• @Arminius:

    If you build a naval base in finland in G2, is it possible to use it in the baltic sea sea zone 115 as well as in sea zone 127?  huh(this is, actually, my central concern.)

    Yes you can use it on both coasts. At least thats how it works everywhere else on the map (Gibraltar, Britan , West Germany etc.). An exception or special rule is afaik not mentioned.

    well, this is what i wanted to hear…. hrrr hrrr :-D


    what did you buy G1 ? 1 CV & 2 Transports ?
    Why you move the fleet to Finnland/SZ115 on G2 ?
    When did you attack Russia ? on G4 with a big strike on all fronts ?
    I don´t know if its a good idea to move out again to SZ 112 on G3.
    Depends on what the UK build on Turn1+2 and what would be able to hit your fleet there.
    So I assume that your plan will end here…

    G1 buys: 1 destroyer, 3 transports, saving one ipc.
    i did not move the fleet to seazone 115, no it was 112. there the build occurs.
    attack on russia in this scenario has to be made in G3 to prepare the “big strike” in G4.
    the return to seazone 112 is kind of obligatory. to pick up the next bunch of troops for the “big strike”.:wink:


    therefor the massive infantry builds in G1 and G2

    So no CV on G1 ?
    Your fleet will never make it up to SZ127 I believe  :cry:
    Btw - whats massive ?
    IMO massive is when you buy 10 inf on G1 - so all your IPC gone for INF.
    All below 10 isn´t massive I think, since you have to restore losses form france
    and build up at leats a few units for defense in france.

    oops. i meant massive infantry in G2 and G3, my fault, sorry. and yes, minimum 10 infantry. and again: no CV on G1, but i think that a battleship, a cruiser and a destroyer are able to defend those british fighters. or not? if not, than an aircraft carrier instead of the destroyer and one transport are in. this way there are 6 troops less in scandinavia, four during the attack on novgorod.


    G3 more eight troops to norway.

    So you build at least 3 Transporters on G2 ?

    in G1, see above.


    G4 once again.

    Whats with moving to SZ127 on G4 ?
    So invading Russia or bring addition units to norway ?

    in G3 returning from seazone 127 to 112 you can drop eight troops from western germany in norway. in G4 you do the same as in G2 taking eight troops with the transports to seazone 127. there is to choose where to release those, most likely in novgorod.


    at the same time germany should be able to bring in 15/16 troops to novgorod from the north, eight with the fleet plus troops from the baltic states, mech infantry, tanks, airplanes (all of them)

    Baltic States ? so you attack on G3 ?

    yes, you are right.


    what do you think? is it a good idea or just waste of material?

    For what reason you build the naval base, I don´t get it….
    And also the point with double use of transports bothers me  :evil:

    look. i think it is better to have the german fleet operating from seazone 112 than 113. to achieve a quick getting and back from finland the northern way round it is needed to build this naval base. not just because i can do it via the baltic sea, but also to put a threat towards the uk into the game. to force the british to secure its homeland which means less british naval buys.
    but what do you mean by “double use”? and why it bothers you?


    what counter-strategies could be applied?

    As Russian I would abbandon the north asap and defending a ring surround mosow.
    Focusing so much on taking the north means no harm for the russian in the “rich” south.
    Because south russia is worth more IPC I prefer Tactics on this route.

    but this means that german tanks can be build directly in russia (novgorod). the german position is strong, so reinforcements are no more needed there. another point is the russian NO from the start on being denied. now the southern russia is getting interesting, you are right. but with italy on the german southern flank…this point, actually, i have to elaborate yet.


    what specific buys for germany, the uk and for russia would you suggest? etc.

    Would be nice if you post your specific suggestions/ideas first  :wink:

    yeah! i thought, i did. well:
    G1: one destroyer, three transports (29 ipc, saving one), placement in seazone 112 - capture of paris, normandy, yugoslavia, bulgaria, finland, one NO (swedish ore), in total 64.
    G2: one naval base, 10 infantry, 3 artillery, one submarine, saving one ipc. - no direct actions just movements to secure coming attack on all fronts. italy secured southern france on I1: 47 plus two NOs (france, swedish ore), in total 57.
    G3: 11 infantry, 3 artillery, 2 submarines - capture of bessarabia, eastern poland, baltic states, vyborg and karelia. stack in baltic states to secure all tanks in there. (here it becomes clear, why italy has to move some troops to romania)
    G4: depends. minimum 10 infantry. the rest…depends on the movements of the UK and the USA.


    how should italy assist? from I1 on bringing troops to southern russia or not?

