• If you’re playing an inexperienced player, you can do just about anything and still pull off a victory. The only reason to take Karelia from them, is to teach them a lesson

  • I’ll never forget that first time I got owned in 3 turns…you understand playing Russia is all about some waiting…and more waiting…and troop buying…

  • :D I really appreciate everybody’s impute on my article and I intend to answer all you guys. I may not be able to for a week or so because I’m in the middle of a move, and it’s taking most of my time and energy. I just don’t want to seem rude by leaving you all hanging. So, I give my word as a dedicated A&A player I will write you all back as soon as possible.



  • I believe a strafe on KAR or UKR(depending on opponent’s set up is best.)
    Include a noncombat movement to strengthen EEU.
    Include a build of mostly INF for the first two turns to have fodder for the coming battle.

    The GER air and sea power must clear the sea zones of UK forces on the first turn. This precludes a take KAR first turn move.

  • I would say never strafe Karelia. In a RR game the Russians should have 18-19inf 3arm and 1-2 ftrs which should make any strafe uneffective as it would require the Germans to largely ignore the Uk fleet while enduring AA gun shots which depending on how effective/ineffective they are would decide if the strafe is even remotely effective. If you have such limited experience in playing the game that you need to play Yahtzee on G1 then I’d say you are better of getting waxed because you will most certainly learn many lessons in the process.

    As for non RR games with a +21 bid…if the bid is mostly in Europe then a counterattack on Karelia may not be such a bad idea depending on how well placed your bid is. However, most of the times it is not, and again by the time you learn when it is you won’t need to so there it is.

  • Well, it all depends on your opinion ,but sooner or latter Russia will try to threaten Berlin by taking EEU. Now, by threatening Karelia you can put Russia in defense mode. Even if it goes bad for you in Karelia it stalls Russia a turn and Germany can out produce Russia hands down on infantry production on round 2. You do need to remember not to neglect Africa or the Atlantic fronts.

    " I shall return" - Gen. McAuther

  • Russia threatening Berlin? Not until Berlin is already threatened from WEu. If there’s no pressure in WEu or at least Spain, it will be Germany threatening Moscow in Kar or Cau with Japan in Nov.

  • Yeah exactly until the Allies have landed in Spain/WEuro the Germans shouldn’t have to worry about Russia threatening Berlin unless you are doing something wrong. Even in RR w/o a bid it should take the Russians several turns before they can afford to take and hold EEuro.

  • I agree Desert Foxx, Germany should be threatening Moscow through Karelia and not through Caucasus. The reason being Russia can attack you from Karelia to EEU and isolate the Ukraine on the first turn. Basically it’s who can hit close to the others capital first and that where the major battles between Russia and Germany will take place for several turns.

    “I have returned”-Gen. McAuther

  • I don’t usually play players that you can attack or strafe KAR on G1 though. Some players like to do the strafe move(this can include ground troops in A&A and still be called a strafe) and pull the ARM out of FIN/NOR so they don’t get chewed up by USSR.

  • 2007 AAR League

    My friends and I have always played with the house rule that as soon as you purchase units you can place them on the board immediately and can use them the same turn. You guys probably think that’s stupid, but we all like it, gives the Axis a better chance I think. Germany can buy 6 tanks G1 and then go right after Karelia. However, don’t think the Russians are out of it cause the Allies can still provide the support that Russia needs. I’ve recently discovered an American strategy that by building an industrial complex in Sinkiang the Americans can pump tanks into Moscow every turn. This is devastating to the German player and eventually the Americans and Russians can storm into Berlin, with Britain trailing not to far behind :D.

  • I realise this is way off topic, but how could an American IC last more past J3 at the longest, against overwhelming airpower. And if it did, the sacrifice of resources to hold it would cancel out any advantage or tank pressure on Germany

  • Exactly, but then again how would it ever be beneficial for Germany to strafe Karelia on G1. Obviously, those who consider this to be their best option have not played many games, or many games that lasted longer than turn 5.

