The ideal game I think is 2 vs 2. When we play AA50, we would choose sides, then powers.
Player 1 Germany/Italy
Player 2 Japan
Player 3 Russia
Player 4 US
We would then split the UK to theaters, or share them every other turn. At times the UK would be assigned to one person, and the US was split/shared. Seemed to work, and gives the Russian player a little sea action.
In the global 40 game I think there may be suggestions oob, but I think that will be left to the players, as it should.
I would think that 4 players (2 vs 2) or 5 players (2 axis vs 3 allies) would be awesome. You really need a partner to talk things out, or make sure your not missing something. This will be a very intense game and simple mistakes will be costly. 4-5 players should keep everyone’s interest as well. If Italy is more of a major power this time then a sixth would be ok, but even that is stretching it IMO w/down time.
For the axis its obvious, one gets Euro axis (G & I), one gets Japan. Although I think Japan and Italy may find them selves working together more in Mid East, Africa, and Indian Ocean then before.
The allies could be split into theaters as well. The UK already has a split income between both theaters, and China/Anz are on the Pac side, France would just be tossed in w/Euro side. It would be more life like to have the US split in two as well, and see the two US players negotiate a strat.
With that said it will be tough to get 2 players to play just the Pac side once Europe comes out. Everyone will want a hand on the Euro side. Maybe a theater split would be better played later once the dust settles.
I will try to put together a 5 player game for our first global 40 game:
Axis - G & I / Japan
Allies - Russia & China / US & Anz / UK, France & India
(might allow US player to control France 1st two rounds, then turn over to UK, so US has something to do)
This way at least all three allies are involved in both sides, and one person in my group doesn’t like sea battles to much. I also think Russia has a good chance at keeping China in the game a little longer, while the US & Anz will need cooperation just like in the war. Whats left of the French fleet will end up merging w/UK fleet, and the same will go for French units in Africa. India will give the UK player a little flavor in the Pac side as well, although it will be an A$$ Whipping.
If we only get 2 allied players I think it would be:
Allies - Russia, China, India & France / US, UK, & Anz, (maybe get France after round #2 is complete)
As I said one person doesn’t like sea battles much, and he will be able to control the continental minors around him. (France may start w/Russia player then be given to UK player rd #3 to control)