There were no changes to the treatment of neutrals in general, but the Soviet-Mongolian Defense Pact was added in the 2nd Edition.
Bob_A_Mickelson's AAG40 National Production/Objectives and Setup Charts
Political Situation Global:
Not at war with anyone
If not at war with japan, it cannot sent troops into chinese territor’s
If not at war with italy/germany, it may not move ships into seazones adjacent to africa or europe (incl britain/scotland)
If US has been declared upon or if japan attacks uk/anzac, US can declare on any or all axis powers at the beginning of the collect income phase or US can declare war on any axis power at the start of round 4 (whichever comes first)The U.S. can’t take the Dutch colonies until they were conquered by the Japanese.
thx i have edited it.
Below is a screenshot of my finished AAG40 National Production, Objective, and Weapons Development Chart. It measures 16.92"x9.6". As always if anyone notices any errors please let me know so I can make the necessary changes.
[Chart has been updated. See first thread entry.]
Looks great !
Are you going to make a NO chart for Europe only?
yes. After all global charts are complete.
Kewl :-D
Bob, Could you change the German/land unit in Egypt NO to 3ipc instead of 5ipc?
Thanks for everything Bob. I was wondering if you’re going to do setup charts in the grid format? I believe you did that for AAP40.
Are the setup cards the same size as the storage boxes(so I can tape them on?)
Bob, Could you change the German/land unit in Egypt NO to 3ipc instead of 5ipc?
Now having the game and checking, it seems to be the only mistake, then we can print it off and use. :-)
Bob, Could you change the German/land unit in Egypt NO to 3ipc instead of 5ipc?
Now having the game and checking, it seems to be the only mistake, then we can print it off and use. :-)
UPDATE: 8/26/2010
Fixed.[National Production/National Objective/Weapon’s Development Chart has been updated. See first thread entry.]
P.S. I am well on my way to getting the Global Diplomatic/Setup charts finished, but am still waiting for my preordered AAE40 to show up. UPS says no earlier than Monday. -
Thank you, Bob.
These charts help a lot.
Any chance that the Task Force cards and markers will be made like you did for AAP40?
Awesome job! These really help out, thanks for putting them together.
Do you have one that shows the new unit combonation benefits?
How do I print the setup cars so that they’re the same size as the box?
Which box, the pieces boxes or the whole storage box?