  • @Desert:

    I realise this is way off topic, but how could an American IC last more past J3 at the longest, against overwhelming airpower. And if it did, the sacrifice of resources to hold it would cancel out any advantage or tank pressure on Germany

    On US1, US buys 1 IC(15 IPCs), 1 FTR(12 IPCs) and 3 INF(9 IPCs) for a total expendenture of 36 IPCs. All Units are placed on SIN. Thereafter all units of US build and placement are placed on SSI.
    Of course, the JPN player could SBR you, or worse, plan ahead and buy another BMR and roll HBs(Heavy BMRs) on tech and wipe your sas off the board. In that case, I recommend including a AA gun in your US1 future games.

    or, if you limit it to 2 units per build on the territory(SSI IPC value of 2 IPCs)…

    You cannot succeed as it quickly gives the Axis Powers an IC to capture and use in production. An additional IC in IND by UK just adds to the problem.

  • SelfBiasResistor in reference to your comment about holding W,Europe. At this point you have two inf. and two arm. ,and you can use the reenforcements in Germany to help Karelia or W,Europe. :)

  • Desert Foxx in reference to your question. I didn’t put all of my battle plan on this article, because I make it a point not to make my articles to long. Yes, your are right in that Africa shouldn’t left untended. What I do to help the Africa Campaign is to send my bomber to Egypt and take the two inf. in on the transport in S, Europe escorted by the BS. and go to Egypt. Nine times out of ten the sub in Egypt doesn’t get a hit. And I usually use two hit BS anyways. There you have it Egypt is yours. If I’m doing really well, I build a industery in Egypt to prepare for an invation of Africa and to hit Asia from another angle. :wink:

  • Ukcommander I once played a against a 30 year veteran who also put a industry on Sinkiang ,but he also placed one on India so that the USA and UK were supporting each other. I usually clean that area in three or so turns. He held me the hole game. I think that’s a neat idea of placing the units before combat. I’ll need to try that. :D

  • I think that the only way to take Karelia is if the USSR player is stupid and doesn’t attack you turn one. (Except if you play RR which my friends refuse to play.) Otherwise try to take it if it doesn’t weaken your western front too much.

    Also, what’s up with all the new desert foxes? How many books have you read about Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel and/or the Afrika Korps? I have read three!

  • This is absolutely a terrible idea and it assume the Japs are screwing around doing things they have no business doing on J1 so there is no value in such an ic. Consider that in previous posts I stated Japans early goal should be to take and hold Novo as early and as quick as possible. To this end I suggested that Japan should not spread out its forces on J1, but consolidate them by going heavy for China, and India or Sfe or both if possible while nailing the US fleet in Pearl. The idea is to have a lot of guys in China/Manchuria so that on J2 the Japs can go to Mongolia without the threat of a good Russian counter. Further because Japan is likely to attack China with 6+ infantry assuming a bid of some sort in Manch/FIC the Americans should be deterring from even building their IC in Sink as it would be undefendable anyway. However, if it were Japan could move on Mongolia ignoring India/Sink until J3 while creating a serious threat on Novo/Moscow. If Japan can take and hold Novo then they should also have Yakut and Sink anyway at which point Japan builds ICs in Yakut and Manch rolls out hoards of men or tanks and it becomes irrelevent how strong the defense in India is as Japan can and will eventually roll over it.

    The net result is Russia is down 6ipcs to Japan, the Japs still pour out 12+guys a turn, the Russians build only 7units a turn w/o SBRs. At this point if the Brits built an IC in India and the Americans one in Sink they will wish they had troops to dump into Karelia as Germany/Japan will have too much pressure on Karelia/Russia to stop an onslaught.

  • AgentSmith I didn’t think much of the strategy myself and had considered bypassing. The problem was while I was bypassing the USA and UK would have a clear shot at my IC on the coast. I’m sure there a way to beat it I just haven’t had a chance play against that person again to try anything new. 8)

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