whole point of taking a territory for its position strategically and its resources which are usually plundered upon conquest, hence the IPC gain.

  • This seems to be a great idea.

  • It seems to me that the map for Spring 1942 is a considerable upgrade compared to the classic edition.  It allows for much more variation in strategy and is more accurate physically.  The exception to this is in North America, they just added central US worth 6 IPC’s (which makes sense… few games come down to tactical decisions in that area).

    Anyway I’ve sketched a proposed alternate North America, and am considering rendering a full size replacement map to include the alteration.  I’d very much like to get some input from more experienced players before I spend the time and money creating the board.

    The thing is I can’t figure out how to add the image to a post.  Describing it in text would be ineffective and maddening all around.  Please help!  I can email it.  But I understand that reasonable people might not want to open an attachment from a stranger.

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