G40 Some Revised Rules. Any thoughts?

  • Hi all. My friends and I have been playing with some revised rules lately. We also use revised national objectives. Any thoughts, anyone?

    Edit: I forgot to mention that when the Burma road is open China can also buy AA guns.

    Air Rules
    Fighter: A2D2C8M4. D3 if defending on air base or aircraft carrier (not if scrambled). If CV is damaged bonus is lost. Hits must be applied to planes first. If no enemy planes fighters gain +1.

    Tactical (Light) Bomber: A3D3C11M4. +1 if no enemy planes, or if supported by tank/battleship (max to 4). Owner of TB chooses opponents casualties, unless opponent has fighter/AA guns, which block this at 1:3 ratio (cruisers block on 1:2 ratio). Cannot bomb raid.

    Strategic (Heavy) Bomber: A2D1C14M6. Always spins 2 dice: attacking, defending and bombing runs. Can never hit enemy bombers; if enemy fighters present then each SB spins a third die which hits fighters at a 1. Can also do bombing runs against armies; same escort rules apply, and there is only AA fire if AA guns are present (at regular 1:3 ratio).

    Fighters and TBs can scramble into bordering territories.

    Naval Rules
    Submarine: A2D2C8M2. If defending against destroyers, defends at a 1.

    Transport: A0D1C7M2. Must be chosen last. Cannot hit submarines unless friendly destroyers are present.

    Cruiser: Has AA fire against 2 planes.

    Amphibious Assault: On first round defending infantry, mechanized infantry and artillery defend on +1. Battleships bombard at 4 and instantly kill; cruisers bombard at 2 and do not instantly kill. Damaged battleships cannot bombard.

    Miscellaneous Rules

    Tank: Costs 6. Second tank costs 5. If 3 or more are bought, they all cost 5 (including the first).

    Fortification: Costs 10, supports up to 5 land units (except tanks): causes the units to take 2 hits to kill. Can have more than 1 fortification on a territory (to support more than 5 units). They cannot move and are captured. TBs ignore fortifications.

    ICs: ICs have a max of IPC values (not unit amounts). If naval base on territory, ships only count for half value. Minor ICs build up to 10 plus 3 times the value of territory. Major ICs build 35 plus 3 times value. Each chip subtracts 5 from max value.

    Railroads: When starting off the turn on a victory city or major IC, land units can move up to 2 on non combat move.

    Air bases and naval bases cost 12.

    UK/ANZAC Rules
    ANZAC starts with control of Canada and South Africa. Change all UK units and bordering ships to ANZAC. Add minor IC to New Zealand. ANZAC therefore starts with 19 IPCs. Rename to British Commonwealth.

    Combine Pacific and Europe UK into one economy. UK therefore starts with 36 IPCs. If UK capitol is conquered, they lose all IPCs, and next turn they move capital to India.

    French Rules
    When France is conquered by the Axis, Germany receives 14 extra IPCs to reflect the 14 looted from Holland.

    Vichy France: When France is conquered Germany takes over Southern France by entering it (takes control of the units also). All French territories can be taken over by an Allied power (except USSR) during combat or non combat move.

    Set Up Additions
    Gibraltar: 2 infantry, 1 fortification
    Urals: 2 infantry
    Malta: 1 fortification, air base
    Western Germany: 2 fortifications
    Karelia: 2 fortifications
    Malaya: 1 fortification

    National Objectives Every power receive 3 IPCs for each originally enemy VC they control. Japan starts with 3 extra for controlling Shanghai.

    When Germany Is Not at War with the Soviet Union:
    � 5 IPCs representing wheat and oil from the Soviet Union.
    Theme: Beneficial trade with the Soviet Union.

    When Germany Is at War with the United Kingdom and France:
    � 5 IPCs if Axis powers control France, Southern France, Normandy/Bordeaux, Holland/Belgium and Western Germany.
    Theme: Control of Western Europe and maintaining the Atlantic Wall.
    � 5 IPCs if Germany controls Denmark and Norway while Sweden is not either pro-Allies or Allied-controlled.
    Theme: Access to iron ore and other strategic resources.
    � 2 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia.
    Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves.
    � 3 IPCs if a German land unit occupies Axis controlled Egypt.
    Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves.

    When Germany Is at War with the Soviet Union:
    � 1 IPC per every 3 Axis controlled Soviet territories.
    Theme: Living space, “Lebensraum”, for the German People.
    � 10 IPCs if an Axis power controls Caucasus.
    Theme: Control of vital Soviet oil production.

