Gamerman, you make an excellent point about positional value of a piece. The Unitied States trading infantry with Japan in Persia when Japan builds them in say French indo-china or worse India is a tougher sell when you think that Infantry’s journey entailed. First the huge fleet investment to get him across the Atlantic, but lets start. Build on US1, US2 to Gbr, US3 algeria if you are lucky, US4, US5, US6 finally in Trans-jordan. Round 7, killed in a 1 for 1 trade with Japan. Much better to use that infantry to attrit against germany, or at least newly built units, those advance units whose journey was long and arduous should be conserved and put into advanced positions for use in a more tactical situation or to generate additional options. You ever notice how just 1-2 units combined with some airpower can open up all kinds of doors for your allies to exploit like taking over a frontline territory to be used as a landing base for maurading allied air-units?