No, the war in my mind, should had not been fought, or been fought with total victory in mind.
No, the war in my mind, should had not been fought, or been fought with total victory in mind.
Succint and to the point.
1. SHOULDN’T have been fought.
2. If fought, should’ve been fought to WIN!––This, and many other examples just as bad are exactly why the word POLITICS has such a negative connotation today.
“Tall Paul”
Why listen to hippies? ALL OUT WAR! Shouldve invaded North Vietnam. Asked support from NATO. Couldve ended a lot sooner if it wasnt for those hippies!
I’m not sure how NATO could have been involved. It would require a NATO country to be attacked directly. I think the only time NATO was actually called into action was for 9/11. Blame the French for Vietnam, it’s easier that way!