China how long does it stay around in your games?

  • So, the topic speaks for its self. How long does China last in your games.

    In the 2 Global games I played so far China has thrived, and is almost impossible to stomp out.

    In one game China pushed Japan almost off of the mainland!!

  • It depends on how much priority the Japanese player gives to killing you off.  My favorite move as China is to fall back and mass a stack of inf in the NW corner of your territory where I have it sit and wait until I can bring over a Russian AA gun from Stalingrad.  Once the Japanese player moves towards India or Russia I begin the great Chinese counterattack.  With the AA gun threatening any sort of plane-heavy Jap attack you can make some serious headway and I’ve gotten as far as taking Manchuria and a couple other Japanese territories before the end came.  Of course, doing this several games has now given Japan more incentive to kill China off early and there has been games where China’s pretty much dead by turn 4.

  • How do you do that as Japan and still take all the Islands needed, and put pressure on India?

    Japan gets spread too thin in our games and does not have enough infantry to take out China. Especially with dealing with Russia slowing you down a trun.

  • China is tough. I think that the next time I play Japan, my J1 build is going to be two minor IC’s. I think two minors is better for Japan than one major, its cheaper, you probably can’t afford 10 units in one place, and it has the advantage of giving you two different locations to produce from making you more flexible, also if one falls its not as bad, your eggs aren’t all in one basket.

    I think you have to do this J1, or its too late, its the only and fastest way to deal with China, and you build 6 Mech inf there every turn to take territories, and you planes to kill units. The mech cost the same as the initial cost of the two factories. Then you can focus the rest on the Pacific.

    My question (which is technically OT) is what turn should Japan declare war on the UK/ANZAC/US?

  • China is easy to neuter, difficult to eliminate.

    Turn 5 in our current game has china going down to 2 territories

    I think india is a more worthy target leaving china stuck for endgame.

    If russia gets strong then ugh.

  • In our games Russia has been sending the 2 Novobirsk inf into China every turn. This really makes China a serious issue for the Japanese who have a hard enough time with them in P40. India is actually not as scary because they often send planes to help egypt, and you can take their IPC base and sub their convoys and bomb their IC, so they can be slowed down to a crawl if the USA isn’t dumping 80IPC’s on the japanese mainland.

  • @ZehKaiser:

    In our games Russia has been sending the 2 Novobirsk inf into China every turn. This really makes China a serious issue for the Japanese who have a hard enough time with them in P40. India is actually not as scary because they often send planes to help egypt, and you can take their IPC base and sub their convoys and bomb their IC, so they can be slowed down to a crawl if the USA isn’t dumping 80IPC’s on the japanese mainland.

    Which 2 Novo inf (considering you are talking about Global)? In the Global game, Russia no can has 2 inf per turn in Novo.

  • In our games China usually makes it to the 3rd or 4th rounds before being all but done. All you really need form China is to bogg Japan down in southwest China trying to take and hold Yunan. If, at the end of turn 2 Yunnan is still under Chinese control, they have done their Job. This means Japan has to, and will, re-take it on their 3rd turn, and wont have a tt close enough to India send their huge stacks of Tacs and fighters and land them safely. This gives India crucial breathing space, and if Japan takes it back turn 3, British India can take it back on their turn, and be re-inforced by the Chinese before Japan can respond.

  • '10

    I think one of the problems is that once you start war with Russia… they start helping CHINA.  it’s a trade off.

  • The real problem is that Russsia starts the war with you by taking Korea. That forces Japan to tackle both China and Russia, or risk losing its foothold on the mainland.

    It is a balancing act that is hard to master. Japan can not spread itself too thin in China, but it needs to if it wants to carry out the war in other areas at the same time.

    China can be a royal pain, especially if the Burma road remains open.

  • A clever Russian player would allow a few Chinese territories to die off before they help and liberate them i.e. now they have controll of them as I thought Chinese territories don’t get liberated unless recaptured by China please correct me if im wrong and then the Soviets help China while gaining Ipcs from territories China lost making it best of both worlds for them.