    Soviet Union When the Soviet Union Is at War and no units belonging to other Allied powers are in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union:
    � 3 IPCs for each Axis or neutral territory with an IPC value of 1 or more that the Soviet Union controls.
    Theme: Propaganda value and spread of Communism.

    When the Soviet Union is at war with Germany:
    � 1 IPC if Soviet Union owns the Urals.  This goes up by 1 every turn the USSR is at war with Germany.

    When the Soviet Union is at war with Germany and no units belonging to other Allied powers are in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union:
    � 3 IPCs if the sea zones 124-127 are free of Axis warships and Archangel is controlled by the Soviet Union.
    � 3 IPCs if the sea zones 2-5 are free of hostile Axis warships and Amur is controlled by the Soviet Union.
    � 3 IPCs if the sea zones 98, 81, 76, and 80 are free of hostile Axis Warships and Persia is controlled by the Allies.
    Theme: Access to Allied Lend Lease materials.

    When Japan Is Not at War with the United States:
    � 10 IPCs if Japan is not at war with the United States, has not attacked French Indo-China, and has not made an unprovoked declaration of war against United Kingdom/ANZAC.
    Theme: Strategic resource trade with the United States.

    When Japan Is at War with the Western Allies:
    � 5 IPCs if Japan controls any ten Pacific Islands that have no IPC value.
    Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter.
    � 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Celebes.
    Theme: Strategic resource centers.
    � 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all Chinese territories.
    Theme: Elimination of largest Asian opposition to the Co-Prosperity Sphere.
    � 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain, and the Solomon Islands.
    Theme: Strategic control of the South Pacific.
    � 2 IPCs per territory if Japan controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia.
    Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves.

    United Kingdom When the United Kingdom Is at War in Europe:
    � 5 IPCs if Sea Zones 101-127 are free of axis warships (excluding zones 112-115)
    Theme: Security of shipping routes in the North Atlantic.
    � 5 IPCs if Africa and the Middle East are free of axis combat units.
    Theme: Colonial superiority and security for the United Kingdom.
    � 10 IPCs if no hostile Axis warships are adjacent to Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Gibraltar and India while all are controlled by the United Kingdom.
    Theme: Vital trade within the Empire.

    When the United Kingdom Is at War with Japan:
    � 5 IPCs if the United Kingdom controls both Kwangtung and Malaya.
    Theme: Maintenance of the empire considered vital national objective.

    �3 IPCs if Sea Zones 101-127 are free of axis warships (excluding zones 112-115)
    Theme: Security of shipping routes in the North Atlantic.
    When ANZAC Is at War with Japan:
    � 3 IPCs if the Allies control Malaya and ANZAC controls all of its original territories.
    Theme: Malaya considered strategic cornerstone to Far East British Empire.
    � 3 IPCs if the Allies (not including the Dutch) control Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain, and the Solomon Islands.
    Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter.
    � 3 IPCs if the Allies control all of the following territories and no Axis warships are adjacent to them: Queensland, Solomon Islands, Gilbert Islands, Johnston Islands, Hawaiian Islands.
    Theme: Vital supply route to the United States

    When Italy Is at War:
    � 5 IPCs if there are no Allied surface warships in the Mediterranean Sea (sea zones 92 through 99).
    Theme: Propaganda and strategic advantage.
    � 3 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following: Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.
    Theme: Axis dominance of the Balkans.
    � 5 IPCs if Axis powers control at least 5 of the following: Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, Crete, Sicily, and Sardinia.
    Theme: Mediterranean dominance and security from Allied air power.
    � 3 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Tobruk.
    Theme: Stated North African military objectives.
    � 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Alexandria, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Anglo-Egypt Sudan, and Ethiopia.
    Theme: Italian colonial empire in Africa.
    � 2 IPCs per territory if Italy controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia.
    Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves.

    United States
    When the United States Is at War:
    � 15 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Eastern United States, Central United States, and Western United States.
    Theme: Increased wartime production.
    � 10 IPCs if the Axis control no territories in North America or South America, (including Hawaiian Islands, Aleutian Islands, West Indies, and Greenland).
    Theme: Security of commerce and transportation in the Western Hemisphere

    When the United States Is at War with Germany:
    � 3 IPCs for each of the following territories occupied by American land units:  Normandy/Bordeaux, Holland/Belgium, Southern France, Sicily, Southern Italy.
    Theme: Opening of 2nd front in Western Europe
    � 10 IPCs if at least two of the following sea zones are occupied by American surface naval units: 107, 108, 117, 118.
    Theme: Atlantic shipping security

    When the United States Is at War with Japan:
    � 5 IPCs if the United States controls Philippines.
    Theme: Center of American influence in Asia.
    � 5 IPCs for American control of any eight Pacific Islands that have no IPC value.
    Theme: Island hopping strategy against Japan.

