I am not sure how, or if, it could be done, but I would like to see some game that has multiple possibilities for victory… a number of different objective to reach. I guess what I am looking for is a game that allows even more choice and possibility than we have seen in Axis and Allies games. A game that generates many different strategies, senarios and ways to accomplish your objective. This would hopefully lead to each time playing it being a very interesting experience; something that does not have the same old strategies used as the “right way to victory”. I want to see a balanced game that truly allows for the glory of one’s own strategy, and not one’s intial placement on the board determining the outcome of the game (like Pacific 40).
Having multiple avenues to victory, and by that I do not necessarily mean multiple, different, victory conditions… although that could be the case. I just want something that is diverse in its possibilities, a game that is not stuck in a rut of “this is what happens every game”… a game where you can do something your opponent might not expect or see.
I don’t know… this might be difficult or impossible to achieve with a historical game, because certain things are known and must be present, like victory conditions or units or whatever. But it is worth exploring. It is not that I think Axis and Allies, as a game, is broken, in the sense that you can only do certain things… because I still think it is a fun and exciting brand. However, I would like to see its scope of decision making increased somehow. I don’t know if the lack in this quality is due to starting turn placements or what, but i think the ability to “think outside the box” when you play could be improved upon. The type of game I would advocate for would be one of the battle-level games, or even a larger ‘Operation’ game, because I don’t believe Global-level games could be fashioned very well in the form I have been describing.
Maybe that is why I like the idea of a Stalingrad game; it can be as big as you want (board/map size), while it involves a limited (cityscape and surrounding) area, you could still make it a ‘big’ game. I do not mean that bigger is always better, but bigger generally allows more room for choice. There would be multiple objectives (factories, airfield?, bridges, both sides of the river…), multiple routes to these objectives and perhaps multiple ways to achieve them. No two times playing it have to be exactly alike. The only downside to such a game might be the aspect of a D-Day esque reinforcement pool, since the forces involved were of known quantity. But even that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, if it is done in a balanced manner.