Global 1940 Cold War goes Hot Scenario

  • @Gargantua:

    You could have a side game that dictate nuclear threat level. You know, have a threshold set at so many points, and if you reach it each side destroys the other, and you BOTH lose.

    it could kind of represent the people within each country who were working against, but for each other, to prevent nuclear devestation.  Kind of like the cooperative LOTR game, that no one ever wins lol.

    You could sabotage or destroy enemy missle silos, and launch facilities, have commanders defect,  use foriegn aid concepts and other stuff, etc etc etc, to avoid outright cross nuclear devestation.

    Or something lol I dunno.  That might be a whole other game.

    Interesting ideas. :)

    Below are the Basic concepts I have for techs. When you roll a tech you then roll to see which tech tree you make an advance in and then you move up to the next tech in that particular tree. So you couldn’t research h-bombs before you develop fission bombs. Suggestions about how these concepts should work in-game are most welcome. :)

    Land Tree
    1 Heavy Tanks
    2 Rocket artillery
    3  Self propelled artillery
    4 Tank Destroyers
    5 improved mechanized infantry
    6 Main Battle Tanks

    Air Tree
    1 Paratroopers
    2 Long range Aircraft
    3 Jet Fighters
    4 Heavy Bombers
    5 Attack Helicopters
    6 Air to Surface Missile

    Naval Tree
    1 Marines
    2 Sonar
    3 Super Heavy Battleships
    4  Long Range Submarines
    5  Super Carriers
    6 Nuclear powered Navy

    Industrial Tree
    1 Improved Factory Production
    2 Aircraft Assembly Lines
    3 Improved Shipyards
    4 Underground factories
    5 Plastics
    6 Advanced Factory Production

    Secret Weapons Tree
    1  Radar
    2 Electromechanical computers
    3 Rockets
    4 Surface to Air Missiles
    5 Transistor based Computers
    6 ICBMS

    Nuclear Tree
    1 Atomic Research Facilities
    2 Isotope Separation Techniques
    3 Experimental Reactor
    4 Fission Bomb
    5 Hydrogen Bomb
    6 Tsar Bomb

  • will these be for the current scenario or the much anticipated 1960’s scenario?

  • Both. :)

  • nice!  do you have any idea how these would work/ or what they do? and sorry for being a annoyance about this but any idea when the 1960s scenario will come out??? we really want to play it

  • -edit most of the techs I have an idea of what they should do, but I’m struggling with how to do the nuke stuff exactly.
    We’re getting there. Once I finalize the tech effects I’ll playtest it.

  • just ask if you need help play testing it. my group is glad to help

  • I agree with poloplayer on the 1960 scenario. Can’t wait  :-D

  • I’m going to post some of my tech ideas and see how you guys feel about them. Remember that this is a linear tree, so you’d have to get all previous techs before getting main battle tanks.

    Land Techs

    1 Heavy Tanks - tanks attack and defend at 4 during the first cycle of combat
    2 Rocket artillery - artillery attacks and defends at a 3 during the first cycle of combat
    3 Self propelled artillery - artillery has a move of 2, may support the attack of tanks, and may blitz when paired with an equal number of tanks.
    4 Tank Destroyers- artillery may target enemy tanks during any (or every) cycle of combat. When targeting enemy tanks artillery’s attack and defense value drops to 1, but the enemy must choose to loose armor for every successful hit rolled. 
    5 Improved mechanized infantry - Mechanized infantry now attacks at a 2 and may blitz without being attached to tanks.
    6 Main Battle Tanks - tanks attack and defend at 4 during every cycle of combat and have a move of 3.

  • Air Techs

    1 Paratroopers - as vanilla Global 1940
    2 Long range Aircraft - as vanilla Global 1940
    3 Jet Fighters- as vanilla Global 1940
    4 Heavy Bombers- as vanilla Global 1940
    5 Attack Helicopters- infantry attack and defend at 3 during the first cycle of combat.
    6 Air to Surface Missile- Tacs attack at 4

  • Naval Tree
    1 Marines - infantry attack at 3 or less during the first cycle of an amphibious assault. they may not be supported by artillery during this cycle.
    2 Sonar- Battleships and Cruisers now have the same anti submarine warfare traits as destroyers.
    3 Super Heavy Battleships - Battleships attack, defend, and bombard at 5.
    4  Long Range Submarines- Subs now have a move of 3
    5  Super Carriers - Carriers may now carry twice as many planes as normal
    6 Nuclear powered Navy - all naval units have a move of 3, subs now have a move of 4

  • I suggest making Anti Tanks artillery hit on a 2 since you HAVE to have rocket artillery.