    Extra IPC plus having two communist forces attacking Japan

  • in our first global game china was almost eliminated (2 territories left) but by the end they were an unstoppable force. in the third game thay were all gone by round four.

  • Customizer


    A clever Russian player would allow a few Chinese territories to die off before they help and liberate them i.e. now they have controll of them as I thought Chinese territories don’t get liberated unless recaptured by China please correct me if im wrong and then the Soviets help China while gaining Ipcs from territories China lost making it best of both worlds for them.

    Extra IPC plus having two communist forces attacking Japan

    Chinese territories are like any other Allied territories.  If an allied player (eg. Russia) takes it back from Japan, the control and IPC income of that territory go back to China.  This is also the case for all the Chinese coastal territories held by Japan at the start of the game.  Any territory with the Chinese Nationalist symbol is considered originally Chinese and the IPC value of those territories goes to China.  There are only two Japanese territories on the mainland that can be captured and controlled by Allied powers other than China:  Korea and Siam.

  • @knp7765:


    A clever Russian player would allow a few Chinese territories to die off before they help and liberate them i.e. now they have controll of them as I thought Chinese territories don’t get liberated unless recaptured by China please correct me if im wrong and then the Soviets help China while gaining Ipcs from territories China lost making it best of both worlds for them.

    Extra IPC plus having two communist forces attacking Japan

    Chinese territories are like any other Allied territories.  If an allied player (eg. Russia) takes it back from Japan, the control and IPC income of that territory go back to China.  This is also the case for all the Chinese coastal territories held by Japan at the start of the game.  Any territory with the Chinese Nationalist symbol is considered originally Chinese and the IPC value of those territories goes to China.  There are only two Japanese territories on the mainland that can be captured and controlled by Allied powers other than China:  Korea and Siam.

    Notably, those are also the only orange territories China can’t take

  • Why not ignore China all together?  Basically give them the few terriotories that they can conquor/Enter and Smash the U.K. right away.

    I know there are a couple of important victory cities lurking on the Chinese mainland but you can always come back to them.

  • The only problem with ignoring them all together is that they can begin to earn alot of money. 12 IPC’s+6 for the Burma road each turn. And that is before they take any other territiory.

    If you let China buld 6 inf a turn for several turns, those units add up.

  • The chinamen can now park at Burma, so ignoring them a even worst idea than in later games

  • @13thguardsriflediv:

    Which 2 Novo inf (considering you are talking about Global)? In the Global game, Russia no can has 2 inf per turn in Novo.

    Really? I know its a blurb in the Europe section of the RB, not in the Global. But its not a Euro only NO or a Global only NO, so I assumed that global was all of the euro rules and all the pacific rules, with a few added pieces, and the only difference was that you replaced the two sets of NO’s with the Global NO list. That means that you include rules like the Novo inf and Japanese Kamakazi tokens and the like.

  • @ZehKaiser:


    Which 2 Novo inf (considering you are talking about Global)? In the Global game, Russia no can has 2 inf per turn in Novo.

    Really? I know its a blurb in the Europe section of the RB, not in the Global. But its not a Euro only NO or a Global only NO, so I assumed that global was all of the euro rules and all the pacific rules, with a few added pieces, and the only difference was that you replaced the two sets of NO’s with the Global NO list. That means that you include rules like the Novo inf and Japanese Kamakazi tokens and the like.

    To my understanding the NO in Europe that gives 2 inf to Russia in Novosibrisk while there are at war does not applie in Global.  Those infantry in E40 represent infantry returning from the east.  In Global those are the 18 infantry and the russian player returns them if they will.  I dont have the rule book with me now so I cant look it up but I believe that Krieghund made this ruling else where in these forums.  Does anyone remember where that ruling is?

  • Yes it was determined that the global political situation and NO’s replace that of the E40 (and P40) game. The 2nd paragraph on page #33 of the Global Rules “Political Situations, Nation Objectives, and Bonus Income” spells it out quite clearly. So no you don’t get the 2 free Russia inf in global, they represent the Siberian forces returning to home only in the E40 game as Bruda said.

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