• I personal believe Green Bay will line up in three, four and five wide out sets and expose the Steelers pass defense. Packers win 27-24.

  • '10

    I’m hoping for the Packers. I’ll be at the game.

  • @johnnymarr:

    I’m hoping for the Packers. I’ll be at the game.

    Awesome, let me be the first to say, welcome to North Texas.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


  • '10

    Ive never been to a football game outside Lambeau Field so I’m very excited.  Although I’ve been keeping an eye on Dallas weather and it’s not a whole lot warmer there than in Green Bay.

  • steelers all the way, they have way to many clutch players at key positions. Go Steelers first to number 7

  • @johnnymarr:

    Ive never been to a football game outside Lambeau Field so I’m very excited.  Although I’ve been keeping an eye on Dallas weather and it’s not a whole lot warmer there than in Green Bay.

    The roof of Cowboys stadium will be closed so weather shouldn’t effect the game.

  • GB and Rodgers deserve one, and I’d rather not Pittsburgh win another one so soon.  Not even personal, I just like to see it make its rounds.

    It’ll be close, but I think the Packers have it.  The disparity between GB’s and Pitt’s offense is larger than the one between their defenses, so that’s why I give them the edge.  The GB running game has been picking up, so it may be even better than I thought.  Pitt’s passing game sucked last week and are facing a much better run defense, so unless they can step it up, it’s not going to happen.

  • '10

    Go Steelers first to number 7

    Actually, there are a few teams that have more that 7.  The Packers have 12.  Regardless of what the NFL wants you to think, the NFL existed before 1968.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


  • Must be an echo in here.

  • Moderator

    Packers son! Only logical and ethical choice since the Pats and Cowboys are out. :|


  • @Guerrilla:

    Packers son! Only logical and ethical choice since the Pats and Cowboys are out. :|


    I would rather set myself on fire, than watch the Steelers win a 7th championship in my city. I hope it bothers Jerry Jones as much as it upsets the people of North Texas.

  • Moderator

    I hear you brother! I’m in North Texas so I know the sentiment.


  • you see being from pittsburgh I have to say I love the fact that jerry was nice enough to build us this new stadium. Thanks jerry

  • @Detuite:

    you see being from pittsburgh I have to say I love the fact that jerry was nice enough to build us this new stadium. Thanks jerry

    The place is more a shrine to a giant television than a sports stadium.

  • But in all honesty when it comes to it the steelers fans, orgazation and team despise loosing. Hell we booed terry bradshaw off the field after his 4th superbowl. There was a pep rally at hienz field the otherday 12 degrees and 25,000 people still showed up. When Mr Rooney says were gonna win i take his word for it. And no single pearson deserves it more than him. The steelers know how to make the big play when they need it, not saiing greenbay cant win but they better play thier asses off, since the steelers basicaly made it here with a second team O line and D line.

  • @Detuite:

    since the steelers basicaly made it here with a second team O line and D line.

    You could say the same about Green Bay, 16 players on injuried reserve.

    Good teams find a way to win ball games.

  • '10

    When Mr Rooney says were gonna win i take his word for it. And no single pearson deserves it more than him

    You’re right. I can think of 112,000 people who own the Packers that deserve it more.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Packers = Heart

    Steelers = Skill

    Seahawks = Win

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