  • Industrial Tree

    1 Improved Factory Production - as vanilla
    2 Aircraft Assembly Lines
    New Unit prices are as follows:
    Strategic Bomber 10 ipcs
    Tactical Bomber 9ipcs
    Fighter 8ipcs

    3 Improved Shipyards
    New Unit prices are as follows:
    Battleship 17ipcs
    Aircraft Carrier 13ipcs
    Cruiser 10ipcs
    Destroyer 7ipcs
    Transport 6ipcs
    Submarine 5ipcs

    4 Underground factories - halve (rounding up) the damage done to any of your factories during a strategic bombing raid.
    5 Plastics - gain 2d6 worth of additional ipcs at the end of every turn.
    6 Advanced Factory Production - major ICs may now be built on territories worth at least 2 ipcs, minors may be built on any territory including islands and zero ipc territories

  • Secret Weapons Tree
    1  Radar- scrambling fighters defend at 5
    2 Electromechanical computers - tech rolls of 5 or 6 result in a research breakthrough
    3 Rockets - as vanilla
    4 Surface to Air Missiles - aa guns defend at a 3 or less
    5 Transistor based Computers - tech rolls of 4, 5, or 6 result in a research breakthrough
    6 ICBMS- Like rockets except that AA guns can now attack a complex up to 9 spaces away. Additionally, nukes may be launched from AA guns at territories up to 9 spaces away.

  • @Pvt.Ryan:

    I suggest making Anti Tanks artillery hit on a 2 since you HAVE to have rocket artillery.

    Interesting point. Keep in mind the tank hunting mode is optional.
    Maybe I should revise it so that tank and artillery hits must be placed on enemy tanks first during the first cycle of combat.

  • I like it  :-)

  • nice. but do you get it the same way as in global? rolling dice or some other secret way?!?!?! :-o

  • polo- same. If you get a breakthrough you roll to see which chart you gain a tech in (rather than choosing the chart). I think you should be allowed to get multiple breakthroughs in a turn but a max of +1 level per chart per turn. So it’d take 4 turns to get the first abomb. Of course, different powers would start with different techs. So in 46 the USA would start with a Nuclear Tech Tree level of 4, but the USSR would only have a 2 or 3 in the Nuclear tech Tree.

    For the nuclear tree the first few techs will probably have no effect besides moving you closer to Abombs.

    What should the effects of the various types of a-bombs be? I think all should be deliverable by strategic bombers or ICBMS. Should they have tactical or strategic effects or both? Should you be able to stockpile bombs? How much should they cost?

    Nuclear Tree
    1 Atomic Research Facilities - no effect
    2 Isotope Separation Techniques - no effect
    3 Experimental Reactor - no effect
    4 Fission Bomb
    5 Hydrogen Bomb
    6 Tsar Bomb

  • Put them at 15-20 IPCs each. They should have tactical and strategic effects. Yes you canstockpile though it coasts 5 IPCs per turn (lots of safety and protction hazards) both bombers and ICBMs. But make it tougher for bombers like they can get shot down by AA guns still and intercepted.

  • Here are some of my ideas about the 1960 scenario

    The sides would be
    1 USA
    2 USSR
    3 NATO (Capital in London instead of historical Brussels so it can fight on if mainland Europe falls)
    4 WARSAW
    5 SEATO
    6 Non aligned Movement (capital in India)
    7 PRC
    8 Commie Rebels (nationalist Chinese Pieces)

    Basically, the nonaligned movement and the PRC would be neutral powers. The game would have an individual winner based on which country had the most of their national objectives fulfilled. Both of the free agent powers would have national objectives that would put them at odds with the US or USSR’s blocs. For instance, China would have national objectives for taking Taiwan from the allies and for taking Mongolia from the Soviets. They would be free to declare war on whoever they chose though they could also be attacked by one of the two main power blocs.

    I think I’d allow the USSR/WARSAW Pact and the communist Chinese to support communist rebel movements in the recently decolonized territories of the world. These units (infantry only) would lay dormant in the territory until their masters decided to launch a general uprising at which point they would attack any units there and, if successful, would seize the territory for their sponsor. Non communist forces could target these rebels prior to that but any that survive the first cycle of combat would escape back into the countryside. The PRC and the USSR should be able to sponsor rebel movements in the same territory if they are feeling competitive.

  • set up please! now you’re just teasing me with all the rules you’ve posted!

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