    Good question, if not going with Germany to stalingrad I dont see how Italians could be really of use as can openers. So maybe they should simply take Egypt and hold it as long as possible and prepare for defense (against US) their homeground. Maybe they could even help germany defend and retake western europe territories if invaded by allies. Worked in one of our games for some turns, but in the end it depends on the opportunities the Italian will get by the actions of UK.

    i see it the same way. italy has to send maybe 3 infantry with one artillery to romania, maybe coming with a tank. the rest goes to greece, egypt etc. but there has to be a continious coming of minimum two or three italian infantries to romania every turn. but this makes it really hard in the mediterranian for italy. that is why i thought of going with two german infantry on a italian transport, securing the third NO for Germany in G3 which is a bit insecure, unfortunately.


    so it could be possibly make it a lot easier to go through the ukraine instead, because the russian troops have to mass in the north seeing a big attack coming.

    As Russian I would mass at Russia as I said b/c its right in the middle and the only city you can´t afford to lose. BTW wich troops should go through Ukraine ?
    A small task force could take some territories and be a distraction for russia,
    but it had to be the Italians (german lack of troops) - wich means less focus on africa (my italian builds have to be for russia as far as possible).
    Question: who activates bulgaria… Italy or Germany ?
    I think Italy would be wise if you want to head east with them !

    as seen above bulgaria gets activated by germany, because of the big lack of troops. but the activation by italy is not a bad idea, thanks. but back to your question relating to troops and ukraine: those who conquered yugoslavia, reinforced by builds in east germany from G2 and G3, step by step just for, as you mentioned it, distraction, keeping the frontline wide for russia as defender.

    knowing this, what do you think? is it viable to play like this?

  • i did not move the fleet to seazone 115, no it was 112. there the build occurs.

    I asked why you move them to SZ115 on G2 not on G1. I assume only to unload 8 Inf there. So you move to 112 on G1 and all your G1 builds were placed there…
    As UK I would wipe you out instanly (abandon the Taranto Raid) !
    B/c I can End the German Fleet (especially if the Transprts are in SZ112 t b/c bonus damage of 21IPCs for free if  win the fight and UK will) with a minimum of 1DD 1CV 3 FIG and 1 TAC. UK got 7 Hits and attacks at 2,0,3,3,3,4. Germans defend with best of 4 Hits (if BB isn´t damaged before) and 2,3,4. Maybe you bring up a sub there (but this lowers your chances to wipe out most of the fleet in G1 I think) so max of 5 hits with 1,2,3,4 in defend. In this case I would build 3 tanks in south africa (counter the Italians) and only a few units in Britain or save the money for UK2. And maybe activate Greece with the transport form egqpt just for distraction.

    the return to seazone 112 is kind of obligatory.

    Sure if you want to end up in SZ127, but If you aren´t wiped out in UK1 then maybe in UK3… depends on what UK will buy, but I would buy at least some subs when germans move their fleet to SZ115 or SZ127 on G2 b/c they would mostly (depends on gemran aircraft) be safe…
    So UK could easily attack you on UK3 when your are in SZ112 again.

    no CV on G1, but i think that a battleship, a cruiser and a destroyer are able to defend those british fighters. or not?

    No I am afraid they aren´t able to defend themselve against a massive UK strike,
    see above

    than an aircraft carrier instead of the destroyer and one transport are in. this way there are 6 troops less in scandinavia, four during the attack on novgorod.

    That would be the most regular buy to threat sea lion and could work,
    far better chances as only 1 DD for defend. You trade 1Hit @ defend 2 against 4Hits (Fighters land there) @ 2,4,4 !

    in G3 returning from seazone 127 to 112 you can drop eight troops from western germany in norway

    So you mentioned your fleet moves to SZ115 on G2 or to SZ127 on G2 !
    I am confused by your statements…
    But it makes a little sense now, you move on G2 to SZ127 to unload troops in Finland.

    to achieve a quick getting and back from finland the northern way round it is needed to build this naval base. not just because i can do it via the baltic sea, but also to put a threat towards the uk into the game.

    IMO its no threat for a expirenced player, only in G1 when you pretend sea lion.
    But once you move backwards on G2 (127 or baltic sea again) the threat is over.
    Even with the Taranto Raid done and buildung all Inf in UK1 I would simply build so much subs as possible, so 3 or 4 (not attackable by Luftwaffe) on UK2 an wait to crush the fleet when it returns to the baltic (so on G3 / UK3) with all the subs and RoyalAirForce or what else is left and available.

    to force the british to secure its homeland which means less british naval buys.

