@krieghund Thanks krieghund…
UK faction card
Hello A&A fans. I wanted to play a game for the first time in a long time with my friends this evening, but I seem to be missing my UK faction card. If somebody could post the information found on the Spring 1942 UK faction card, I’d be grateful.
I assume by faction card you mean their starting units?
2 inf, art, tank, 2 fig, bom
ECan tank
WCan inf
Egypt inf, tank, fig
SAfr inf
T-J inf
Persia inf
India 3 inf, aa gun
Aus 3 inf
NZ infz2 battleship, transport
z1 transport
z40 sub, transport
z35 transport, cruiser, carrier, fighter
z13 cruiser
z15 destroyerI believe that’s everything. Just off the top of my head so it’s possible I forgot to list a territory. They start with 30 IPC’s.
Thanks, Fleetwood Dan, for your help. But if you have a copy of the game, do you think you could drag it out and cross-reference your post with what’s in the reference chart? (I just realized that’s what they’re called on the cards themselves…)
If you don’t have it, or don’t feel the inclination to pull it out, I will understand, and simply copy down this info instead.
Also, I have absolutely no idea what T-J or the zone numbers refer to. I’m guessing the latter are segments of the oceans where Britain’s fleet is stationed, but what those would refer to, I’m clueless.
Oh, sorry about the abbreviations. That’s from too much online play. T-J is Trans-Jordan. I actually don’t have a hard copy of the game but I just checked with the TripleA map and the listing I gave you is correct except I forgot to mention the aa gun in the UK but you probably inferred that. Aren’t the seazones numbered on the board like they are in Revised? The zone numbers are as follows.
z2 = Northwest of UK
z1 = Labrador seazone, North of Eastern Canada
z35 = India seazone
z40 = Southwest corner of Australia
z13 = West Med seazone
z15 = East Med seazoneHope that helps.
I thought I’d scan it for you:
Does anyone have the russian faction card
Scanned that one too: