theres 3 of us that i no. surprize attack, drop it twice. and me kabloom. we all play in central new york (morrisville) we allso have 3 other people that play with us but they dont play on line
Axis and allies minis, no map
Does anyone know if there are any rules out there on playing AA minis (land version) with out the maps? I want to try playing with a more realistic 3D map and have free movement.
Thanks -
Yeah actually i only use maps if im doing a 1v1 skirmish, i usually play with out maps, we use a tape measure and for land you go 2 inches= one hex and you measure from the barrel of the gun, in WAS 3 inches = 1 hex and you measure from the closest main gun… hopefully that helped you out
If you want a map, on trollandtoad they have random maps for $3.50 apiece, I’m no0t completely sure if you’re asking this because you don’t have a map or just want to play without one……