    This counts only for UK1 or not even there if you don´t buy a CV on G1
    as I mentioned before

    but this means that german tanks can be build directly in russia (novgorod). the german position is strong, so reinforcements are no more needed there. another point is the russian NO from the start on being denied. now the southern russia is getting interesting, you are right. but with italy on the german southern flank…this point, actually, i have to elaborate yet.

    Well if you are lucky to get to this point you can maybe overwhelm the russians,
    the lost NO for Russia is a big + ,but think of what you have to to for it…

    Italians are supposed to react on UK - Taranto Raid or activating Greece for example
    and should have in mind that Egypt must be taken (as Greece) for NO achivement.

    yeah! i thought, i did. well:
    G1: one destroyer, three transports (29 ipc, saving one), placement in seazone 112 - capture of paris, normandy, yugoslavia, bulgaria, finland, one NO (swedish ore), in total 64.
    G2: one naval base, 10 infantry, 3 artillery, one submarine, saving one ipc. - no direct actions just movements to secure coming attack on all fronts. italy secured southern france on I1: 47 plus two NOs (france, swedish ore), in total 57.
    G3: 11 infantry, 3 artillery, 2 submarines - capture of bessarabia, eastern poland, baltic states, vyborg and karelia. stack in baltic states to secure all tanks in there. (here it becomes clear, why italy has to move some troops to romania)
    G4: depends. minimum 10 infantry. the rest…depends on the movements of the UK and the USA.

    now you are talking  :wink:
    G1: CV instead of DD+Transport+1IPC (wich you saved before)
    What if left after your attack on the RN ?
    Did you attack SZ109 and/106 ?
    G3 Problem, how should the Italians magae it to get there with even 1 Inf on I3 ?
    You have to use starting units or I1 builds to get there,
    but this means no max support to take africa or greece…
    missing the Italian NO (wich I as Italian would be after).

    but there has to be a continious coming of minimum two or three italian infantries to romania every turn

    Thats very heavy to handle for the Italian.
    Moving troops right from the start and continously to Romania means less actions elsewhere.

    but this makes it really hard in the mediterranian for italy. that is why i thought of going with two german infantry on a italian transport, securing the third NO for Germany in G3 which is a bit insecure, unfortunately

    Really hard is just right said…
    Think about giving Bulgaria to the Italians, they can use them for Romania and can be more flexible in Med I hope.

    as seen above bulgaria gets activated by germany, because of the big lack of troops. but the activation by italy is not a bad idea, thanks.

    you´re welcome

    knowing this, what do you think? is it viable to play like this?

    As you see in my descriptions its not completly viable, but with little changes (the CV is a must) some luck (as always) and if your UK Player isn´t well experienced. But its sounds like fun anyway, so try it and tell us  :-D

  • 1st: i have to clarify something: i never, i repeat, never, said that i would go to seazone 115. i just asked if a naval base could be used in that zone and 127. that is all. i do not understand why you always mention that!  :-D

    as germany i wipe out all of the british fleet surrounding the uk. so there is no destroyer to attack with. and the three or four time i played germany the battleship never got hit. i would rather choose an aeroplane as casualty sake of keeping this ship completely intact.
    this means you have three fighters, a tactical bomber and a carrier to attack a german fleet consisting of destroyer, cruiser, battleship. maybe a german carrier is a good choice. otherwise there is no gamble inside this game making the british feel bad to decide which it does not want to decide. as follows:

    3rd: you already outlined it in a manner. rather you attack the italian navy as uk or the german. but without actually knowing what the german player is going to do, it is a gamble. (you know it, because i told you  :wink:) but one fact is clear, you can only attack one navy! not both. repelling a german sealion or doing taranto raid? what would you do?

    4th: leaving taranto raid means giving the italian everything he wants to have. two transports, a battleship etc. no difficult buys, just troops…which means an easier access to africa an helping germany out in russia as well.
    german navy might (!) be crushed, lots of german ipc lost but at what cost? i say, minimum two planes, a carrier damaged with no option of salvation… :evil: giving the german time to recover…italy strong in the med etc. i think you get it…

    okay. then lets assume this: G1 buy is a carrier and two transports. G2 fleet moves to seazone 127 (this means that the british attack got repelled nor never occured). so it is obvious that the german fleet has to return to seazone 112. so i would buy 2 subs instead of one as germany in G2. maybe in G3 as well

    with what the british could attack this fleet? (one battleship, one carrier fully loaded, a cruiser, two or four subs)

    thanks for answering and i am seeing forward to more answers.

    rock on!