    �Instantly gain 12 IPCs worth of troops when liberated.
    Theme: Surge in French morale.
    �3 IPCs for each pro-Axis or originally controlled Axis territory France controls.
    Theme: Reaffirmation of French military strength.

    Credit to some NOs goes to Oztea.

  • Sponsor

    Although the overall style is not appealing to me personally, I think you have some really excellent ideas here. I’m kinda up to my eye balls with my own house rule set for me to comment to heavily on yours, but would you have a problem with me using 1 or two of your rules? I will give credit of course.


  • Hi, i like a lot of your NOs, but…

    Soviet Union
    When the Soviet Union Is at War and no units belonging to other Allied powers are in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union:
      3 IPCs for each Axis or neutral territory with an IPC value of 1 or more that the Soviet Union controls.
    Theme: Propaganda value and spread of Communism.

    How is the presence of allied units going to affect spread of communism ?

    When the Soviet Union and the United States are both at war with Germany and no units belonging to other Allied powers are in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union:

    USA was supporting its allies with Lend-Lease act even before they entered the war.

    _ 3 IPCs if the sea zones 2-5 are free of hostile Axis warships and Amur is controlled by the Soviet Union._

    According to my knowledge of WWII, Soviet Far East wasn’t a place of entry of Lend Lease material due to fact that waters there were controlled by IJN.

    _ 3 IPCs if the sea zones 98, 81, 76, and 80 are free of hostile Axis Warships and Persia is controlled by the Allies.
    Theme: Access to Allied Lend Lease materials._

    No ships were needed to transport Lend Lease material to Russia from Persia.

    United Kingdom

    10 IPCs if no hostile Axis warships are adjacent to Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Gibraltar and India while all are controlled by the United Kingdom.
    Theme: Vital trade within the Empire.

    10 may be too much for territories which will stabilize under UK controll after some R3.

  • @Young:

    Although the overall style is not appealing to me personally, I think you have some really excellent ideas here. I’m kinda up to my eye balls with my own house rule set for me to comment to heavily on yours, but would you have a problem with me using 1 or two of your rules? I will give credit of course.


    Thanks! And sure you can use my rules.

  • Soviet Union
    When the Soviet Union Is at War and no units belonging to other Allied powers are in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union:
      3 IPCs for each Axis or neutral territory with an IPC value of 1 or more that the Soviet Union controls.
    Theme: Propaganda value and spread of Communism.

    How is the presence of allied units going to affect spread of communism ?

    For game play reasons. I did not want the USSR to be able to build crazy amounts of units and also to be reinforced by the Allies. Realistically you could say something like the Allies would not want to support the USSR if they were actively spreading communism.

    When the Soviet Union and the United States are both at war with Germany and no units belonging to other Allied powers are in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union:

    USA was supporting its allies with Lend-Lease act even before they entered the war.

    Good point. I’ll change that.

    _ 3 IPCs if the sea zones 2-5 are free of hostile Axis warships and Amur is controlled by the Soviet Union._

    According to my knowledge of WWII, Soviet Far East wasn’t a place of entry of Lend Lease material due to fact that waters there were controlled by IJN.

    From Wikipedia: Pacific Route cargo to Vladivostok was transported exclusively aboard independently routed Soviet ships.

    _ 3 IPCs if the sea zones 98, 81, 76, and 80 are free of hostile Axis Warships and Persia is controlled by the Allies.
    Theme: Access to Allied Lend Lease materials._

    No ships were needed to transport Lend Lease material to Russia from Persia.

    From Wikipedia: The Allies delivered all manner of materiel to the Soviets, from Studebaker US6 trucks to American B-24 bombers. Most supplies in the corridor arrived by ship at Persian Gulf ports, and then were carried north by railway or in truck convoys. Some goods were reloaded onto ships to cross the Caspian Sea, and others continued by truck.

    United Kingdom

    10 IPCs if no hostile Axis warships are adjacent to Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Gibraltar and India while all are controlled by the United Kingdom.
    Theme: Vital trade within the Empire.

    10 may be too much for territories which will stabilize under UK controll after some R3.

    Bear in mind that the UK now only has 36 at the start of game and has to defend both against Sea Lion and Japanese invasion of India. And remember, one submarine can prevent this NO.

    Thanks for your feedback!

  • Ok, you’ve learnt me some new things !
    Thanks for that. Your NOs look fairly good.

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