  • It sounds like a viable strategy,

    If you were my ally as Germany, and I was Italy (or Japan) and you told me you were going to do this, I wouldn’t be like “that’s stupid”.

    That being said, I think you NEED to build a carrier or I agree, your fleet is gonna get toasted.  Also, you mention subs as “Naval Defense”??  Subs suck at defense.  They can be fodder, but much better when they are fodder in an attack instead of defense.  They can’t fire back at air units, which is going to be the biggest threat to your German navy.  Therefore, destroyers would be a better investment for two dollars more.

    I also think the counter strategy would be for the Russians to wall off the north of Moscow and give you the Northern territories but at the same time threaten your southern flank.  That Southern Flank is what I would worry about because every dollar you spend on another transport or destroyer in the Baltic (and you’ll need plenty), that’s several men and tanks you won’t have in the Southern/Balkans front.

    In addition to hitting you in the south with Russia, I would probably hit Norway and Finland with the US and UK and try and knock out your flank.  So in that case, you could rush troops from the mainland to Scandinavia to defend it or counter attack, but only if your fleet still survives.

    I have had good luck building a factory in Norway as Germany and building lots of tanks there.  It gives you more options in both defense and attack against Russia and USA (who you definitely don’t want coming into Norway and building a factory of their own).  It also does this without sacrificing so many IPC’s on naval units.  Germany isn’t really a naval power in this game, and although I do think that building a CV on G1 is almost a gimme buy, other than that, it is risky to build heavy in the sea as Germany.

  • 1st: i have to clarify something: i never, i repeat, never, said that i would go to seazone 115. i just asked if a naval base could be used in that zone and 127. that is all. i do not understand why you always mention that!  grin

    Sorry my mistake, but caused by your inaccuracy  :wink:

    as germany i wipe out all of the british fleet surrounding the uk.

    OK got that

    so there is no destroyer to attack with

    Sure there is, take the one along with the carrier of Gibraltar  :roll:

    and the three or four time i played germany the battleship never got hit

    Lucky you  :-D
    But defenders got 2x 50% chances, so one hit would be average.

    this means you have three fighters, a tactical bomber and a carrier to attack a german fleet consisting of destroyer, cruiser, battleship.

    add the destroyer

    maybe a german carrier is a good choice.

    and erase maybe  :-)

    but one fact is clear, you can only attack one navy! not both. repelling a german sealion or doing taranto raid? what would you do?

    If you threat Sea Lion (with your original builds) on G1,
    I would surely wipe out the german fleet.

    leaving taranto raid means giving the italian everything he wants to have. two transports, a battleship etc. no difficult buys, just troops…which means an easier access to africa an helping germany out in russia as well.

    With no Taranto Raid the Italian will become strong, but never strong enough to hold of the US (if it goes KIF), I think if germany is “weak” (because complete G1 buy is lost) Italy can´t win the Game for the Axis.

    i say, minimum two planes, a carrier damaged with no option of salvation… evil giving the german time to recover…italy strong in the med etc. i think you get it…

    I would rather sacrifice the carrier and save the planes, the carrier would only be prey for the luftwaffe or (remaining) subs.

    okay. then lets assume this: G1 buy is a carrier and two transports. G2 fleet moves to seazone 127 (this means that the british attack got repelled nor never occured). so it is obvious that the german fleet has to return to seazone 112. so i would buy 2 subs instead of one as germany in G2. maybe in G3 as well

    Ok lets say UK got frightend and UK1 build only Inf,
    gathering fleet at Sz91 (gibraltar) or sz106 (canda), move the cursier from 85 on its way north (gibraltar at best at UK2). This move I make everytime by the way, so no special to counter your operation sea bear  :-D
    So on G2 I see that you move to 127, so I move my fleet to 109 and build 3-4 subs,
    so 1 carrier + 2 Destroyer (1 form canada) 3 subs , 3 fighters , 1 tactical and maybe the cruiser if moved to gibralter on UK2 and survied until UK3.
    So 1x0 , 5x2 , 3-4x3 , 1x4 (11-12Hits)

    This against 1 Cruiser 1 Battleship 1 carrier 2 Fighters and 2-4 subs
    2-4x1 1x2 , 1x3 , 3x4 (with 9-11 Hits)
    Destroyer for defend (and against sub build on UK2) would be better choice.

    But anyway I admit that would be hard (because the subs soak hits)for UK,
    so better attack on UK1 I think. But if you move again to sz127 on G4 and have to return to sz127 on G5 than its over b/c of the US.
    Or your fleet stays in 127 (where it is of little use).

  • ok,

    sorry for my delay, but work troubled my a long time.

    well, here is a report. i tried this “finland-swing”-strategy, but with some little changes due to some hard fights which occured in the mediterranian.

    i bought the carrier and two transports in G1. france fell, but not normandy. left it for G2 (i had to take it with tanks) :|. two troops to norway as usual. italy suffered hard times, because the brits sank the italian fleet in the tyrrhenian sea without any hits from the italian side. really bad dice, i tell ya!  8-) the I1 counterattack went horribly bad, too, leaving the whole british fleet intact!!! :|

    so, as germany, i had to attack the combined british-french fleet with my planes, gaining only two hits, loosing two fighters!  :-o but the “finland-swing” continued to be active in an other way, going through the baltic, landing six troops in finland then. actually this second turn was a real loss in time, which was countered later by a big mistake of the american player who overlooked my subs in the atlantic and build transports without protection in USA4.  :-D (actually, i do not know why he did not see them! harr harr harr) :-D

    okay. G3 due to the “med-mission” i had to delay my attack on novgorod one turn to G4 giving the planes time to return to attack positions. the fleet returned from sea zone 115 to 112, landing six troops in norway, getting additional company by three submarines. the brits invested considreably in southern africa, italy could recover slightly gaining 30+ from I3 on. italy build two subs and infantry during the first three rounds.

    interesting was, that the british player thought i would go doing “sea-lion”. so he build infantry only in UK1. the bluff worked really well. then i surprised him in buying the naval base in finland in G2 . he could not get any clue! :-D even when i landed the first reinforcements in finland. But that “sea-lion” got abbandoned has been made obvious by this move for everybody.

    the russian player bought every round six infantry, one artillery, one tank. most reinforcements went to novgorod. 8-)

    okay G4 attack: karelia, vyborg, eastern poland and bessarabia taken with really small losses, russian fleet sunk with planes and subs. actually no problem occured. additionally in the north i landed in archangelsk with two infantry, one artillery and one tank, in nenetsia with two infantry. that i was preparing “barbarossa” has been obvious of course, but not in this version. result: strong northern german positions. the baltic states have not been forgotten. there went the bulk of german troops (i think there had been 10 infantry, two artillery, four or five tanks).  :-)

    russia filled up novgorod with the common stack, did not retreat from there, did counterattack my army in the baltic states. one tank left! retreat to novgorod. the biggest mistake the russian player made, because i had positioned four or five (i do not remember well, actually) more tanks for an attack on novgorod in poland.

    italy filled up romania with six infantry, one artillery and two tanks, helping germany out in the south. got attacked by russia, too. the tanks survived showing that this italian support has been absolutely necessary to this “finland-swing”. :wink:

    G5: attack on novgorod. i had with me 19 infantry, three artillery, seven tanks, three tactical bombers, one fighter, one strategic bomber, supporting shots from my battleship and cruiser contra some 20+ russian infantry, two artillery, two tanks, two fighters and one tactical bomber. :evil:

    both supporting shots hit! but the aa-gun as well hit two times! but the german army messed up the russian one, loosing only 17 infantry in that battle! we rolled dice during four or five rounds sake of bad dice for me (average of five hits only the first three turns! :-o). but it worked out well in the end! afterwards there was lot of room open to conquer and only infantry in the way, because the russian playerd bought mostly infantry only.
    this way i gained 60+ ipcs with no threat to loose novgorod the next two or three turns.  :roll:

    usa slept (subs hitting transports in USA5), could not decide whether to beat italy to the grounds or helping the UK building up a considerable fleet.

    okay. that is it for today, but i can post more facts if this is wished.

    rock on! :mrgreen:

  • no one? :cry: :-D

  • mmmm… USA needs to wake up, that is for sure :)

  • yeah!  :-D

    but this happened accidently due to playing late at night… 8-)

  • ahh, fatigue tactics!  :-D

  • yes! war of atrition… :evil: :-D

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